Chapter 78 is a song "Farewell", and the audience cries bitterly

With the slow sliding of Su Ming's fingertips.

The prelude to "Farewell" sounded slowly.

The melody is calm and soothing.

But with the rhythm of the strings, a touch of sadness was added to this calm.


The audience couldn't help but slowly close their eyes.

Even Qu Daddy Wang Quan couldn't help but close his eyes and began to listen carefully.

This prelude does not have any show-off ingredients, but just a few simple melodies, which outline the emotions of parting very fully, and it has a taste of simplicity.


Many people at the scene already had some sour noses.

It seems that there is a real feeling that I want to part with a friend.

And with the prelude coming to an end.

Su Ming's clear voice with a hint of hoarseness slowly sounded:

"Outside the pavilion

The side of the ancient road

The grass is green


The evening breeze blows the willow flute

Sunset Mountain Outer Mountain


With Su Ming's first paragraph sung.

A strong sense of picture is instantly striking.

Outside the long pavilion, by the ancient road, send away the best friend, and no one listens to the sound of the flute.

Looking at the familiar remnant willows and green mountains alone, until the sunset sets, my heart is full of emotion.

This is a farewell, and there is no way to see each other.

The farewell scene, under the outline of these just a few lyrics, appeared in front of everyone like a beautiful ink painting.

Between thoughts.

The audience was already in tears.

The same is true of Wang Quan in the audience, and at the same time, his heart is extremely shocked at the moment.

This lyrics... Beauty!

So beautiful!

He never thought that the lyrics could be written like this!

On the judges' bench, Lao Xue Ziqi and others were also shocked by this song at the moment, and their eyes couldn't help but redden.

"The end of the sky

Cape of the Sea

Half of the acquaintances are scattered


A pot of turbid wine is full of joy

Don't dream cold tonight


is still Su Ming's solo.

In this paragraph, it is about the worry of the best friend floating away.

The sentence "Don't dream cold tonight" is full of concern and endless thoughts.

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't hold back anymore and burst into tears.

The emotions of separation are directly filled at this moment, as if they have really lost a close friend.

"A thousand wisps of love,

A glass of wine,

The sound is out of the flute


Ask you when you will go,

Don't linger when you come


Keep singing.

Su Ming's mind already had the scene of Teacher Li, who was in the late stage of stomach cancer, stiffening up the pain and squeezing out a smile, answering questions for the students on the podium.


The sad mood made him choke up.

And this choked voice, but like the finishing touch, led to the chorus part of the students.

"Outside the pavilion

The side of the ancient road

The grass is green

The evening breeze blows the willow flute

Sunset Mountain Outer Mountain


Accompanied by the chorus of students.

The sentimental emotions suddenly exploded in full force, as if seeping into the soul, hitting the audience at the scene and in front of the screen.


The audience seemed to see the teacher Li who they had never met.

In front of the three-foot podium, a kind-looking teacher is imparting knowledge to the students.

He is funny, has no pretensions, has a very good relationship with students, and is also a teacher and friend to his classmates.

The students are very fond of this teacher.

But spring goes to autumn, and fate makes people.

A report on the late date of stomach cancer plunged the teacher into the abyss and received a death notice in advance.

And in the last period of his life, he hesitated for a long time, at a loss, and finally thought of his students.

Then he resolutely chose to continue to stand on the podium.

He decided to stand this last shift.

Put the last light you can produce on the path of these children's growth.

"The end of the sky

Cape of the Sea

Half of the acquaintances are scattered

A pot of turbid wine is full of joy

Don't dream cold tonight

... `..."

As the song continues, it is sung.

Whether it is the audience, several judges and Mr. He.

Fang Yu, who is still backstage, the director and the staff of the show, are all crying silently and bursting into tears at the moment.

None of them have seen this teacher Li, but under the infection of this song, they seem to have been old friends who have known each other for many years.

Now, this long-time friend is coming to an end in his life.

It just corresponds to the sentence in the lyrics "The end of the sky, the corner of the sea, and the acquaintance is half scattered"

If you go here, you will be at the end of the world, and you will never meet again.

May this old friend "don't dream cold tonight", and the next life will not be so bumpy.

I don't know when.

The singing has stopped.

Su Ming's harmonica sounded slowly.

The students on the stage seemed to be unable to hold back their sad emotions at this moment, and cried bitterly on the stage.

Suddenly, at this time.

A skinny student rushed out of the queue, grabbed the microphone standing in front of him, and cried and shouted in the direction of the camera.

"Teacher Li, don't worry, I will definitely review hard, and I will definitely be admitted to university!"

And as the student finished.

The other students also had tears in their eyes, and they all said what they said first to the camera.

"I'll also review it well, and I will definitely not hold us back!"

"I'm sure I'll be admitted too!"

"Mr. Li, are you watching the show? Which hospital are you in? I want to see you again!"

"Teacher Li, I still want to take your class again, this time I will definitely not doze off!"

"I said that I would stand outside the college entrance examination room and wait for us to come out, Mr. Li, your promise has not been fulfilled yet!"

"Teacher Li, our class graduation certificate hasn't been filmed yet..."


At this moment, I listened to what the students had to say.

The audience subconsciously covered their mouths one after another, and they also burst into tears.

This teacher-student friendship is really touching.

Of course, this is obviously also indispensable to the appeal of this song "Farewell".

This song is simply very well written!

"What kind of person can write such a song?"

Wang Quan lowered the brim of his hat, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

He was also moved by the teacher-student friendship, but as a composer, he would subconsciously put aside the background of the story and take out the song alone to appreciate it.

But even if you abandon this teacher-student relationship.

This song "Farewell" is still an absolutely top-notch existence!

Especially the lyrics of this road to simplicity, the writing is really incredible!

After a few strokes, all the emotions at the time of parting are vividly displayed!

At the same time, if you think deeply.

There is even a hint of insight into life in these lyrics.

From birth to death, the short life of a person in between is less than a hundred years, isn't it just like a long journey?

It's just that it's not a specific close friend who is standing in place waiting and saying goodbye, but this world.

If you think about it this way, it seems that many of life's troubles can be gradually relieved.

This life is just a trip, so why bother with the little things that make you unhappy?

Thinking of this, his respect for this "Farewell" is undoubtedly another height. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Not to mention the melody of the tune.

This lyric alone, he asked himself, he probably won't be able to write it in his life.

Su Ming.

What did this person go through to write such a song "Farewell"?

He was now completely unable to define Su Ming as a junior.

This master-level "Farewell".

It has long surpassed all his works!


And on the other end.

In the ward at this time.

The doctors, nurses, and his wife were surrounding Mr. Li, looking at the screen, all crying.

This song "Farewell" and the words of the students are really touching.

"Wei Gang, Wei Gang, did you hear that, did you hear what the children said?"

At this moment, his wife pointed to the screen and shouted at Teacher Li on the hospital bed with a hoarse voice.

And at this time.

Two lines of hot tears slowly slipped from the corners of Mr. Li's eyes on the hospital bed, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth slowly barely squeezed out a shallow smile.

Looking at the tears and shouts of his classmates.

He knew that he had made the wrong choice for the last leg of his life.

If only Heaven could give him another chance.

He would continue to stand on that three-foot podium.

And also.

He liked the gift from the students just now.

And wait for Mr. Li's tears to fall.

On the heart rate monitor on the side, the originally faint fluctuations turned into a straight line.

The last ray of brightness in Mr. Li's eyes also completely disappeared.

That's right.

In this song "Farewell", Mr. Li ended his life in the red dust and went to another vast world.

And then, the room burst into hoarse cries.

"Wei Gang! Wei Gang..."


"Damn, this show is really expensive to watch!"

"I can't stand seeing these children like this, brother, I'll accompany you! "

"It's true, but Su Ming's song is really good!"

"I'll blow this song "Farewell" directly, okay! This is definitely the most touching song I've ever heard!"

Outside the long pavilion, by the ancient road, the grass is green, and the sky is just like poetry, and this artistic conception feels like an ordinary poet can't write it!"

"How did Su Ming come to write such a song, and what did he go through?"

"I said it a long time ago, you can always believe in Su Ming's talent!"

"This song is given to Mr. Li, I believe that Mr. Li in front of the screen will definitely be satisfied!"

"Alas, Mr. Li is not satisfied with Geman, but he is definitely satisfied with these students.

As Su Ming said, they are very good, very kind, and know how to be grateful. "

"Alas, listening to this song, while regretting this teacher Li, it also reminds me of my deceased grandfather,

There is no real parting, there is no long pavilion ancient road, but in the early morning as usual, some people stayed yesterday. "

"'Rare people, maybe you never know if this is the last time you'll see each other. "


The barrage at this moment is also full of emotion.

I was moved by this teacher-student relationship and this song "Farewell".

And the number of people in the live broadcast room has now directly hit the terrifying 90 million!


Eyes back on the stage.

As Su Ming's harmonica sound gradually drew to an end.

The students' emotions were almost released, and at this moment, they all had red eyes, and they stood up in the original arrangement again.

Wait until the last harmonica sounds.

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but get up together and gave unparalleled applause for this singing.

It's not just them.

The directors and staff backstage also stood up and applauded Su Ming and the students at this moment.

Even if the applause lasted for several minutes, it still did not mean to stop.


When Su Ming looked back at the students.

The students actually bowed to Su Ming in unison, their faces full of gratitude.

Su Ming smiled and nodded.

The slightly reddened eye sockets were slightly touched.

Then, Su Ming also bowed to the students.

This is for the students to bring this touch, this kind and bow.

If only there were no such students.

He wouldn't have known that there was such a teacher in the world, and he wouldn't have thought to write this farewell poem.

Looking at the tears in the eyes of the students in front of him, Su Ming couldn't help but feel a little emotional in his heart.

Perhaps, this is what music is all about.

And for the situation on the spot at this time.

Hua Chenyu's face on the judges' bench was undoubtedly very ugly.

He didn't understand the song anyway, and he didn't understand why these people were crying.

Isn't there just a teacher gone?

What's there to cry about?

He didn't cry when he dropped fans!

But he understood it, this song seems to be liked very much by the big guys, and this reaction is even bigger than his song "King's Power".

This new song is number one on the list, and it doesn't feel very stable!

In case it is really surpassed by Su Ming's song.

So this father, is it called or not?

"Grass (of No)!"

"You know how to play tricks!"

The more Hua Chenyu thought about it, the more angry she became, and she couldn't help but complain in her heart.

In his opinion, there is not a single treble in this "Farewell".

The lyrics of the whole article are only five or six sentences in a loop, which is not a good song at all.

The reason why everyone likes it is only because of such a backstory.

Without this background, it's nothing!

Let's talk about Su Ming.

After greeting the students.

Su Ming looked at the audience and signaled to stop the applause first.

Now that the song has been sung.

Naturally, I wanted to send these students back.

As for the show.

In the contract he signed, he just said that he would come up and sing a song, and he could leave after singing.

So there's no need to stay here anymore.

Besides, he has to continue to accompany Shen Xingxing.

As for the matter of competing for the first place on the new song list, he basically doesn't care about it now.

Or maybe he never paid attention to it at all.

Although he didn't even listen to what song Hua Chenyu sang before.

But there is this song "Farewell".

Next week's new song chart number one, it must be this song!

"Thank you for your applause, and thank you to the program team for this stage. "

"Next, I will invite Mr. He to come on stage to continue to host the show, and I have to send the children back first. "

Holding the microphone and saying a few words to the audience and Teacher He off-stage, Su Ming began to organize the students to leave.

Such a sudden scene dog.

Obviously, it was a little unexpected for everyone.

But just as Su Ming was about to leave, a voice suddenly sounded from the audience.

"Su Ming, wait a minute. "

"Can you sell me the copyright of your song?


The eyes of everyone in the audience couldn't help but turn to the owner of the voice.

This is none other than Wang Quan!

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