Chapter 88 Su Ming Yang Mi got married!

Soon, though.

Su Ming and Yang Mi couldn't help laughing.

I have to say that the paparazzi are really happy to dance!

Rushing to the atmosphere on the field, this can't win an award?

However, for Su Ming, this most dazzling national style was jumped, and it was true that he still had one less option.

Because just now he really thought about whether to sing this song or not.

That being the case.

I'll ask the villagers what they mean later.

He can sing any song anyway.


Fill it with a glass of wine for you to stay

Always sing the most dazzling national style

It's the most beautiful gesture in the whole sky!"

As the last lyric falls.

The dance of Zhao Xiaoying and the paparazzi on the stage was frozen in the last pose.

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

At this moment, there was a thunderous round of applause.

"The dance was so good!"

"These boys are really good dancing, much better than the first one!"

"Indeed, what a festive dance!"

"My favorite is the big fat boy next to him, even if he dances well, he is still blessed, if only my grandson could be so blessed in the future. "

"The daughter of the old Zhao family is also a good leader in the dance!"

"Well, I didn't expect the daughter of the old Zhao family to have this talent! But time flies so fast, and she's so big in a flash. "

"I think I'm going to win an award for this show!



The villagers unanimously praised Zhao Xiaoying and the paparazzi's dance.

Seeing the situation of the villagers, the paparazzi seemed to be excited.

This first time on stage, not only did he not drop the chain, but it seems that the response is not bad!

But of course, this is definitely thanks to Su Ming's "The Most Dazzling National Style".

And with the resignation of Zhao Xiaoying and the paparazzi.

The host also walked up with a smile.

"The song "The Most Dazzling National Style" is really good, I almost can't help but dance along. "

"Just now, our judges also gave a score, 9.5..., which is the highest score so far!"

"If nothing else, this should be a must-win award, everyone applauds!"


"Then the next one to appear seems to be a young man, named Su Ming!"

"Let's welcome him with applause!"

With the announcer of the host.

Soon it will be Su Ming's turn.

"Brother Ming, come on!"

"Brother Ming, it's up to you!"

"Brother Ming, we'll heat it up for you!"


Seeing that Su Ming was about to go on stage, the paparazzi immediately gave Su Ming a look of excitement.

Obviously, some of them didn't recover from the burst of praise from the villagers just now.

"Damn! After waiting for so long, Su Ming is finally going to go!"

"I don't know what song Su Ming is going to sing this time?"

"Hahahaha, I definitely have to be at least as cheerful as "The Most Dazzling National Style", otherwise the villagers won't buy it. "

"Su Ming won't lose to the paparazzi and his fans in this kind of small competition, right?

"Hurry up, hurry up, can't wait!"


The barrage was also boiling at this time.

Most of them came for Su Ming.

After watching so many shows, it can be regarded as waiting for Su Ming.

And Su Ming is also unambiguous.

The moderator just finished speaking.

To get up is to go to the stage.

"What a handsome offspring, is it from our village?"

"It's really handsome! I can't find anyone so handsome in the neighborhood here!"

"Tut-tut, this skin, it is estimated that a girl will have to be fooled away by him. "

"Where did you come from? I haven't seen it before, it's almost time to catch up with me when I was young!"

"Old Qian, what you say is really shameless, we didn't know when you were young, the old widow in the next village didn't look down on you, don't blow it. "

"Isn't this the handsome Housheng who is cutting rice for the old Zhao family today?"

"I'll go, it's really him'!"


Su Ming has just come to power, and this is already at the level of Yunlong in ten miles and eight towns, which has caused a lot of heated discussions among the villagers.

Even the host was a little stunned.

However, the host's stunned was obviously different from that of the villagers.

"You're that Su Ming!

That's right, the host had already recognized Su Ming in front of him, and he was extremely emotional.

Isn't this a big star?!

At first, when she saw the list of villagers who Zhang Zai submitted to her, she thought that this Su Ming was the same name, but this time she saw that it was really true!

Seeing that the host was emotional, Su Ming immediately gave him a look and asked him to go down first.

This is about to start the show, but don't you want any fans to see idols, how much does this affect the atmosphere?

The host also immediately understood, and the fart was going down to the stage.

"What a Su Ming, how could he be here?!"

On the other side, the head of the shed also noticed Su Ming, and his face was extremely shocked.

"Zhang Zai, did you already know?"


"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Ahem, you didn't ask. "

The head of the regiment turned his head and quickly questioned Zhang Zheng on the side.

Zhang Zai was also helpless.

His mind is all on practicing songs, how can he remember this.

"Leader, why are you so excited? Could it be that you have something to do with Su Ming?"

Zhang Zai frowned, looking at the excited head in front of him.

It's the first time he's so excited to see the head of the group, could it be that the head of the group is also a fan of Su Ming?

Or does the head of the troupe want to be like him and prepare to find Su Ming to be a singer?

"There is a thing, but I don't know if Su Ming can solve it, whether people are willing to help, let's talk about it later. "

The head of the regiment held his chin and muttered in a low voice, his brows furrowed deeply.

Look at the other end.

on stage.

After Su Ming came to power, he immediately interacted with the villagers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, to be honest, I really didn't expect what song I was going to sing today

So, I'm going to give this opportunity to the big guys, and let the big guys help me decide!"

"Oh, that's fine, what do you sing, boy?"

"What type of will, folks say whatever they want!"


"The young man's tone is not small, I see that you are so young, you are not married yet, or the whole wedding song?!"

"Don't talk nonsense, the daughter-in-law sits there!"

"It's okay, it's going to be a wedding song soon, I don't know why young people don't like to get married now, we haven't had this kind of happy event in our village for a long time, and it's fun to listen to the song!"

"Yes, yes, yes, just the song of marriage, young man, will you?"

Because of Su Ming's extremely social and down-to-earth attributes.

It didn't take long for the villagers to arouse their emotions.

And under the discussion of the villagers.

The genre of this song is set on the theme of marriage.

Speaking of getting married, Su Ming's mind flashed countless songs "Love is Simple" and "Today You Want to Marry Me"...

But after thinking about it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These songs are too bland and don't seem to fit the festive atmosphere right now.

And the folks living in the countryside probably don't like to listen to this kind of song, which usually only appears at urban weddings.

Suddenly, Su Ming had a flash of inspiration.

A song that is very suitable for the villagers to listen to suddenly appeared in his mind.

After deciding, Su Ming hurriedly greeted the calls of the villagers and said with a smile.

"Isn't it just a wedding song, I will!"

"Then I'll sing a wedding song to the villagers!"

As soon as this remark came out.

The villagers were excited, but they didn't expect Su Ming to really know.

"Then in that case, the young man will call your daughter-in-law too, and sing and play some of what you looked like when you got married, let's watch it festive!"

"Yes, yes, call your daughter-in-law too!"

"You old people who are not ashamed know that bullying other boys is honest. "

"Hey, what's bullying here?

"Married, married, do you have candy to eat?"

"Go, go, children eat your peanuts, they don't like sugar. "


Su Ming was just about to sing, but the villagers began to coax again, and they all looked at Yang Mi, laughing.

The child didn't know what was going on, and he started to make a fuss.

At this time, Yang Mi was sitting on the small bench, if the light was brighter, she could see that her face was already red and couldn't be red.

What's going on?

When did she become Su Ming's daughter-in-law?

And this also has to let her go up and perform the wedding scene with Su Ming.

This has never ended, where is this show?

Just when she was a little overwhelmed, Su Ming walked up to her with a smile and glanced at her.

"Daughter-in-law, why are you still stunned? Let's go!"

After saying that, there was no room for refusal, Su Ming just took Yang Mi's hand and walked to the stage.

And Yang Mi immediately understood Su Ming's thoughts.

It's very simple, Su Ming just wants her to cooperate and play for the villagers.

But even if she knew that she was going to act, Yang Mi was ashamed to hear Su Ming's daughter-in-law just now, and she didn't even dare to look up at Su Ming.

This daughter-in-law is so crisp in her heart!

What Yang Mi doesn't know is that now she really looks like a shy little daughter-in-law. finish

"Okay, then I'll take my daughter-in-law and sing a song for everyone!"

Su Ming took Yang Mi to the stage at this time, and said with a smile at the villagers.

Seeing that the coaxing was successful, the villagers immediately cheered.

"Yang... Yang Mi!"

"It's actually Yang Mi! Yang Mi is also here?!"

On the other end, the head of the group and the other members of the shed looked at the woman Su Ming was pulling, and they were dumbfounded again.

There's a star here, forget it.

There's another one!

And it's not the eighteenth-line, it's actually the big star Yang Mi!

They're a little numb, they're just having a very small game, and they just want to have fun with the villagers.

As a result, two big stars actually came!

Winning the lottery, luck isn't so good?

"'Zhang Zai, you pinch me, I don't believe it's true. "

The head of the regiment swallowed his saliva and looked at Zhang Zai on the side in a daze.

And on the other end.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, the barrage seemed to have exploded.

"it! it! Su Ming actually called Da Mi Mi Daughter-in-law!"

"Su Ming and Da Mi Mi didn't deny it! This is the default official announcement?"

"Damn! Big news! The previous scandal seems to be true!"

"I said, why did Su Ming and Da Mimi be so ambiguous in the field before!

"No wonder Da Mimi is so cold in front of us, she is so well-behaved, pitiful and helpless in front of Su Ming, grass!

"Damn! I know, I didn't give it!"

"Huh! I feel like the microwave hot search is going to collapse today!"

"My goddess, Su Ming, you really damn it!"

"Damn! No, the benevolent wife seems to be barely able to rush! No, it's even more exciting!"


"Poof! no one can't see it, Su Ming Da Mimi is going to cooperate with the villagers to act, right?"

"Fools can see that the villagers are so enthusiastic now, Su Ming and Da Mimi definitely don't want to break this atmosphere, so they cooperate with the performance!"

"Hahahaha, it's so funny!

"I'm going to die of laughter! People are acting in a play, look at this barrage in a hurry!"

"The folks are also really in love to coax, and it's interesting next, hahahaha!"

"This is so good, I've long wanted to knock the two of them cp!

"Don't say it, Da Mimi and Su Ming are really a good match. "

"Compared to this, I am looking forward to what song Su Ming is going to sing?"

"Yes, yes, yes, me too! Su Ming doesn't seem to have any songs suitable for marriage at the moment, right?"

"Could it be that Su Ming wants to be original again?"

"Lost! If this is an original on the spot, it is a bit too outrageous!"

"[Ziqi]: Wow, Sister Mi is going to marry Su Ming?

"Damn! Ziqi is here!"

"Hahahaha, Ziqi won't believe it!"

"[Ziqi]: It turned out to be fake, Bai is happy, it's okay, I'll be a cp!

"Poof, Ziqi is actually good at this! But there is one thing to say, the two of them have a really strong sense of CP, they are talented and beautiful, it is a pity not to fall in love. "

"[Lao Xue]: Knock CP and bring me!"

"Damn! Blow up Lao Xue!"

"Hahaha, blow up a big fish!"


Obviously, many viewers who didn't take the live broadcast seriously thought that Su Ming Yang Mi had made an official announcement, and they were wailing at this time.

But more, naturally, it is still a sober audience.

And the movement in the live broadcast room exploded old Xue Ziqi.


The number of people in the live broadcast room is already buried in the terrifying 90 million!

Let's talk about Su Ming.

After pulling Yang Mi to the stage.

Su Ming opened his mouth to the villagers.

"Folks, now let's play the scene from the wedding day

But folks, what do you have to do before you get married?"

As soon as this remark came out.

The villagers burst into laughter.

"What else can you do? Of course, I'm going to pick up my mother-in-law!"

"Hahaha, yes!

"That's it, the mother-in-law can't go to the door, how can she bow to the church?"


Su Mingwan smiled, then pretended to be puzzled, and shouted at the villagers: "Then what should I use?"

The rhythm of the audience seemed to be firmly controlled by Su Ming at this moment.

Some older villagers laughed, "Such a good-looking daughter-in-law must use our ancestor's big sedan chair to marry into the door!"

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Ming immediately pointed at this fellow villager and nodded repeatedly, then looked up at the audience and smiled.

"That's right, big flower sedan chair!"

"So, the song I want to sing to everyone is called "Big Flower Sedan Chair"!".

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