Chapter Seventy-Nine: Don't Sell!Shen Teng: You want to rob my daughter?

At this time, Wang Quan had already taken off his hat and mask, revealing his true face

Like the audience around him, Wang Quan's eyes were red because of the previous crying.


"It's Teacher Wang Quan! Why is he here?"

"My mother! Wang Qu's father is actually by my side?! Why didn't I find out just now?!"

"What did Mr. Wang Quan say just now, he wants to buy the copyright of Su Ming's song?"

"I'll go, as much as I want?!Does Wang Qu's father think the value of this song is so high?"

"This song "Farewell" is really against the sky, if I were as rich as Mr. Wang Quan, I would also like to buy it!"



As Wang Quan got up.

The scene and the barrage immediately exploded.

They really didn't expect it.

There is actually a Qu dad hidden in the audience!

And as soon as this song father opened his mouth, he wanted to buy the copyright of Su Ming's song, which is really outrageous.

But when you think about it, it seems to make sense.

This song "Farewell" is really well written!

"Teacher Wang Quan, why are you here?"

At this time, Hua Chenyu on the judges' bench got up suddenly and looked at Wang Quan in the audience, also with a face full of disbelief. ,

When he heard Wang Quan say that he wanted to buy the copyright, he was even more shocked and subconsciously exclaimed.

"You're going to buy the copyright ?!! this broken song"

However, he soon realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly covered his mouth.

He really felt that this was a broken song, but so many people at the scene liked this song very much, and he couldn't say it if he had this idea!

But obviously, this naturally can't be taken back.

At this moment, almost everyone on the field was glaring towards Hua Chenyu.

Even Teacher He, who has always been amiable, looked at Hua Chenyu with a gloomy face at this time.

Hua Chenyu's face turned red, and she regretted it very much.

Look at his fast mouth!

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't say that this song "Farewell" is bad, this song is really good, and I like it very much!"

"I accidentally slapped my mouth just now, what I just wanted to express was actually that the quality of this song is slightly worse than Mr. Wang Quan's "King Power", and I was surprised by Mr. Wang Quan's choice just now. "

"I don't mean to say that this song "Farewell" is bad!"

Hua Chenyu looked at everyone, and quickly began to talk, full of desire to survive.

Obviously, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just forcibly talking about "King's Power".


He had just finished saying that.

was choked by Wang Quan's words of 507.

"You'd better stop talking. "

"My song "King's Power" can't be compared with this song "Farewell" at all. "

Wang Quan shook his head and spoke lightly.

Thanks to Hua Chenyu, he is in the same company, if others dare to say that this song is broken, he will definitely start it directly.

As soon as this remark came out.

The audience was undoubtedly shocked again, their eyes widened, and they looked at each other.

What's the situation?

Wang Quan, Wang Qu's father, actually said that his song is not as good as this "Farewell"!

I don't even have a chance to compare with "Farewell", and I put my posture so low?!

In fact, Wang Quan didn't want to say that, but the facts are here.

As long as you are a high-level composer, you can see the gold content of this song.

If he insists on saying that his song is no worse than "Farewell".

The other Qu Dad will never talk about this in the future, don't think about raising your head in Qu Dad's circle in the future.

And after saying that.

Wang Quan continued to look at Su Ming.

He was waiting for Su Ming's answer.

And Su Ming's answer was also very simple.

"Not for sale!"

Isn't it fragrant to keep the copyright of Jiahang to operate it himself?

Why sell to someone else?

After speaking.

Su Ming turned his head and said to Hua Chen, who was on the judges' seat: "Stinky Shabi, do you know the song?"

He's never been a big fan of swearing.

Except, of course, for people who speak Huachen.

And after saying this, he didn't look back, and went directly to the backstage with the students.

Such a scene.

It was really watching, and everyone on the field was dumbfounded.

Su Ming, this is too real!

If you don't give face to Daddy Qu, forget it.

Before leaving, I have to scold a flower dust and stinky Shabi.


The barrage is directly laughing and exploding.

"Poof! I was still crying with emotion just now, Su Ming's stinky Shabi made me laugh all of a sudden, hahahaha!"

"Su Ming's scolding is so good! I have long wanted to scold this archmage, but I dare to say that "Farewell" is a broken song?!"

"Hahaha, this archmage is a real clown, he really doesn't know anything about singing except for high notes, right?"

"Look at Wang Quan's face now when you look at Hua Chenyu, I'm going to die laughing, what a pig teammate!"


At this time, Wang Quan's face was not very good-looking.

He had already put his posture so low that Su Ming didn't even say polite words, just dropped a word and ran away.

As for the reason, he naturally attributed this problem to Hua Chenyu.

If it weren't for the contradiction between Hua Chenyu and Su Ming.

Just now I said to my face that "Farewell" is a broken song, so Su Ming is like this?



Hua Chenyu was scolded in front of him, he was simply angry, and he was about to scold him back.

But when he was about to scold, Su Ming had already left the stage.

At this moment, Lao Xue on the side spoke, with a smile on his face: "What are you? How can you talk to your father?"

"What did you say?"

Hua Chenyu looked at Lao Xue suddenly, Su Ming scolded him, even if Lao Xue also scolded?!

Is he really a sick cat?

"Hey, I'm in a hurry, didn't you say that you wanted to compete with us for the first place on the new song list, and you shouted dad if you lost?"

"For the time being, "Royal Power" is not too much like Su Ming's "Farewell". "

"So there's no need to wait for the list, you call in advance now, I'm afraid you'll pay off when the time comes. "

"By the way, I said it wrong just now, Su Ming doesn't seem to know about this matter yet, and he didn't participate in it.

You call me dad first, Su Ming is a good brother of mine, you have to call him uncle or uncle. "

Lao Xue saw that Hua Chen's words were anxious, and he immediately choked back with a smile.

If you dig a pit yourself, then lie down in it yourself.

As soon as these words came out.

It really made Hua Chenyu's face darken.

Wang Quandu said that this song can't be compared with "Farewell".

In other words, this dad is basically called.

But he obviously couldn't have screamed.

Fortunately, at this critical moment when the atmosphere was about to fall into stagnation, the director's voice sounded and suppressed the matter.

If this continues, it will probably be the same as last time.

And quickly.

Under the control of the director and Mr. He.

The show continued as usual.


The other end.

With Su Ming's departure.

The 90 million people in the live broadcast room of "Tomorrow's Superstar" soon came to a halving.

Followed by.

Funny, on major media platforms of microwaves, a video of Su Ming's performance appeared on it.

In less than an hour, tens of millions of reprints have been made. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It didn't take long for "Farewell" and Mr. Li's deeds to quickly reach the top of the hot search.

"I'm going!what's the situation?!Su Ming is on the hot search again?"

"'Farewell'? This song sounds really good! It's just a little sad to listen to."

"It must be good, this song, Wang Quanwang Qu's father said he wanted to buy it, but he didn't sell it!"

"Is it really fake? Do people at the level of Qu Dad want to buy it? This song is of such a high level?"

"That's not it! And it's not half a star, Mr. Wang Quan said that his song can't be compared with this song "Farewell"!"

"Wait, this song was also written by Su Ming?! But did any of his friends leave?

"Didn't you watch the video? This song is for a teacher!"


"Damn, stomach cancer, chemotherapy eight times and still insist on teaching students? This is incredible!"

"I'm in tears, how come I haven't met such a good teacher?"

"Such a good teacher, it's a pity, fate is really unfair!

"Ten years (agaf) trees, 100 years of people, this teacher is really worth remembering!"

"Does anyone know the specific name and school of this Teacher Li? I want to donate something to Teacher Li's family!"

Now Mr. Li doesn't know what the situation is, but he can help a little. "

"I'm the same!"

"I suggest that Mr. Li's deeds be submitted to the top ten people who moved Xia Guo, he deserves this honor!"


Same as the audience in the live broadcast room.

After learning about Mr. Li's deeds, netizens seemed to be crying and felt sorry for Mr. Li.

And with the blessing of this huge heat.

Many caring people in the community have organized themselves and are ready to help Mr. Li and his family.

even really alarmed the attention of the official blog of the project team of the top ten people in Xia Guo, and gave the microwave praise and comment to Mr. Li.

He also said that he would go to the follow-up to verify, and if it was verified, he would have the opportunity to be selected as the next winner.


This song "Farewell" also caused a huge response on the Internet.

The other side.

Bureau of Textbooks.

It's still that office, it's still Academician Li, and it's still the mobile phone that brushes teases.

"Outside the long pavilion, by the ancient road, the grass is green..."

"Well written!"

Academician Li couldn't help but burst into tears when he listened to the lyrics of "Farewell".

At his age, he will listen to "Farewell" again.

There was simply too much to hear.

For him, the old people around him are withering one after another, and the old guys who used to play well are leaving one by one.

Everyone around him may be the last time he will see him.

When I think of this, tears are really irrepressible.

He really didn't dare to listen to this song "Farewell".

And then.

He immediately dialed the assistant's phone, "Xiao Chen, you go and contact this person named Su Ming again." "

"The lyrics are very well written, and they can be included in Chinese textbooks as a modern poem!"

"By the way, this song is also included in the music textbook. "


Let's talk about Su Ming's side.

on the school bus.

The atmosphere is really a bit oppressive these days.

Obviously, the students are still worried about Teacher Li's situation.

And although Fang Yu now knew the truth, he couldn't bear to say it, and decided to delay it for a few more days.

As for Su Ming.

Su Ming's current mood is naturally very complicated.

It's really a pity for Mr. Li.

But he's done everything he can now.

That's the rest of the thing.

I can only leave it to the students to slowly let go.

And quickly.

Wait for the school bus to arrive at the school gate.

Su Ming and Shen Xingxing were separated from the students.

According to the original plan, Su Ming and Shen Xingxing planned to continue to visit the school for a while.

But as soon as Mr. Li's incident came out.

The two of them are naturally in no mood now.

And not to mention that I'm not interested in visiting school, and I'm not even in the mood to play, and as for the live broadcast, it's even more unopen.

So, the two of them just wandered aimlessly on the street, and they should be distracted.

It slipped until six or seven o'clock in the evening.

The two of them eased their minds.

But at this point in time, I can't afford to play anything anymore, at most I can only have a dinner with me.


The place where the two of them wandered was near Shen Xingxing's father and Shen Teng's company.

Shen Xingdang even proposed to call Shen Teng to eat together.

Su Ming also met this Shen Teng as he wished.

There were no surprises.

The Shen Teng in front of him is exactly the same as the one in his previous life!

Even the configuration of some actors in the company is exactly the same!

In this way, it seems that this "Charlotte Troubles" is likely to be successful!

Another more chat.

After making sure there are no major problems.

Su Ming directly proposed the intention of acquisition to Shen Teng.

"What? want to buy us?"

Hearing that Jiahang was going to buy Happy Twist, Shen Teng stood up suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

Now the company is going bankrupt at any moment.

At this time, someone will actually propose to buy?


It's weird!

"Wait, do you have a crush on my star?"

"That's not good, my daughter hasn't reached eighteen yet, don't beat her mind!"

"Although I'm not very good at happy twist, it's not time to sell my daughter for a living. "

Shen Teng immediately thought of the most likely point, slapped the table, and began to warn Su Ming.

But maybe it's because Shen Teng's previous life gave Su Ming too much of a funny impression.

Even this warning seems to have an extra comedic component.

"Dad, what are you thinking? Brother Su Ming is not such a person!"

"Besides, you don't want to think about it, is Brother Su Ming a person who lacks girls?

Before Su Ming could speak, Shen Xingxing on the side blamed Shen Teng, and at the same time, his little face was extremely red.

She actually wants to be favored by Su Ming, but in her opinion, how can she be worthy of Su Ming?

And looking at his daughter as a brother Su Ming, he still looks so shy.

Shen Teng suddenly felt that his heart was dripping blood.

Now he is less than eighteen and dares to talk back to him for other men.

This will not be in a few years...

"The woman is not in the middle of the stay! The woman is not in the middle of the stay!"

"Uncle Shen, it's really not what you think, I want to acquire, mainly because I fancy the potential of your company, and I want you to make a movie. "

Seeing that Shen Teng was about to be unable to hold back, Su Ming hurriedly explained and said the main purpose.

"Making a movie?"

As soon as he heard this, Shen Teng's eyes immediately lit up.

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