Chapter 85 Zhang Zheng's dream, Su Ming wants to rob people of rice

At this moment, Su Ming and the others looked full of fear on their faces.

If it were a second to get up, the bear kids might be jumping.

But it's not a big problem.

Judging from the position of the bear children just now.

If this really jumps, it should just send away a few paparazzi at random.

Su Ming, Yang Mi, Zhao Xiaoying and others at the bottom of the list will not be implicated.

"Damn, these little boys! If they do jump, I'm going to have to smoke them!"

"That's it, eighteen people? Eighteen can't even dance to me! I started bragging at a young age, and I am definitely not a good person when I grow up!"

"What a little kid who has nothing to do with jumping people? What about parkour? I curse you to grow up to be a paparazzi!"

"Forget it, don't scold too viciously, they're just-a kid!!"

"Indeed, they are just children!"

"Don't call the two of you lying in the middle, okay?!"


At this time, a few paparazzi who were close to these little children just now immediately vented their dissatisfaction with the backs of the bear children.

Such a scene, Su Ming Yang Mi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

And the painting style of the barrage immediately changed from the endless emotion just now to another scene.

"Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, Su Ming and the others just got up too neatly!

"Poof! I was almost emo just now, but I was laughed at all of a sudden, hahahaha!"

"You look at the expressions of those little kids, it seems that they still feel a pity, do you think that when Su Ming and them lie down later, will they come to jump again?"

"One thing to say, it's not all to blame on these kids, do you know how tempting a bunch of people lying on the ground is for a kid of this age?!"

"It's true, I loved to dance when I was a child, but I really didn't dare to eighteen people, this group of children is really skinny!"

"Don't be embarrassed, brother, it's only eighteen, it should still be possible for people to be extremely angry. "


"Poof, come on, do you want to say that you can feed a tiger's belly with a sliding shovel when you are extremely angry?"


Keep your eyes back on the lawn.

With this wave of gank of bear kids.

Su Ming and the others obviously didn't have the mood to continue lying down.

Besides, not far away, there was already a cowherd baby who brought the cow to the side.

You can't stay here for long.

And just when Su Ming was about to take everyone to the ridge to slip around again.

A young man with a small felt hat and a silver collar, a young man with a steel fork and a dead Ru with a simple face came to the crowd.

This is exactly Zhang Zheng.

"Zhao Xiaoying, these are your friends... Yang Mi!"

Zhang Zai just wanted to talk to Zhao Xiaoying, but he accidentally noticed the woman holding hands with Zhao Xiaoying.

Isn't this the big star Yang Mi?

Why is Yang Mi here?

Look at the man next to Yang Mi again.

Isn't this the composer Su Ming, whom he has admired so much lately?

Su Ming is actually here!

Look next to Su Ming again.

Well...... I don't know.

At this moment, seeing the two stars in front of him, Zhang Zai was really a little excited, and the Ru in his hand fell directly to the ground.

"Zhang Zai, your Ru is gone..."

Zhao Xiaoying was just about to step forward to remind Zhang Zheng to pick up Ru.

As a result, at this time, Zhang Zheng not only didn't pick up, but even the steel fork fell to the side, crossed Zhao Xiaoying, and went directly towards Su Ming.

"Teacher Su Ming, can you help me see my songs? My dream is to be a singer, can you let me enter Jiahang?!"

"I am confident that I can help Jiahang make money, and I can sing the highest treble in the world!"

At this time, as Zhang Zai spoke, he suddenly took out a crumpled sheet of music from his pocket, his eyes were extremely hot, and his emotions were even more excited.

But from his face, there is obviously a hint of perseverance.

It is not difficult to see that he has a belief in his heart

"Zhang Zheng, don't get excited, I'll show you what you wrote first. "

Su Ming nodded seriously at Zhang Zheng, and he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

In his previous life, he had seen Zhang Zai and had also been on the show together.

Zhang Zai's words and deeds in his previous life were obviously much better than the one in front of him.

And in terms of dressing, it is not as simple as it is in front of me.

This suddenly has to be transferred from the impression of the previous life.

He was a little uncomfortable for a while.

As for the signing robbery.

He had thought about it since he came in the morning.

But don't rush yet.

Let's take a look at the work of this robbery.

At this time, the barrage seemed to be attracted by this sudden robbery.

"I'm lost! This big steel fork Chaoxi Hailing little fishman?"

"Poof! Have you ever studied Chinese class, people are called Runtu!"

"Hahahaha, God is so moisturizing the soil, but don't say it, it's a bit like!"

"Poof, people can intervene with their bare hands, you better be careful!"

"Being able to sing the highest soprano in the world, the person who said this last time seemed to have run away in front of Su Ming in shame. "

"Don't say it, I miss that kidney-deficient singer a little bit, I don't know if his old mother heard him sing. "

"Ahem, don't judge people by their appearance, I feel that this person has something, I remember Xiaoying said that they are from the charity troupe, and they have all written songs. "

"Indeed, when I look at his eyes, I don't feel like he can deceive, I guess he can really sing high notes. "

"If you want me to say, he is really lucky, he can actually meet Su Ming! Even if he can't become a singer, Su Ming can give him a great point. "

"Well, but Su Mingren is also good, he directly gives people a look, and if he wants to change to other composers, he probably won't pay attention to it. "


The other end.

Seeing that Su Ming was carefully reading the song he wrote.

Zhang Zai was excited at the same time, but also moved in his heart.

He really didn't expect that a top composer like Su Ming would really give him such a nobody to read the tunes, and he was so careful.

And when Su Ming was watching the song.

Yang Mi, Zhao Xiaoying and the paparazzi on the side didn't dare to speak.

It's okay to joke in peace, but at this critical moment, they don't dare to affect Su Ming.

About ten minutes later.

Su Ming finally finished watching the song.

Generally speaking, the Zhang Zheng in front of him still has a certain foundation, and he has definitely studied it hard.

However, there are obviously a lot of mistakes above.

Of course, you can still see the talent of this robbery from this song, and this robbery can be signed!

"The beat at the beginning of your first paragraph should be..."

"The lyrics are also unimaginative and a bit lame, preferably here..."

Subsequently, Su Ming immediately explained to Zhang Zai seriously what needed to be improved in this song.

Zhang Zai listened very carefully, and at the same time began to take notes seriously. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And seeing that the two of them couldn't finish talking for a while.

The paparazzi, as well as Yang Mi and Zhao Xiaoying, all walked around.

At this time, Zhao Xiaoying and Yang Mi were sitting together on the haystack not far away.

After a day of getting along, the two daughters have already established some friendships.

Zhao Xiaoying looked at Su Ming who was explaining in the distance from time to time, and stars couldn't help but rise in her eyes.

"Brother Su Ming is really charming when he's serious. "

"Sister Mi, I read on the Internet that Brother Su Ming has a crush on you, is this really fake?"

Although she is Su Ming's fan sister, she has never felt that she is worthy of Su Ming, so she does not have the strength of a wife fan.

On the contrary, she likes to knock cp.

For example, Su Ming Yang Mi in front of him is quite a match.

And Zhao Xiaoying's words came out.

Yang Mi was slightly stunned, and then her face turned red.

Su Ming has a crush on himself?

Really fake!

Why hasn't she seen it online?

"False... Fake news, it must be made up, don't believe this kind of lace news. "

Yang Mi waved her hand, pretending to be free and easy.

But after saying that, she began to carefully recall the details of getting along with Su Ming.

It seems that this is really possible!

No, Iron Crush!

It is estimated that Su Ming fell into mud last time, and it was designed by Su Ming to take a bath at her house!

Good for you Su Ming, hiding so deeply!

But it doesn't seem right.

That time it seemed that it was really Uncle Zhao's grandson Fugui's ghost, and Uncle Zhao mentioned this to her.

And today, Su Ming also bullied her.

Is that she thinking too much?


Her mind was already a mess.

A man's heart, the sea!

Hearing this answer, Zhao Xiaoying was obviously not very satisfied, and then she was gossiping again, wanting to continue asking.

But that hasn't been said yet.

I only heard movement from Su Ming and Zhang Zheng's side.

"Teacher Su Ming, thank you so much. "

"I didn't expect this song to have so many things that need to be improved. "

Zhang Zai took the changed score, and immediately bowed to Su Ming, his face full of gratitude.

"It's okay, it's a trivial matter. "

Su Ming waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Teacher Su Ming, when are you leaving our village, there is a performance in the Six O'clock Charity Troupe, and there are musical instruments over there, I can just sing this song again. "

"If you think it's okay, see if you can give me a chance to be a singer!"

"Or maybe I'll sing a cappella now!"

Zhang Zai looked at Su Ming with hope in his eyes, eager to show his ability.

"I didn't leave until I watched the show, and I wasn't in a hurry to sing. "

"But I heard that you are in the charity troupe, do you have any special features of this performance?"

Su Ming didn't rush to listen, after all, he still had confidence in Zhang Zheng.

However, he was a little interested in the charity troupe.

He hadn't seen much of this kind of rural charity performance.

Seeing that Su Ming seemed interested.

Zhang Zai hurriedly introduced it: "In fact, there is nothing special, that is, there are several nearby villages and some people in the town who like to sing, act in sketches, and sing operas get together and go to various villages to be lively, most of them are middle-aged and elderly people." "

"But recently, the rich people in the group held a small competition, went to various villages to find villagers to perform on stage, and won the award to get a bag of rice, two barrels of peanut oil and three bottles of piaokin shampoo. "

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Ming's eyes suddenly lit up.

There's a prize for this!

These prizes didn't mean much to him, but they were obviously helpful to Zhao Xiaoying's family.

Zhao's father and Zhao's mother are so good to them, this competition can be considered to try.

By the way, it is also lively with the villagers.

Thinking of this, Su Ming hurriedly asked, "Isn't that a villager here, can you participate?"

Zhang Zai's brows furrowed, "Can it be yes, Teacher Su Ming, wouldn't you..."

Thinking of this possibility, Zhang Zheng immediately had an incredible look on his face.

This level of small competition, Su Ming can watch it?

This is outrageous!

But in the next second, Su Ming helped him affirm this answer.

"Where can I sign up?"

Su Ming's words fell.

Zhang Zai didn't speak yet.

The barrage exploded directly.

"What's the situation? Su Ming is going to participate in this competition?"

"I heard me right! Su Ming is going to compete with the villagers for prizes?"

"No, isn't it! Is a bag of rice, two barrels of peanut oil, and three bottles of Piaokin shampoo so tempting Su Ming?"

"I'm my mother! I don't see Su Ming participate in serious singing variety shows, this thing is so active!"

"Outrageous! Su Ming's departure is not a dimensionality reduction blow!"

"I'll report it! This anchor wants to grab rice and peanut oil!"

"Poofhahahaha! It has to be Su Ming! You never know what he's going to do!"

"I don't think it's too early, I haven't said the award criteria yet, what if Su Ming's songs don't meet the aesthetics of the volunteer troupe, after all, most of the members are middle-aged and elderly. "

"It's a little reasonable, but it shouldn't be a big problem, Su Ming's creative level, isn't it easy to make a song that middle-aged and elderly people like?"

"Then why don't you call Da Mimi, she is an actress, let her go up and act in a sketch!"

"Hahahaha, it's really yours!"



Heard that Su Ming was going to participate in the competition.

The number of people in the live broadcast room began to skyrocket.

After a while, it has climbed to nearly 70 million, almost comparable to those variety shows.

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