Chapter 84 Yang Mi's contrasting character

And actually.

Even if no one saw the scene by the river.

Today's Su Ming Yang Mi still appears on the hot search.

[Su Ming took his boss Yang Mi and the paparazzi to the countryside to cut rice!]

[Shocked! Yang Mi was actually Su Ming's one!]

[On how real Su Ming's version of "Xiang Wan's Life" is!]

[Quick look!How Su Ming helped Yang Mi break free from the quagmire!]


That's right.

Marketing accounts and self-media bloggers squatting in the live broadcast room.

Now it is already the video of Su Ming, Yang Mi and the paparazzi's labor in the field in the morning has been posted on the Internet.

And with the blessing of the title party.

These hot searches have rushed directly to the forefront, and the comments have exploded directly.

"What's the situation? This star named Su Ming really went to the countryside to cut rice?"

"I'm dripping mom! It's not hype! I'm small!"

"Look at the video, Su Ming's gang is really working! Such a big acre of land has actually been cut!"

"It's really awesome! This star actually brought a wave of paparazzi to cut rice for fans, can I be his fan?"

"This group of paparazzi is too funny!

"It's really interesting! Isn't this better than Xiang Wan's life?"



Same as the audience in the live broadcast room.

found that Su Ming and others really went to the field to cut rice for fans' homes, which immediately caused a huge heated discussion among netizens.

And immediately, some netizens compared the live video with Xiang Wan's life.

But compared to this.

What netizens are paying more attention to now is the content of another video.

"Hahahaha, I'm about to pee laughing, you guys watch the video of Da Mi Mi!"

"I'm lost! This posture, Su Ming really didn't treat Da Mimi as a girl?"

"Hahaha, look at Da Mimi's helpless and blank expression, is this really the cold goddess Mimi on the red carpet?"

"Outrageous! Doesn't this give the child a pee? Dog Su Ming! Return the image of my goddess Da Mimi!"

"Poof! When you say that, Su Ming really looks like an old father, who is peeing on his daughter's big honey!"

"It's so funny!Is there a big guy who cuts this picture into a GIF emoji?,I want 260 to go to the bottom of the big honey microwave to comment!hahahaha!"

"It's really the first time I've seen Da Mimi's appearance, don't say it, it's pretty cute!

Why don't you let Mimi change her style, don't take the cold route, take the cute route!"

"Da Mi Mi actually gave Su Ming a slap on the back! So well-behaved? There can't really be a leg between the two of them, right?"

"It's really intimate, is it true?"

"If you don't understand, just ask, what kind of variety show is this? Why can't I find where to watch it? I want to watch the full version!"

"I also want to ask, this is more interesting than the "Life of Xiang Evening", Da Mimi is really out in this variety show!"

"Damn, I want to hug Damimi like this!"




That's right.

The video of Su Ming bringing Da Mimi from the quagmire to the ridge of the field is now being reprinted by netizens.

Because Yang Mi in this video is completely different from the Yang Mi that netizens usually see!

Usually Yang Mi is as cold as she is, but when she was held in her hand by Su Ming, she was helpless, confused and shy.

This sense of contrast is simply fascinating!


Su Ming quickly made the animated picture of urine Yang Mi and began to circulate in the group chats of major forums, and it was accompanied by various interesting texts such as "Old Father's Love" and "Shunfeng Express! Your daughter has arrived".

"Poof! Su Ming, this guy is too bad, how can he hug a girl like this?"

"Outrageous! Sister Mi actually gave him a beating on the back!

"Damn! Dog Su Ming, do you bully Sister Mi when you see that I'm not there!"

On the other side, on the set of an advertisement, Reba looked at the news on the hot search, and suddenly stomped his feet in a hurry.

In her opinion, Yang Mi was designated as being bullied by Su Ming.

But after looking at Su Ming Yang Mi's GIF for a while.

Reba's face seemed to gradually have a smile on her aunt's face.

One to one yard, Su Ming bullied to bully.

But Yang Mi seems to be really cute!

When she gets home in a few days, she will try to hug her like this.


Let's talk about the other end.

Su Ming, Yang Mi and the paparazzi seemed to have returned to the courtyard of Zhao Xiaoying's house.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes.

The group sat in the courtyard chatting and waiting for the meal to begin.

"Su Ming, look at the good things you did!"

"Sister Mi, you let go first, it hurts..."

Outside the courtyard, Su Ming was called out by Yang Mi.

Su Mingfen couldn't help but say, Yang Mi grabbed a layer of flesh on Su Ming's waist and twisted it, and Su Ming, who was in pain, bared his teeth.

And Yang Mi's eyes were red with anger at this time.

"Sister Mi, don't be angry, isn't this cute. "

Su Ming looked at the GIF emoji on Yang Mi's mobile phone, and immediately couldn't help laughing.

These netizens are really talented!

"Still laughing! Still laughing!"

"You think it's cute, I've become your daughter!

Yang Mi clenched her pink fist and beckoned to Su Ming, this time she was really about to cry.

For so many years, she has always been active in the entertainment industry and in the eyes of the public as a cold strong woman.

Only people close to Reba and Su Ming have seen her weaker side.

The results are now known to the whole network!

Isn't this a proper persona collapse?

In her opinion, it is self-evident how important the character is to a star.

Seeing that Yang Mi was about to cry, Su Ming also hurriedly comforted her:

"Sister Mi is fine, this is not a collapse of the character, this is called opening up a second character!"

"You look at other female stars, they are either cold or cute, the limitations can be said to be very big, Sister Mi, you are different now, now you can go both. "

"This road is getting wider and wider, which is a good thing!"

"Speaking of which, you have to thank me. "

Su Ming's face was extremely serious, as if he was the head of the Tao.

Yang Mi also listened carefully at the beginning, what a second person, such a professional term, I haven't heard of it!

But when Su Ming said the last sentence.

Yang Mi couldn't help but roll her eyes, and finally couldn't help but laugh directly.

Su Ming put aside this serious nonsense!

Thanks too!

was teased by Su Ming.

Yang Mi's mood is really better.

If you think about it carefully, it's already happened anyway, and if you want to open a point, you should have accidentally opened up a second persona.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaoying's voice came from the courtyard. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Brother Su Ming, Sister Mi, it's time to eat!"

Hearing that they were going to eat, the two glanced at each other and hurried to the courtyard.

It's been a busy morning, and I'm already hungry.

And they left early in the morning and didn't even eat breakfast.

Most rural families are simple and entertaining, and they often bring out the best things in the house.

When I came to the table, at a glance, almost ninety percent of the dishes were meat dishes, which was extremely rich.

Because they were already familiar with Zhao Xiaoying's family, Su Ming and the others did not see them.

Immediately picked up the bowl and began to eat nonsense, and it didn't matter what he was eating.

No way, it's really hungry.

However, seeing Su Ming and the others eating so much, Zhao's father and Zhao's mother and others were naturally happy to see it, which showed that the taste of the food should still be okay, and nothing went wrong.

And they obviously didn't pay attention at the moment.

Such an ordinary lunch, there are nearly 50 million people watching it in the live broadcast room.

"Poof! How many days has this been without eating? Or is it really so tiring to cut rice, Su Ming is already the fifth bowl!"

"Hahahaha, Su Ming's appearance is really amazing, he really doesn't think of himself as a star, he doesn't care about his image at all. "

"The paparazzi on the other side is even more amazing, it's already the sixth bowl!"

"Help! Su Ming's paparazzi don't pay attention to their appearance, why did Da Mi Mi become like this? Can anyone tell me, what Da Mi Mi has experienced today?"

"Needless to say, Da Mimi's absolute force was infected by Su Ming!"

"I'm from the big honey emoji, who is Su Ming?!"

"I'm going! Open the screen crit! Big Mimi's cheeks are so cute!"

"Did I see the hallucination? Why do I feel that Su Ming and Da Mi Mi are so compatible when they eat?"

"Take your sister! Dog Su Ming, the revenge of taking his wife, not sharing the sky!"



In addition to the people who have been seeing the current from the morning, a large part of the live broadcast room has come from the hot search.

And after eating.

Roughly rested for a while.

It's already afternoon.

In the afternoon, the work was still to cut rice.

However, this amount is a little less than in the morning, so before three o'clock, I received morning work.

It's still early.

Su Ming took Yang Mi and the paparazzi to help chop firewood for Zhao Xiaoying's house, and went to pull weeds in the vegetable garden.

But there is a lot of strength in numbers, and after doing all this, it has just reached four o'clock.

Su Ming and the others' plan was to go back after watching the charity performance in the village, but the charity performance didn't start until six o'clock.

The rest of the time is used to continue to enjoy the rural scenery.

I found a fairly large and clean lawn.

Su Ming took Yang Mi, Zhao Xiaoying and a group of paparazzi, a total of eighteen people, and lay down leisurely.

With a breeze blowing, the wheat waves in the distance instantly turned into a golden ocean.

The leaves of the trees not far away also followed suit, and the sound of frogs in the farmland was accompanied by the sound of children playing in the distance.

The sound can be described as extremely noisy.

However, instead of making everyone feel noisy, this noisy sound felt a sense of relaxation that they hadn't felt in a long time.

At this moment.

They no longer seem to be paparazzi stars and fans, but just friends who are like children frolicking in the distance.

"It's so pleasant. "

"Indeed, it's been a long time since I've been so relaxed. "

"It's still good when I was a child, carefree, if only I could go back to when I was a kid. "

"yes, when I was a kid, I would never worry about thinking about who to secretly photograph tomorrow. "

"That's not it, we didn't even think when we were children that we would be paparazzi in the future!"

"In my hometown in the countryside, when I was a child, I was like these little kids, walking around the ridges every day, and then I practiced a skill comparable to parkour, but I never thought that my use was actually in... Alas"

"Brothers, to be honest, I don't want to do it anymore, I want to go back to my hometown, the city of the magic capital does not belong to me. "


At this time, several paparazzi slowly got up, looked at the children playing in the ridges in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh.

And listening to the emotions of the paparazzi, Su Ming, Yang Mi and Zhao Xiaoying on the side couldn't help but echo it.

Indeed, this grows up, and all have their own pressures.

At the end of the day, it's still the best and carefree time when I was a child.

But there's no going back.

And such a scene really infected the live broadcast room.

"These paparazzi are too funny to chat, hahaha!"

"It's funny, but it's true, when I was a child, I didn't have as much pressure as I do now. "

"Don't say it, think about it carefully, I haven't relaxed for a long time, it's really too stressful to work day by day, if only I could cross it, I will wear it directly when I was a child"

"Don't be funny, I've read too many novels, there is no such thing as crossing at all in this world, and there is no one who has crossed at all. "

"It's too impractical, it's too impractical. "

"Harm, I also want to lie there like this with this group of paparazzi, and look comfortable. "

"Grass! I want to go to the countryside!"


And unconsciously.

The paparazzi on the lawn, Su Ming and the others, continued to lie down, couldn't help but close their eyes, and didn't speak again.

Begin to enjoy the tranquility of nature.


This tranquility.

Apparently it didn't last long.

"Xiaohu, there are eighteen people here, guess what, can I jump all at once?"

"How is that possible? You brag!"

"I didn't blow it! I don't believe it, I'll jump to show you!"

"I'm going to jump too, I can't jump eighteen, but I can jump six!"

"Jump quickly, that singer from our village, Zhang Zai, is here, and he probably found out about us stealing melons. "

At this moment, a group of bear children suddenly arrived next to Su Ming and the others at some point, all of them looking eager to try.

Hear the movement.

Su Ming, Yang Mi, Zhao Xiaoying, and the paparazzi, their eyes suddenly opened, and they all got up in fright.

"They're awake, run!"

"Damn, we haven't jumped yet!"


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