Chapter 67 Establish rules for Jiahang, fans are school flowers?

"Poof, hahaha! Mage, this Nima is too funny, isn't it? As soon as we met, the fans took off their fans directly! "

"I'm laughing to death! This Huachen Yu wanted to imitate Su Ming, but he took his bodyguards to meet fans, can't he afford it? "

"Hahahaha! The most important thing is that the fans were actually pressed to the ground by Hua Chenyu's bodyguards, and I was laughed at at the time! "

"There really is no one who doesn't know who the celebrity with a bodyguard is trying to guard against, it's these fans who are guarded!"

"Awesome! The archmage is a fan who sees it, are you sure you are not going to catch the fans? Look at the small... The big girl pressed it! Hahaha! "

"You all misunderstood the archmage, he didn't bring bodyguards, these people were just summoned by him with the Great Summoning Technique! It's just that the spell spell is called the bouncer bouncer has a pig! "

"Hahaha! God's special summoning technique! "

"I remember that yesterday this female fan was still speaking out for Huachenyu, saying how well-behaved and gentle Huachenyu people are, hahaha,

I want to know now the shadow area of this female fan when she was pressed to the ground! "

"That's not it, I was still scolded by this female fan at the time, a man with a lower head, and now that she sees her idol, her head is really down to the ground, and the bottom is herself."

"I'm a pure passerby, this female fan looks really outrageous, but it can be seen that she really likes Huachenyu, Huachenyu is a little too unkind to fans! The last sentence is even more outrageous, what does it mean that there is no more than you, and no less than you? "

Indeed, this is very arrogant! I'm also a pure passerby, and I really don't understand what it means for these people to chase such stars.

People and celebrities don't treat fans as people at all! "

"Poof, two brothers, you must know that not all stars are the same as Su Ming,

Su Ming is really a favorite fan, there is no star shelf at all, how can he be like an archmage, a bodyguard with him? "

"That's it, by the way, what about Su Ming? Why hasn't he started broadcasting yet? "



On the hot search, there is a video about Liu Cuicui being pressed to the ground by Hua Chenyu instructed by the bodyguard.

He 06 Ran has been reprinted nearly a million times in a hurry.

The comments are even more numerous.

Even the picture of Liu Cuicui being pressed to the ground by the bodyguard was made into a moving picture and an emoji, with various funny words such as [The End of Star Chasing], [Mage's Gift], [Mage Fan-1] and so on.

The original video was also made into a ghost animal video of dozens of seconds.

Obviously, netizens are now completely crazy with laughter.

Yesterday, they were still looking forward to how Hua Chenyu would get along with fans and how Su Ming would compare.

As a result, just after they met, Hua Chenyu directly called the fans to call pigs, and asked the bodyguards to press the fans to the ground, and then the fans took off their fans on the spot, and then... There is no then.

This wave of gods operated down.

It's really for netizens to show the numbness.

What about making a comedy?

At the same time, the planners of many entertainment companies in the industry are also paying attention to the live broadcast of Huachen Yu to meet fans, and now they are laughing stupidly.

At first, they also decided that Huachenyu's operation of pumping fans was used to hype up marketing.

But in retrospect, it doesn't seem to be the case.

How can there be such marketing?

This can't blow up your own fans?

And that's exactly what happened.

As Liu Cuicui was pressed to the ground by Hua Chenyu's bodyguard, Hua Chenyu's microwave directly began to drop powder in a large area.

Even many of the major fan groups have begun to drop out.

"What a mislook! What the hell have I been fanning for so many years? "

"Damn! Sisters, I really didn't expect that we would collapse and never chase stars again! "

"That's it! said that it was good to draw fans to play together, but the sisters went, and they were directly pressed to the ground by the bodyguards! In this case, it is better to be a fan of Su Ming! "

"Is Chang Chou not worthy of being a fan of Huachenyu? Then I'd better quit the group, I'll fan Su Ming, I hope he can beat the superstar tomorrow! Grass! "

"I apologize for spraying Su Ming two days ago, Huachenyu is not worthy of my maintenance at all!"


The fans' withdrawal from the group is now a surprise to the staff in charge of operating the fan base

That's too much!

It's only been a long time, and the total number of fans has dropped by almost a tenth!

And the other end.

The public relations department of Tianle Entertainment Company is already busy.

Hua Chenyu stood in place, constantly bombarded by senior leaders and agents, all of whom scolded him.


"Can't this fat pig play normally?

Also, P has lost at least fifty pounds in P, how can I recognize it at a glance? "

Hua Chenyu's head was about to scratch bald at this time.

He is very responsible for this matter, but putting the facts aside, are fans not responsible?

I don't even know her mother!

But apparently, it's too late to say anything.

It can only be seen how the public relations department handles it.

If he can do a good job in public relations and stabilize the situation, he is estimated to be able to attract fans back by relying on follow-up works and marketing.

If the PR is not good, it will be really difficult.

Maybe he has to drop a few endorsements.

Fortunately, Tianle Entertainment's public relations is not a dry meal.

first helped Hua Chenyu issue an announcement to apologize, and then stole the female fan's account to hack, so that the female fan account forgave and will continue to support Huachenyu's microwave in the future.

And the follow-up dumping Huachen language myopia is too serious, and the fan p picture is too ruthless.

Finally, he said that the follow-up Huachen Yu would personally compensate the female fans.

The whole process is done in one go, without the slightest drag.

For non-fancy fans, this PR is obviously not convincing enough.

But for those brainless fans of Huachenyu, it is very effective.

At this time, it really stabilized the basic plate of Huachenyu fans.

"Grass! It's all Su Ming's fault! "

"If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have had brain cramps to do any fan pumping activities!"

In the Tianle Entertainment Artist Lounge, Hua Chenyu, who has returned to the company, has an ugly face at the moment.

Just now in the conference room.

A bunch of leaders pointed at his nose and scolded him in front of other artist colleagues, and his face was almost lost.

And in his opinion, Su Ming is to blame for all this.

Without Su Ming, he wouldn't have done such a stupid thing!

But the uncomfortable thing is that he can't do anything to Su Ming at all!

Now the only thing he can do.

Only after the superstar of tomorrow starts broadcasting in the afternoon, Wang Quan's song will be sung to perfection, and then rush to the first place on the new song list, and get back the field of the previous scolding battle!


Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming also got up early in the morning.

However, it was not the first time to start broadcasting.

This time I went to school with the fans.

This kind of place for teaching and educating people, he doesn't want the paparazzi squatting nearby to follow, it's too loud, and it's too high-profile.

So Su Ming planned to meet Shen Xingxing and arrive at the school to start the broadcast again.

Just go to school.

The paparazzi didn't have students from inside the school, so they couldn't pass the security guard at all.

"This archmage is really good."

On the way, Su Ming also glanced at the hot search.

After seeing Hua Chenyu's operation, he couldn't help laughing.

But after laughing, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Because now this entertainment industry.

There are too many stars like Hua Chenyu who don't treat fans as people!

Hua Chenyu is just stupid, and he actually showed himself.

Those that are not revealed, you can only see all kinds of positive aspects of him on the screen. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

As for the private matter, it has to be described as miserable.

"In the future, my artists of Jiahang must not take this back road!"

Thinking of this, Su Ming couldn't help but secretly decide.

Under him, Jiahang will definitely rise, and Jiahang's artists will also have a large number of first-line top-notch artists in the future, even the actor king.

He doesn't want these artists to become famous in the future, and live like these little fresh meats now, and don't treat fans as people.

Therefore, Jiahang must set a rule for artists - not to be a star!

At the same time, it subtly implants an idea into artists - stars are a very ordinary profession, no more noble than any profession!

And it is true that celebrities are not noble at all.

In ancient times, celebrities were called actors, and their status was extremely low.

Thanks to social progress, the status between people has been slightly shortened.

I don't know when, the drama was actually replaced with the word star, which sounds high.

Anyway, at least for Su Ming himself.

He had always felt like an ordinary person.



After coming to the school gate agreed with Shen Xingxing.

Su Ming saw a girl in a school uniform, with a ponytail tied up, and a youthful body waving at him.

"Brother Su Ming, here!"

"It's coming!"

The girl has delicate facial features and fair skin, which is the kind that will be amazing at a glance when placed in the crowd.

After all, he is an art candidate, and he still has a foundation for his appearance.

As for the figure, the figure is also... Bah! Why do you pay attention to people's figures, old tanning fans!

He is still a few months away from turning eighteen!

Back to the point.

It's the same as Chi Xiaoyun and Chaoyue's sister before.

First time I met Su Ming.

Shen Xingxing's face was also flushed, very shy, and his movements seemed extremely restrained.

But fortunately, after chatting for a while, I felt that Su Ming didn't put up any star shelves, just like the big brother next door, so I relaxed.

And then.

Under the leadership of Shen Xingxing.

Su Ming successfully entered the campus.

It's Saturday.

There weren't many people in the school.

However, there are still a lot of students in the school, and obviously, most of these are dormitory students.

At this time, I looked at the teaching buildings and the slogans posted on the teaching buildings.

Su Ming suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart.

When was it.

He used to be a little flat head in a classroom

And if you're not mistaken, there should be a person in every class with the nickname Ergou, right?

Su Ming is not talented, and he was the inheritor of this nickname at the beginning.

High school, although this period is very stressful to study.

But overall, it was the most fulfilling and beautiful period of my youth.

To give Su Ming another chance to cross-time, he really wanted to travel back to high school.

Experience the burning years of sprinting for the college entrance examination again.

Meet those familiar faces.

With a deep exhalation, Su Ming couldn't help but smile.

Why don't you go to Tomorrow's Superstar this afternoon and sing a campus song?

Isn't Shen Xingxing about to graduate, why don't you have a song "The Intersection of Phoenix Blossoms" or 930 "The Days of Beijing East Road"?

It's really possible, but let's not make a decision for now.

Let's take a good look with fan Shen Xingxing first.

Of course, before shopping, it is natural to start the live broadcast first.

After all, this is a microwave that has promised the old fans, but it can't be broken.

And just as Su Ming was about to start the live broadcast, several discussions sounded from not far away.

"Isn't that the school flower of our school, Shen Xingxing? One thing to say, it's so beautiful! I like her as a girl! "

"Is that her boyfriend next to her? He looks so handsome! "

"It's really handsome, there are so many suitors in Shen Xingxing's school, and I don't know if her handsome boyfriend can withstand the pressure."

"Then who knows, there seem to be a lot of people who have a crush on Shen Xingxing playing on the basketball court, right?"

"Help! I've already finished making up a campus idol drama! "

"Be quiet, everyone is looking at you!"


These are a few girls in school uniforms, who are looking at Su Ming and Shen Xingxing from time to time and whispering, and sometimes let out a few bursts of laughter full of gossip.

For a while, Shen Xingxing's face turned red when he heard it.

What boyfriend?

Talk nonsense!

Her father Shen Teng said that you can only have a boyfriend when you go to college!

Besides, is Su Ming something she can touch?

In her opinion, only Yang Mireba's can be worthy of Su Ming.

"Xingxing, I didn't expect you to be a school girl?"

At this time, Su Ming couldn't help but look at Shen Xingxing, with a smile on his face.

"No, no, no, this school flower is what they screamed!"

"Before our school forum, there was a voting activity called campus youth photos, and my girlfriend sent my photo up, and then accidentally took the first place, and then I was called the school flower all the time."

"Actually, it's just a false name, much more beautiful than me!"

Shen Xingxing hurriedly opened his mouth to explain, and his little face shook into a rattle.

What a school flower, this name is too big, she can't afford it!

Su Ming touched his chin, remembering that when he was in high school, there were many beautiful girls in the school, but it didn't seem to say which girl was recognized as the school flower.

"Recognized school flowers", such a description seems to be only seen in those novels.

However, with Shen Xingxing's conditions, he really felt that he could afford this name.

"It's okay, don't be modest, the name of this school flower, let's take it!"

Su Ming said with a smile.

When Su Ming said this, Shen Xingxing couldn't help but feel a little shy, but of course, he was naturally very happy in his heart.

It's such a blessing to be praised by idols!

And then.

Su Ming didn't hesitate any longer, and after posting a microwave that started broadcasting, he directly started the comic live broadcast.

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