Chapter 83 Cutting rice can be so bloody!


As Su Ming and the others were busy in the field.


Now the number of people in the live broadcast room has suddenly reached 30 million.

And the number is rising.

I'm tired of watching the performative work of the mushroom house.

The hyper-realistic work scene of Su Ming and others in front of them who are almost integrated with the villagers in the surrounding rice fields really makes the big guy's eyes shine.

Compared to the mushroom house, it is not good to plant a few seedlings casually.

Su Ming and the others are called really working in the fields.

And compared with transplanting, the process of cutting rice is obviously too tiring.

Not only do you have to get mud all over your body, but your whole body is still itchy after cutting, and your body will inevitably be scratched by rice seedlings, and it will take several days to recover.

This kind of life in the mushroom house is absolutely impossible.

But Su Ming can!

Even thief six!

And the eyes are back to the rice fields.

As the paparazzi become more and more skilled in cutting rice, this work is becoming more and more beautiful.

Even the paparazzi have now begun to compete for speed.

Although this job of cutting rice is indeed a bit tiring.

But seeing that Su Ming was the same as them, he was also diligently cutting.

One by one, they immediately felt no tired.

Su Ming is so famous now, he is already a first-line star.

As a result, Su Ming was still the same as before, and he was not tired at all.

What else do they have to complain about?

Just like the ancient wars, Su Ming, the general, rushed to the front, what reason did they have not to rush as soldiers?

And at this time, it was clear that they were cheered up.

"Brothers, let's do our best at noon today and dry up this acre of land!"

"When I go back in the evening, I will invite my brothers to drink milk tea and eat barbecue!"

Su Ming's voice came out.

The paparazzi were all excited, and their eyes were shining.

"Brother Ming's atmosphere!"

"Thank you, Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming, don't worry, at most, in one hour, this acre of land can be finished!"

"That's it, brothers, tell Brother Ming, do we have confidence?!"




For a while, the paparazzi shouted in unison, full of energy.

The act of cutting the rice seems to have become more neat.

And such a scene.

Falling in the live broadcast room is really an explosion of effect.

"Hahahaha! Su Ming's damn leader's demeanor! How can you cut a rice like you're going to attack a city!"

"Indeed, it's so hot to cut a rice, poof!"

"Brothers, don't say it, this atmosphere is really amazing, I want to follow Su Ming to the field to cut rice!"

"Laugh to death! A meal of barbecue milk tea can make the paparazzi work so hard, except for Su Ming!"

"Poof, just say it, Su Ming, a brother, who listens to this and who is not confused?"

"Hey, this shouldn't be the ultimate magic weapon of Su Ming's CPU boys,!

"You see, Da Mi Mi seems to be infected by this atmosphere, and this is going down to the field again!"

"Poof! It's been served again, hahaha!"

"[Ziqi]: Help! Can you save some face for my sister Mi? Su Ming can't hug me in a different position? This is too... Hahahaha!"

"Damn! Ziqi is here too!"

"Ziqi, hurry over, I want to see Su Ming end you too!hahaha!"

"[Ziqi]: Don't want it! Who wants to be taken by Su Ming!"

"Ziqi, don't be ashamed, it's a big deal to let Su Ming write you another song!"

"That's it!"


At this moment, the barrage seems to be very happy by the situation in the field.

Even Ziqi is bubbling in the barrage, and now she is being chased by netizens.

And the other end.

Looking at the appearance of Su Ming and the others, the villagers in the surrounding rice fields couldn't help but cast envious glances.

In rural areas, especially during busy farming periods, the efficiency of having a young man at home to help you can greatly improve.

However, most of the young people in the village have gone out to work, and most of the people who remain in the village are middle-aged and elderly people and children.

Even if there are young people in his Zhao family's fields, there are actually sixteen!

How can this not be enviable?

No, there is also a Yang Mi on the ridge, there are seventeen young people!

In this regard, Zhao Xiaoying's parents are smiling and feel that there is light on their faces.

They always felt that Zhao Xiaoying was irrational chasing stars.

But now it seems that his daughter's eyes are really vicious!

This star-chasing can actually chase stars to work in the fields!

This star should be chased!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiaoying's old father couldn't help but slowly light a cigarette and looked at his daughter with a serious face:

"Xiaoying, are all the stars like this now?"

"The work is really good, and the people are diligent, not at all like the pampered ones on TV. "

"If that's the case, or you chase a few more this year, and there's another harvest at the end of the year,

When the time comes, call them all, our family has enough food, and we will definitely entertain them. "

After speaking, Zhao's father spit out a smoke ring, and his simple face showed a touch of hope.

If nothing else, there is absolutely food in his house.

As long as it is a star who comes to work, he is confident that he can entertain well.

And as soon as this came out.

Zhao Xiaoying didn't hold back, and laughed out loud

The barrage was even more laughing.

"Poof! Is our dad serious? It's okay to chase a few more? When you're recruiting workers? You're starting to think about the next harvest!"

"Hahahaha, Xiaoying hurry up and explain, if our dad really thinks so, the misunderstanding will be big!"

"It's not, Su Ming is the only one among the stars!"

"That's it, don't talk about other celebrities working in the fields, it is estimated that they have to complain about being dirty when they sit on the ridges. "

"Damn, don't you take my big honey in your eyes?

"Damn, I just came, do you mean that the little clay figure that was brought to the ridge by Su Ming just now is a big honey?"

"Big Mimi: I didn't offend any of you!"


And the other end.

For fear that the old father would misunderstand, Zhao Xiaoying also hurried to explain at the moment.

"Dad, what are you talking nonsense, those other celebrities are not like this, it's just that the one I'm chasing is more special. "

"Well, that's a pity. "

"No, one? Isn't it seventeen?"

"Poof, when did I say that they are all here, there are two stars in them, the sister on the ridge, and the brother next to the sister, they are, the others are their friends, and the star I chase is that brother. "

"Wow, I see. "

After listening to Zhao Xiaoying's explanation, Zhao's father and several family members on the side all showed a look of sudden realization.

I see, it seems that there is a misunderstanding.

And then.

Seeing that Su Ming and the others were busy, Zhao's father, Zhao's mother and others also hurried home, preparing to bring some watermelon dry food and the like to Su Ming and the others.

...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The barrage is really laughter.

And in the blink of an eye, it was almost twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Under the efficient work of Su Ming and others, the acre of land in front of them has almost been harvested.

It's not the same as before.

On the ridge haystack.

The paparazzi are all tired enough, and at the moment, they are eating dry food on the side of the belly, and their faces are full of love.

Even Su Ming on the side was tired.

Not to mention, the work of cutting rice for two hours in a row is really a waste of physical strength.

But compared to the paparazzi.

Su Ming is under the care of Yang Mi and Zhao Xiaoying, one beats his back, and the other delivers water and melons.

Look at this scene.

The dry food in the hands of the paparazzi suddenly became unfragrant, and their faces froze.

Especially when I saw Su Ming vigorously directing Yang Mi to beat him on the back.

That Yang Mi is well-behaved, like a little daughter-in-law!

Not to mention how envious they were.

That's the big star Yang Mi!

It's the first time they've seen Yang Mi beat someone's back!

This moment.

They suddenly felt a bit like they were wronged.

Su Ming was tired of having a goddess like Yang Mi beat his back.

They were tired, but they could only collapse on the haystack and wait for themselves to heal.

That's a huge gap!

Soon, though.

The mentality in their hearts was calmed by the enthusiasm of Zhao Xiaoying's family.

Zhao's father, Zhao's mother, and grandparents have worked hard for the handsome boys, and thank the handsome boys one by one.

At the same time, he kept stuffing fruit and snacks into their hands.

This directly makes them all happy and can't close their mouths.

It's tiring, but it's worth it.

This handsome young man is so fragrant, how to listen to it and how confused.

Seeing this, the barrage seemed to be laughing again.

And the work is done.

Zhao Xiaoying's family went back to prepare lunch first.

As for Su Ming and the others, they were taken by Zhao Xiaoying to the small river next to them, preparing to wash the muddy water on their bodies first.

While walking, Su Ming and the others also enjoyed the scenery of this rural field.

When I looked up, the sky was blue.

The fresh air is mixed with the fragrance of wisps of rice, and from time to time there is the sound of cicadas.

I have to say.

The atmosphere of summer in the countryside is much stronger than in the city.

And people like Su Ming and Yang Mi who have been in the big city for a long time, after coming to the countryside, their mood will become calm unconsciously.

Come to the creek.

The group immediately rushed into the river and began to clean.

The paparazzi have been splashing in the fields for a long time, and there is a lot of mud on their bodies, so as soon as they get to the river, they head towards the deep water area downstream.

Su Ming and Yang Mi were relatively clean, but they stayed in the shallow water.

As for Zhao Xiaoying, she was waiting in the distance with the live broadcast room.

"'Sister Mi, what's wrong with you?'

While washing, Su Ming noticed that something was wrong with Yang Mi next to him.

At this time, Yang Mi had already washed the muddy water off her body, but she never went ashore, and she kept her back to him, her posture was twisted, and she didn't look very comfortable.

"No... It's okay. "

Yang Mi was staggered, her face was red, and her hands subconsciously leaned forward with her body covered.

What a damn one!

Why does this dress penetrate when you touch the water!

She almost wants to find a crack in the ground now, which is too embarrassing!

Su Ming saw Yang Mi's situation, and his face immediately changed greatly.

"Sister Mi, you can't be bitten by bugs, right?

"It can't be a leech, right?!"

There are some leeches in this field, and if this thing gets into people's bodies, it will be really scary.


"It's okay, I'll see if it's swollen. "

Yang Mi was just about to explain.

In the next second, she was immediately dragged around by Su Ming.


The air seemed to come to a standstill.

Su Ming didn't see the leeche, but (Wang Wang's) saw something that shouldn't be seen.

Well...... It's quite swollen.

And Yang Mi was flushed, and then quickly covered her body and squatted down, with doubts about life written on her face.

Why can you die so socially today?

First, Su Ming was picked up like urine in the field.

And now it's still being ...

Obviously in the city, he is so capable, he can take everything into account.

When you go to the countryside, how can you be the same as not being able to take care of yourself?

And if Reba knows about this, this must not be laughed at?!

Su Ming was also embarrassed for a while.

He didn't think about this just now.

In order to avoid the embarrassment from lasting, Su Ming hurriedly took off his clothes and handed them to Yang Mi.

"Sister Mi, you can block it with my clothes first. "

"Don't worry, I don't see anything!

Listening to Su Ming's words, Yang Mi was angry and ashamed, and quickly grabbed the clothes.

Isn't this the place where there are no three hundred taels of silver?!

"You can't tell Reba about this!"

After calming down slightly, Yang Mi slowly got up with a blushing face, and her tone was angry.

Anyway, I've seen it all.

What else can I do?

"Sister Mi, don't worry, I'm the first person in Jiahang!

"And said you didn't see Shin just now!"

"Ahem, Sister Mi, you can't blame me for this, the goal is too big..."




The two of them mingled by the river.

Between playing, the two of them were even more red-faced.

Fortunately, Zhao Xiaoying was not around.

If this scene is seen in the live broadcast room, it will inevitably get a big hot search! .

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