Chapter 82 Zhang Zheng in the melon field, real rural life!

In the blink of an eye, it was already ten o'clock in the afternoon.

It was nearly seven o'clock in the morning and it took more than three hours to drive.

Su Ming, Yang Mi and the paparazzi finally arrived at the address shown on the map.

Look up.

There are no mud-tiled houses and dirty village roads as you imagined.

On the contrary, there are basically some small two- and three-story houses here, and the village road is also a cement road, which is simply a new atmosphere.


This is a new countryside.

And turning his head to look into the distance, there are almost endless waves of golden wheat on display.

Among the wheat waves, there are many villagers who are cutting rice with their bodies over.

If you look closely, you can see the smiles on the faces of the villagers, and it seems that this year's rice harvest is exceptionally good.

And quickly.

Under Su Ming's communication.

Fan Zhao Xiaoying came to the village to meet Su Ming and his party.

Zhao Xiaoying was immediately startled when she saw so many people coming.

She only knew that there were paparazzi coming, but she didn't expect there to be so many!

Now I see Su Ming surrounded by a bunch of paparazzi in the middle, and there is a picture of Yang Mi on the side.

This is simply a sense of déjà vu between the black brother and his woman, as well as his brothers.

For a while, she didn't dare to talk to Su Ming.

And Zhao Xiaoying was startled at the same time.

Su Ming was obviously taken aback in his heart.

This is so special that Zhao Xiaoying, the queen of the previous life, was drawn!

After he finished chatting with his authority, he only knew that the other party's nickname was Xiaoying, but he didn't expect that his surname was Zhao!

If so.

Isn't Jiahang one more general?

"Xiaoying, huh?"

"Let's go, lead the way, let's put things away first. "

Seeing that Zhao Xiaoying was a little restrained, Su Ming immediately opened the chatterbox.

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoying hurriedly rushed to the front of 06 and helped Su Ming and his party lead the way.

"Brother Su Ming, this is too handsome!"

While walking, Zhao Xiaoying couldn't help muttering in her heart, and her little face turned red.

When Su Ming was talking to her just now, she didn't dare to look at Su Ming.

And when she heard the conversation between Su Ming and Yang Mi in the back, her face couldn't help but turn even redder.

"Xiaoying is so cute. "

"No, this is my fan! My fan is cute!"

"Sister Mi, don't hit my fan idea. "


And on the way to Zhao Xiaoying's house.

Under Su Ming's active atmosphere, Zhao Xiaoying seemed to slowly start to lose so many restraints.

Obviously, both Su Ming and Yang Mi are more down-to-earth than she imagined, and they don't have too many shelves.

As for the paparazzi, there is no need to say more.

Su Ming didn't have a fight, how dare they?

It didn't take long.

Everyone arrived at the courtyard of Zhao Xiaoying's house.

At the same time, Su Ming also started the live broadcast after posting the microwave that started the broadcast.

And this live broadcast started.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of thousands of people poured into the live broadcast room.

"I'm number one!"

"Damn!The live broadcast is finally on!!"

"Hey, this layout seems to be really a rural home! He doesn't really want to cut rice!"

"How many times have you said it, Su Ming is playing a real thing!"

"I'm going! My goddess Da Mi Mi is really here! It's just too beautiful! There should be no more beautiful woman in the world than Da Mimi, no, there is no one in the galaxy!"

"Poofhahahaha, my brother is really good at licking!

"That's Su Ming's fan, it's so cute!"

"I'm so envious of Su Ming, all female fans are so good-looking! If I were him, I wouldn't... Do something!"

"I'll go, there are a lot of paparazzi here! More than a dozen! Hey, does this seem to be the batch that Su Ming invited to drink milk tea before?"

"Hahahaha, they drank Su Ming's cup of milk tea, it was like drinking ecstasy soup, and now they are all Su Ming's little brothers!"

"I'm a pure passerby, I heard that this star is going to take the paparazzi to the countryside to steal rice, is it really fake?"



With Su Ming opening the live broadcast room.

The barrage is like a lively scene.

Gifts are also starting to be swiped.

And Su Ming, as usual, turned off the barrage by inertia.

"Aren't they at home, uncle, auntie?"

Coming to the living room and drinking a few sips of tea, Su Ming couldn't help frowning and asking when he saw that there was only Zhao Xiaoying at home.

"They are now busy in the fields, let me entertain you first. "

"Then let's go too, no need to entertain, we're here to help your family work, not to eat and drink. "

As soon as he heard this, Su Ming was immediately unhappy, and got up and prepared to go out with the paparazzi.

He's here to give back to his fans, not to be a guest.

If you don't do the work, you just put it aside to eat, isn't it really eating and drinking for nothing?

"Brother Ming is right, our brothers are here to work, you don't have to treat us as guests!"

"That's it, I grew up in the countryside, known as the little white dragon in the rice! I can cut the rice fiercely! Don't pity me!"

"I've also been in the countryside, and I haven't spent much time cutting rice, but it's been two and a half years, and my hands are a little itchy when I saw that lot of rice just now. "


As Su Ming's words fell, the paparazzi on the side also spoke one after another at this time, patting their fierce breasts, and their morale was high.

See what happened.

Zhao Xiaoying seemed to be a little crying and laughing.

Since this is the case, then it can only be done by Su Ming and them.


After Su Ming, Yang Mi and the paparazzi changed their clothes for working in the field one after another.

The group went towards the field in a mighty way.

And came to the field.

Su Ming and others have attracted the attention of many villagers.

"What are these people doing behind Lao Zhao's daughter? It can't be that his daughter is out in debt and came to the house to collect debts, right?"

"It's not like, look at the one in the middle, how can there be such a handsome debt collector?"

"It makes sense, then this is the man that Lao Zhao and his daughter are looking for? This is the man who brought people to help cut the rice together? So many people are really envious. "

"It shouldn't be, the woman next to that person is better looking than Lao Zhao and his daughter, and she is more compatible with people, how can she fall in love with Lao Zhao's daughter?"

"I don't know, let's see. "

"I remember, is there a charity show in the village square today? They can't be from the charity troupe, right?"

"Wow, that's possible!"

"Wow, it's the first time that there is such a handsome young man in the charity troupe, I have to go and see it tonight!"

"Hey, hey, someone in the evening volunteer performance troupe sings "The Most Dazzling National Style", if you know, I'll go!"


Facing the discussion of the villagers. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhao Xiaoying was really a little embarrassed.

And Su Ming, who was on the side, couldn't help but look at Zhao Xiaoying curiously.

"Charity performance, Xiaoying, are there so many entertainment activities in our village?"

"Well, this charity performance is organized by the town, and it usually comes two or three times a month. "

"Brother Su Ming, if you are interested, you can go and have a look at it then. "

Su Ming nodded.

This new countryside is just good.

You can also watch the show for free.

And keep walking.

Su Ming and the others were passing by a vast melon field.

In the middle of the melon field, a young man with a small felt hat on his head, a silver collar around his neck, and a small steel fork in his hand was howling at the sky, and his face looked quite simple.

Su Ming looked at it, and his eyes couldn't help but narrow.

How can this person look a little familiar?

"That's the son of the Zhang family in our village, a member of the charity troupe, and he will come here every day to practice singing. "

"Don't look at him shouting now, in fact, he sings quite well. "

Zhao Xiaoying saw that Su Ming was curious, and hurriedly explained.

Surname Zhang?

When Su Ming heard this, he suddenly remembered.

Isn't this Zhang Zheng in his previous life?

Didn't he make his debut as a happy boy?

No, there doesn't seem to be this show in this world.

No wonder.

No wonder Zhang Zheng in front of him doesn't look very happy.

After finishing the affairs of Zhao Xiaoying's family, he could consider thinking about going to this catastrophe.

With Zhang Zheng's strength, signing him to Jiahang will definitely get a good return.

And quickly.

With Zhao Xiaoying's pace.

Su Ming and the others came to the field where Zhao Xiaoying's house was located.

No excessive nonsense.

After saying hello to Zhao Xiaoying's family, Su Ming rushed to the field with the paparazzi to prepare for work.

As for the live broadcast room, it was in the hands of Zhao Xiaoying on the ridge.

"Xiaoying, how do you know so many celebrity friends? Just counted, seventeen stars!"

"Yes, and these stars don't seem to have any shelf, they're so enthusiastic!"

"Well, I just don't know if they can cut the rice. "

"By the way, the child's father, we don't have enough things at home, why don't we go to the town to buy some, people are here to help us work, this meal must not be hungry." "


At this time, Zhao Xiaoying's family, who was persuaded by Su Ming and others to rest on the ridge, seemed to feel the enthusiasm of Su Ming and others, and said with a smile at this time.

Zhao Xiaoying on the side was naturally a little crying and laughing.

Where did the seventeen stars come from?

Just two!

But she couldn't explain it.

After all, they don't understand what the paparazzi do, and it is estimated that there may be misunderstandings if they talk too much.

And at the same time.

Su Ming and the others were already busy.


In addition to Yang Mi's extremely rusty movements, she also fell on the field from time to time, making her muddy water.

The paparazzi who boasted about cutting rice and stealing cattle before, after going down to the field one by one, were all crooked, and before the rice was touched, they had already fallen into the mud.

In less than five minutes, fifteen paparazzi with mud on their faces.

Looking at the audience, Su Ming was the only one who was skilled.

Looking at this scene, Su Ming really had a 990 headache, and at the same time he couldn't cry or laugh.

Why didn't these paparazzi not only deceive Xiaoying, but even him.

Before you came, you said you would do farm work?

But it's not hard to learn how to cut rice.

The paparazzi fumbled a little, that is, they slowly began to learn.

It's Yang Mi, Yang Mi really hasn't been in the field, and if you go to a place where the muddy water is deep, you can't find the north.

Su Ming hurriedly picked up Yang Mi and brought it to the ridge.

Being so close to Su Ming, Yang Mi's face turned red.

If you want to hug it, hug it well.

What kind of posture is this?

What about this handful of pee?

She doesn't want to lose face?!

But Su Ming's strength is huge, and she can't break free at all, so she can only let Su Ming place it at will.

On the ridge, looking at Su Ming, who continued to be busy.

Yang Mi's eyes really look like a resentful little daughter-in-law.

Actually, she really wanted to cut rice, she had never done this before, and it was quite interesting.

It's this job that seems to be a little difficult for her.

And the other end.

At this time, the barrage seemed to be boiling.

"it! it! Su Mingzhen went to work in the field?!"

"Su Mingzhen, this is too real, it's really gone!"

"I'll go! Su Ming is really the most outrageous star I've ever seen! Not only can he pancake and fried noodles play basketball, he can even cut rice!"

"Don't tell me that clay figure on the ridge next to Su Ming is Da Mi Ha! Damn! It's really her! It's okay, it's okay, you can barely rush with mud. "



"I want to know what Gao Leng's big honey was thinking when it was picked up just now, hahahaha!"

"Poof, isn't anyone paying attention to these paparazzi?"

"Hahaha, these paparazzi were too funny just now!"

"Indeed, I remember that they didn't just boast that they cut rice very fiercely?"

"Poof! Don't be embarrassed, his name is Inari Little White Dragon, he really got up in the rice just now, but he can't stand up. "

"Hahaha, indeed, there is also the one that has been practicing for two and a half years, and it is estimated that the light practice has been swimming in the mud for two and a half years?"

"I'm going to die laughing, this is called real rural life!"

"That's it, compared to that mushroom house, Su Ming is not too real, okay?!"

"Don't talk about the mushroom house, as soon as you say it, I'm afraid that Su Ming will suddenly jump over and give us a wave of advertising placement later!"

"God special ad placement!hahahaha!"


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