Chapter Eighty-Six: The Paparazzi Want to Dance?

"What, Brother Ming, are you going to participate in the charity performance at night?"


"Damn, Brother Ming, you go to that stage, isn't that crushing?"

"Su Ming, are you serious?"

"Brother Su Ming, is it really fake?"


Heard the news that Su Ming was going to participate in the charity performance competition.

Yang Mi, Zhao Xiaoying and the paparazzi all opened their mouths with their faces full of shock.

Obviously, like Zhang Zai and the audience in the live broadcast room, they are also a little unbelievable.

At Su Ming's current level.

Participate in this kind of competition.

This is the same as Hongjun Ancestor stealing the belly pocket of the Seven Fairies.

Isn't that low-hanging fruit?

Su Ming shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile:

"The competition is secondary, the main thing is to be lively with the villagers, and to be idle anyway. "

"Also, there are so many of us, and there is still some time before the charity performance starts, why don't you also arrange a show?"

"When the time comes, if we all win the prize, the prize can be given to Xiaoying's family. "

As soon as this remark came out.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

Su Ming participated by himself, forget it.

Do you want them to participate too?

However, after thinking about it carefully, everyone thought that Su Ming's idea was good.

Anyway, being idle is idle, and it seems to be good to be lively with the villagers.

After all, through today's short time together, they still have a good impression of the simple villagers in this village.

As for the prizes, it is naturally the best to get them, and they can be given to Xiaoying's family.

It's okay if you don't get it, it's just playing anyway.

And see Yang Mi and the paparazzi also have to participate in the competition.

Today's live broadcast room is like a mess.

"Damn! Da Mimi won't really be pulled up by "240" Su Ming to act in a sketch, right?"

"Poof! God is acting in a sketch!"

"It's really Su Ming's sigh, now they've all been pulled into the water. "

"If Da Mi Mi also participates, I suddenly feel that the level of this competition is a little up.

At the same time, there are two A-list stars as guests, and this is the most common variety show, right?"

"Hahahaha, I'm still a little looking forward to it now, what's going on?"

"It is estimated that the charity troupe would never have imagined that there are two big stars mixed in among their contestants, hahaha!"

"I'm curious what kind of show the paparazzi will do when they go up later, should they hold up the camera and take pictures of the villagers?"

"Hahahaha, I'll give you a proposal, the paparazzi will go and secretly photograph the scandals of the villagers now, and there will be an exposure meeting in the evening!"

"I'll lose it! It's too bad! You have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain!"

"Then I have reason to suspect that they may not be able to leave this village at night, hahahaha!"


And after you decide that you want to participate in the competition.

Su Ming and the others learned about the process and rules of the competition of this charity troupe from Zhang Zai.

The process of the competition is very simple, that is, to register before the start of the singing, and then go up to the performance one by one according to the order of registration.

The program can be a song, a dance, a sketch, and a variety of operas.

After the performance, the four judges of the charity troupe scored according to their own standards and the voices of the villagers on the scene.

Finally, according to the level of the score, the top five scores can get prizes.

After understanding the rules of the competition, the next step is the show.

Su Ming must be fine, just sing.

Yang Mi can also sing, although she sings averagely, she can also get by.

But when it came to the paparazzi and Zhao Xiaoying, it was difficult.

The daily life of the paparazzi is to take candid photos and then write gossip scripts.

Zhao Xiaoying can act, but she doesn't know what to play when she goes up.

"Brother Ming, why don't we go up and jump around?

I watched a lot of videos of those rural performances on the comic sound, and I did this. "

Just when he was in trouble, a paparazzi opened his mouth to propose.

As soon as this remark came out.

The barrage burst into laughter.


"Hahaha! This paparazzi is really talented!"

"If you really go up and jump, I guess they will be beaten by the villagers, hahaha!"

"I've also watched that kind of video, and it looks really outrageous, and it looks like a spiritual guy. "

"What kind of mental guy? That's obviously a mentally ill guy!"

"Awesome! If they really want to jump up, I'll brush Huazi directly!"


Listen to this paparazzi.

Yang Mi and Zhao Xiaoying couldn't help but sneer.

Su Ming couldn't cry or laugh even more.

What a shame they came up with!

The villagers here are relatively simple, and they probably don't know what Bundi means.

When the time comes, when you see the paparazzi shaking their heads on it, there is a high probability that they will look confused, which is too damaging to the atmosphere.

Therefore, Su Ming directly vetoed this plan.

"Brother Su Ming, I know how to dance, why don't I take them up to dance. "

"Later, find some simple dance moves on the comics, and you should be able to learn them quickly. "

"I just don't know if I can win the award. "

At this time, Zhao Xiaoying stood up and made a proposal.

Hearing this, Su Ming nodded, this one obviously sounded a little more reliable than Bundi.

"Okay, then you can discuss what to dance, it's better to be festive, after all, there are not many young people here, most of them are middle-aged and elderly people and children,

Don't pay too much attention to winning awards or anything, let's just have a good time. "

And Su Ming has no opinion, and the paparazzi naturally have no opinion.

Because they really don't have anything to do.

And after the program arrangement is determined.

The paparazzi followed Zhao Xiaoying to the side to brush teasing, choose dance, and prepare for rehearsal.

Su Ming and Yang Mi are responsible for singing, so naturally there is no need for rehearsals.

simply continued to take the live broadcast room to the ridge and walked around.

As for Zhang Zai, at this moment, he was taking the score that Su Ming had helped him change, and returned to the melon field to start practicing.

This time he has to make the most of this opportunity to show himself.

If he can really enter Jiahang, then his dream will be more than half successful!


Time passes.

The time for the charity performance to start is getting closer and closer.

It can be seen that most of the villagers began to put away their morning work one after another, and the children also brought the cattle back to the cowshed, and the cooking smoke rose early.

Obviously, the villagers attach great importance to today's charity performance.

And it's not just the villagers who pay attention to it.

At this time, the more than 70 million viewers in the live broadcast room also paid great attention to it.

"Why is Su Mingda Mimi still wandering around the fields?

"I'm sorry! What about the two of them putting this idol drama aside? There are still 43 minutes left for the charity performance to start!"

"I'm done with dinner, I'm just waiting to see the show!"

"I don't know if Xiaoying and the paparazzi have rehearsed their dance well, I'm really curious what they will dance then?"

"I came here on a hot search, I heard that Su Ming took the paparazzi to steal melons, and was forked by a person who looks like Runtu, is it really fake?"

"Hahahaha, this news is too outrageous! Don't you see Su Ming's big honey sitting here? Runtu people practice singing in the melon field!"

"Poof! What is the soil? The person's name is obviously Zhang Zai!"

"If you don't understand, just ask, Su Ming said that he was going to compete on the stage in the last village, is this hype?"

"Stir up a hammer! Su Ming still needs hype?"


Apparently. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With the addition of Su Ming and others.

Netizens are really very interested in this charity performance.

"Sister Mi, it's almost time for us to go back. "

"Well, I'm starving. "

"Don't worry, with Dad here, you won't go hungry, so I'll take you home for dinner. "

"Su Ming!


On the ridge.

Su Ming and Yang Mi, who originally wanted to continue to wander, looked at the time, but they didn't continue to go shopping, and began to rush home.

this time.

After returning to Xiaoying's house for dinner, I rushed to the square where the charity performance was performed, and it was almost six o'clock.

And the other end.

Xiaoying and the paparazzi seem to have danced well, and now they are all heading home.


The meal in the evening was still hearty.

However, under the sea of nonsense of Su Ming and the others, a table was soon eaten.

And after eating.

Su Ming and the others took a small bench with Xiaoying's family and carried a few bags of peanuts and melon seeds towards the square.

The square is built on the side of a mountain, next to the wheat field, and the view is very wide.

Come to the square.

There are already a lot of villagers here.

"Today's charity performance seems to have a small competition, and people from our village can also go up to perform, have you signed up? I heard that you can get a bag of rice, two barrels of peanut oil and shampoo for winning the award!"

"Oh, it's really fake, I've been cutting rice all afternoon this afternoon, I haven't heard of it. "

"It must be true! Just now I asked Lao Zhang of the charity troupe, and he said it himself!"

"It has nothing to do with us, we can't sing. "


"Aunt Liu, your melon seeds are good, they are very fragrant. "

"It's okay, but that's all there is left at home for the time being, otherwise I'll assign you a little bit. "

"Lao Li, your little tiger took Xiao Ming, the dog baby and a few of them to my melon field today to steal melons, how do you care about the children?"

"And this?"

"Hmph, if I hadn't met two warm-hearted young men on the ridge in the afternoon, and the handsome young man in them told me about this, I would still be kept in the dark!"

"Lao Wang, don't be angry, Xiaohu, this bastard child, see how I smoke him when I go home!"


At this time, the villagers sat on a small bench while chatting, eating peanuts and melon seeds, waiting for the start of the charity performance.

In the crowd, you can also see a few naughty children walking through, playing and playing0...

The whole atmosphere can be said to be quite pleasant.

At the forefront, you can see a large clearing.

A large converted truck was parked next to the clearing, which was the car of the charity troupe.

At this time, the staff of the charity troupe was moving the equipment from above little by little and began to set up the scene.

"It's really hilarious. "

Yang Mi looked at this scene, her eyes really lit up, and her face was full of novelty.

"It's really lively, we're not wrong. "

Su Ming also nodded, his face full of smiles.

It's different from the previous recorded shows and concerts.

From these audiences, you can feel an indescribable sense of intimacy.

It's the feeling that I haven't seen before, but I feel like I know it.

And quickly.

Su Ming and the others chose a position close to the stage and sat down, and began to wait for the charity performance to begin.

"Xiaoying, what kind of dance did you practice in the afternoon?

As soon as she sat down, Yang Mi looked at Xiao Ying and gossiped with a face.

In the afternoon, she and Su Ming had been strolling on the ridge, enjoying the scenery, and didn't pay much attention to Xiaoying and the paparazzi.

"Hehe, Sister Mi, just wait and see!"

"That's it, Sister Mi, don't worry, our dance will definitely blow up!"

"Indeed, I am confident that I will win the award! Xiaoying's dance selection is really good!"


Zhao Xiaoying and the paparazzi did not answer, but immediately showed a confident and mysterious face.

Such a look made Su Ming Yang Mi curious.

But it's not a big problem, it's about to start, and you'll see what you're dancing later.

"Hey, this one looks pretty good!"

"Indeed, a bit like I watched an open-air movie in the village when I was a kid. "

"The atmosphere in this place is really good, I don't know what the villagers will do later. "

"The villagers go up to sing, it is estimated that it is just a fun, singing and laughing.

The real level depends on Su Ming, I don't know if Su Ming will sing the previous song this time or continue to sing a new song. "

"In my opinion, Su Ming must still sing old songs, I really thought it was so easy to write songs. "

"Compared with Su Ming's professionalism, I am looking forward to the performances of these charity troupes, and these folk artists are estimated to be able to make our eyes shine. "

"In the afternoon, that run... Isn't Zhang Zheng going to sing later, you can pay attention to it. "


As the members of the charity troupe slowly set up the scene.

The barrage seemed to be looking forward to it at this time.

About twenty minutes or so have passed.

The stage scene is finally set up.

The show has finally begun. 5.1

The host is a middle-aged woman, wearing leather pants and a leopard print top, very individual.

"Folks, our show is about to start. "

"If you want to participate in the competition later, you can still go to our teacher Zhang to sign up now. "


"I know the folks can't wait,

So let's first invite a new member of our charity troupe to perform a dance for everyone to start our performance today. "

"This is his first time on stage, let's give him more encouragement, okay!"

I have to say that maybe this host is not very professional, and even Mandarin is not very standard, but this ability to mobilize the atmosphere is really strong.

After the opening, the parents and villagers in the audience immediately applauded, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

Even Su Ming and Yang Mi opened their eyes wide, and there was a wave of anticipation in their hearts.

And quickly.

As the host's voice fell.

The first performer appeared.

This is a young man, who looks about eighteen or nineteen, with a slightly tight outfit, and a flowing yellow hair, with a shyness on his face.

It can be seen that this should indeed be his first time on stage, and it is simply a visible nervousness.


I saw him nod to the master who was in charge of playing the music not far away.

The next second.

A dynamic prelude sounded.

The young man's face gradually became more confident, and his body began to slowly swing a little.

By the time the prelude fell, the young man's dance had already taken shape, and it was quite dynamic.

Immediately afterwards, the accompaniment also sounded.

"Thunder! This heavenly cultivation is the sky and the earth is falling into the purple gold hammer!"

"Purple Electric Xuanzhen Flame Nine...".

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