Chapter 80 Acquisition of Happy Twist, the Black Silk of the Workplace!

Shen Teng's purpose in establishing Happy Twist is actually to make movies.

It's just that due to business problems, I can't raise enough funds and suitable scripts at all, so I can only engage in dramas.

Now I hear Su Ming say that he wants them to shoot a movie~.


He's already a little tempted.


It's very exciting!

"Well, let me think about it for a few more days-. "

Shen Teng thought about it again and again, but did not choose to agree at the first time.

To be honest, he did want to say yes.

But he always felt that this happiness came a little too suddenly, and he always felt that there was a problem, so it was better to calm down for two days and then see.

Of course, the main problem is that this is going to be acquired.

Naturally, I want to talk to the big guys in the company first and see what my old guys mean.

"It's okay Uncle Shen, it's not a trivial matter to acquire this kind of thing, you think about it slowly, and call me at any time when you think about it." "

"Or let the stars contact me. "

Seeing Shen Teng's hesitation, Su Ming smiled faintly.

In fact, he didn't think that Shen Teng would agree on the spot.

As a boss with a normal brain, it is absolutely impossible to make a decision directly as soon as his brain is hot.

"Ahem, boy, I'll think about the acquisition,

But the idea of my star, you must not fight, she is a talented seven!"

Hearing Su Ming's last words, Shen Teng hurriedly coughed.

Then he leaned closer to Su Ming's ear and whispered, "How many years to start, you have to have a number in your heart!"

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Ming's face was suddenly full of black question marks, and his head was a little big.

Do you look like the kind of beast that would attack a girl under eighteen?

And he didn't show any interesting actions for Shen Xingxing, right?

However, I saw Shen Xingxing on the side looking at him with a red-faced little look.

Well...... He didn't, but Shen Xingxing seemed to have.

"Dad, what did you and Brother Su Ming just say?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, it's a little homely, monsters, aliens or something, don't ask so much about children. "



After eating dinner and saying goodbye to Shen Teng's father and daughter, Su Ming was ready to go home.

Sit in a taxi.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window, Su Ming couldn't help but recall today's trip.

I have to say.

It was a truly significant day.

Not only did I relive my high school days, but I also learned about a great teacher.

Especially the experience of Mr. Li, which really made him feel a lot of emotion, and at the same time gave him a lot of thought.

And all that.

If he hadn't drawn Shen Xingxing, I'm afraid it would be very difficult for him to have this kind of opportunity.

In this way, this activity of smoking old fans still has to continue.

Compared with rushing to go to any show, the announcements that can't be finished every day deal with those smiling tigers in the entertainment industry every day.

Or is it more fun to play with fans.

And it's like opening a blind box.

You never know what kind of life experience and life insights the next fan will bring.

Turn on prestige.

Su Ming suddenly saw the messages sent by many people, the content was basically the same, and they were all praising his two songs today.

And soon, he noticed a message from Yang Mi.

"The Textbook Bureau has taken a fancy to "Farewell"?"

Su Ming was a little surprised.

He only sang this song in the afternoon, and it hasn't been a day before the Textbook Bureau has been targeted?

Is this a place on his body to be monitored, waiting for the wool to be picked?

Su Ming was really a little crying and laughing.

However, Su Ming naturally chose to agree, and it is a good thing that he can contribute to the educational significance!

Quitting prestige, after a short video, Su Ming was also a little sleepy, and squinted directly in the car.

Today is really fulfilling

You need to get some rest tonight.


In the blink of an eye.

Three days have passed.

As public opinion continues to ferment in the past two days.

Mr. Li's deeds have undoubtedly attracted the attention of the public again.

Among them, the news of Mr. Li's death also spread.


Not only did caring people in the society organize condolences, but the big leaders of the school and the Education Bureau have also gone, and at the same time, they have also posthumously awarded various honors to Mr. Li.

Mr. Li's school has held several school-wide meetings to praise Mr. Li's noble character.

And with the fermentation, there is naturally Su Ming's "Farewell".

In addition to the background of Mr. Li's story, the reason for fermentation is obviously the super high quality of this song.

In the past few days, many well-known composers in the circle, and even several Qu fathers have been blowing "Farewell".

This shocked netizens.

The keyboard is almost smoking.

Subsequently, after the Textbook Bureau announced that it would include "Farewell", "Farewell" directly topped the hot search again.

Su Ming's fans skyrocketed by 10 million that day!

At the same time, two songs were included in the textbook.

This is a very rare situation even in the main theme music industry!

Needless to say, in the entertainment industry, it is completely unique!

And now the sales of "Farewell" are ranked first on the new song list, and they still crush "Kingpower" in second place.

When it comes to "King's Power", naturally you can't skip the flower dust.

Under the impetus of Lao Xue and Ziqi's online and offline meals, Hua Chenyu called his father.

Now under the microwave of Huachenyu, almost all of them are shouting hello.

Funny, there are a lot of emojis about him calling his father, ghost animal videos, and the number of views is huge.

Almost all of them are about to become national children.

And Huachenyu didn't even dare to put a fart.

In fact, Huachen also wants to put it in.

It's just that now the control of his microwave account has been taken away by the company.

"Old Xue Ziqi, these two forces, you wait for me!"

"And Su Ming!"

In the Tianle Entertainment Artist Lounge, Hua Chenyu looked at these emoji ghost animals, and her angry face turned green.

But as soon as he finished saying this, he was warned by his agent Sister Liu.

"Your endorsements are almost out now, so let's be honest during this time. "

"The company has also said here, don't compete with Su Ming in a short time, two songs in a row can be recorded in the teaching materials, the energy behind him, think about it yourself. "

As soon as this remark came out.

Hua Chenyu suddenly lost her temper.

Ever since he accidentally said on the show that "Farewell" was a broken song, he was also stepped on by Lao Xue Ziqi.

Half of his current fans are about to drop, and the endorsements are needless to say, if it weren't for the company's efforts to help around, it is estimated that they would have fallen out.

Even the Qu dads in the company, such as Wang Quan, made it clear that they would not sing to him anymore.

His current resources are almost the same as those of some third-tier artists.

If this continues to be tossed, it is estimated that it will fall to the level of the fourth or fifth line.

As for the energy behind Su Ming, he felt his scalp tingle even more when he thought about it now.

How did Su Ming get on the line of the big leader in the Xia Kingdom's leadership system?

It's too much to hide!

If Su Ming continued to follow this line and take the leader of the Propaganda Bureau, wouldn't it be just a matter of one or two sentences to ban him?

The more I think about it, the more scared I get!

It's not just that he's afraid, even Tianle Entertainment Company is now alert to this, and the entire high-level is panicking at present.


They all thought that Su Ming's songs were selected into the teaching materials, and they were associated with some people's sophistication.

Let's look at Jiahang's side.

Compared to the mess of Tianle Entertainment.

Recently, Jiahang can be said to be in the wind and water these days. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Ming's "Once You" and "Farewell" are all on the new song list, plus the operation of old songs such as "Eliminate Sorrow" and "Love You".

The income from the songs alone is a huge amount.

And under the arrangement of Su Ming and Yang Mi.

Zhao Lei, Phoenix Combination, Chaoyue Sister, and Reba's announcements are also full of today.

Especially the Phoenix Group, a song "The Most Dazzling National Style" is really a trick that is eaten all over the world, and it already has the style of the Divine Comedy in the previous life.

It can be heard not only in the square, but also in shopping malls and schools.

In the follow-up, Su Ming is also preparing to write and sing popular songs in his previous life such as "Free Flight" and "On the Moon" to them.

Not surprisingly, these copyright operating fees will also be not low.

As for Mao Buyi, Wang Xinxin.

At present, the two are still participating in the superstars of tomorrow, so there is no schedule for the time being.

However, with the current super popularity and stable output of the two, the champion and runner-up are basically contracted by the two.

When tomorrow's superstar is over, the announcement of the two will not worry at all.

And Su Ming.

Needless to say, Yang Mi is no match for him.

It's just that Su Ming is relatively messy, and he basically hasn't read his announcement, and he hasn't paid attention to it at all.

If this matter is to be put in the past, Yang Mi must have to say a few words.

But recently, Yang Mi is a little strange, and she doesn't say anything at all.

Even Yang Mi's attitude towards Su Ming has undergone some changes now.

In Su Ming's words, it seems to have become a little more like a woman.

Moreover, Su Ming could see Yang Mi staring at him from time to time in the past few days.

Prestige chat also always sends some cute memes, usually in the middle of the night.

Su Ming analyzed Yang Mi's strange behavior... Well, he seriously suspected that Yang Mi had already tried to subtly rule him!!

Alas, I didn't expect that it finally came to this point.

There are so many black threads in the workplace... Phew, it's a dark place!

Even Boss Yang, who treats him like a sister, is not exempt from vulgarity!

But it's not a big problem.

After all, he doesn't seem to have suffered much.

At best, your body will become a little weaker.

But the pattern is open, and when Yang Mi's belly is bigger, isn't Jiahang his?

Then you can completely mess up, and you don't need to go to the show!

It's bloody!


And in the blink of an eye, the time is already Friday.

After Su Ming returned home, he immediately started the journey of killing in the canyon.

"Ding-dong, ding-dong, the sound of beautiful seconds!"

"Go out with two blood outfits, and go home to synthesize the steel of the heart!"


While humming the song of the steel of the heart, Su Ming was slamming passively, and his mood was quite happy.

After a ten-minute battle of intense teamfights.

In the gap when the screen was grayed out, Su Ming also turned on the microwave.

"The fifth level of the fan brand?"

glanced at the latest fan account.

Apparently this is a very, very iron fan.

is also a female fan.

Su Ming immediately got in touch and added prestige.

Let's find out.

This fan is not in the urban area of the magic capital, but in a rural area of the magic capital.

I opened the map and looked at the location sent by this fan.

It took nearly three hours to drive, which is a little bit far.

But it's not a big problem.

There are paparazzi too.

It's just more than three hours, why bother?

Thinking of the countryside, Su Ming really had some expectations.

After staying in the city for a long time, it is also quite good to go to the countryside to see the mountains, see the water, and touch the fish.

And he lived in the countryside with his grandparents for a period of time when he was a child in his previous life, and if you think about it carefully, I really miss it.

It's another communication.

Su Ming understood that it seemed that now was the time to be busy with farming.

It seems that the paparazzi must be called, and a few more must be called!

Wait until everything is communicated.

Su Ming was ready to continue to focus on the game.

But at this moment.

A phone call came out of nowhere.

Shen Teng?!

Looking at the remarks on the phone, Su Mingdang even answered it.

It seems that Shen Teng should have figured it out!

"That, I've already thought about it, and we're happy that Twist agrees to the acquisition plan. "

"But you have to make a contract that we can make a movie..."


That's right.

Shen Teng agreed!

After hanging up the phone, Su Ming's face was happy.

Being able to swing off the income of Happy Twist is really an extremely successful investment!

At present, the purchase price of Happy Twist is only around a few million, but the subsequent income he brings can reach billions, or even tens of billions!

It's bloody!


Su Ming immediately called Yang Mi, preparing to arrange the acquisition of Happy Twist for Yang Mi.

"What? Acquisition company?"

"Yes, Sister Mi believes me, this..."

"Whew, okay. "

Yang Mi was obviously a little surprised, why did she suddenly acquire an unknown company?

However, since Su Ming was optimistic and the money spent on acquiring this company was not much, she didn't say much.

And after chatting about the acquisition, Yang Mi did not choose to hang up the phone.

"That, Su Ming, what are you going to do tomorrow?"

"I've been so tired lately, I want to go for a break tomorrow, can I go with you? "

Yang Mi was lying on the sofa at this time, pulling her hair and curling at the tip, a pair of big white legs fluttering gently up and down, her face full of anticipation.

Although she is a strong woman, she has been really busy and a little tired recently, and she is ready to go out for a walk.

And when she thought of scattering her heart, for some reason, she immediately thought of Su Ming.

"Uh, aren't you going to "Superstar of Tomorrow" tomorrow?"

""Tomorrow's Superstar" has been changed to Friday! I just finished recording an episode today! The next episode has to wait until next Friday, you just say, will you take me to play tomorrow?"

"Sister Mi, don't be angry, didn't I forget, bring a belt, then we will gather at the gate of the community tomorrow morning, remember to get up early!"

... Nine....

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