Chapter Eighty-Nine: Sister Honey, Are You Really Coming?

As soon as Su Ming's words came out.

The villagers were all cheering, and their faces were full of interest.

"Big Flower Sedan Chair", the title of this song sounds festive!

However, the barrage at this time was confused.

"What kind of song is this?"

"Is there such a song? How come I've never heard it?"

"I quickly checked it just now, but I didn't find it, it can't be Su Ming's original again, right?"

"Damn! another original song!"

"It's outrageous! Is it true that he just opens his mouth to write songs?"

"Calm and calm, the old audience is used to it. "

"Why did I find a horror movie, damn!"

"Poof, don't care about the song, you see Da Mimi's blushing face, hahaha!"

"Tut-tut, Da Mimi's acting or real expression, this appearance is really rare!"



Su Ming's "Big Sedan Chair" really made the barrage a little tense, I haven't heard of this song.

If nothing else, this is probably another original song by Su Ming!

And look at Su Ming and Yang Mi on the field.

Su Ming interacted with the villagers with joy and heroism on his face, while Yang Mi was full of daughterishness and was at a loss for shame.

The scene is no different from the bride and groom at the wedding party.

"Roar, roar, roar, Brother Ming, Sister Mi is getting married!"

"It's a good match, it's a good match!"

"Brother Su Ming, Sister Yang Mi, together!


On the other hand, at this time, Zhao Ying and the paparazzi were also happy to coax loudly.

The atmosphere of the audience was the climax so far.

And Su Ming also struck while the iron was hot, signaling that the members of the group would make a wedding celebration tune.

Yang Mi saw that Su Ming was about to sing, and quickly adjusted her shyness.

Since you want to act, you naturally have to cooperate.

As a result, Yang Midang even opened a certain distance from Su Ming, revealing a playful and shyness unique to a daughter-in-law who has not passed the door.

When the villagers saw Yang Mi's posture, they were all very happy.

It's so good!

And when the suona sound fell, Su Ming also began to sing.

"The sun came out and I climbed the hill

Climbing to the top of the mountain, I wanted to sing

The song floats to me, my sister

When she heard me singing, she smiled


As soon as this first paragraph came out, the audience immediately burst into cheers and laughter.

Even Yang 097 honey couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

This lyric is too saliva... No, it's too down-to-earth!

But don't say it, this tune sounds so festive!

People can't help but want to hum along!

And it really smells like getting up early in the morning to pick up my daughter-in-law!

Coupled with Su Ming's sonorous and heroic voice, and the slightly exaggerated smile on his face that seemed to be really going to pick up the bride.

Isn't this the wedding atmosphere?

And at this time, the barrage seems to have exploded.


"Hahaha! This song is so funny!"



"Brother and sister, this title reminds me a little of the names of the elders when they were young in the last century, hahahaha!"

"it! it! Su Ming is too detailed! He even took into account the age of the villagers! No wonder the villagers cheered one by one!"

"Don't say it, Su Ming's voice really has the domineering heroism of my big northwest man!"

"Indeed! This song sounds like a gentleman!"

"Hahaha! This song is a little dirty, but it's a little trendy, what's going on?"


Obviously, Su Ming's "Big Flower Sedan Chair" opened his mouth.

directly made the barrage unbearable.

This song is fresh!

"In the spring, the flowers are fresh

My sister and I, hold hands

I'm at the top of the mountain again, and I'll walk it again

See, mountains full of red rhododendrons


Su Ming continued to sing, his eyes looking at Yang Mi opposite.

Under the same gaze, Yang Mi's face turned red in an instant, and she subconsciously covered her mouth, her face was full of shyness, and her heart was full of deer.

She really wanted to perform very calmly.

But Su Ming's eyes were too high, as if Su Ming really wanted to marry him!

But soon, Yang Mi also hurriedly entered the performance, and after showing a playful smile, she stuck her waist and nodded at Su Ming to the rhythm of the song, looking really cute.





Watch the interaction between the two and the upbeat tune.

The enthusiasm of the villagers suddenly became even higher, and their voices were overflowing and their faces were full of smiles.

The children were even more smiling.

Even the members of the charity troupe on the side were full of aunt smiles and couldn't help but clap their hands.

This professional is different!

It's a much better atmosphere than theirs!

"The smile on my mouth is yo-yo-yo

The beauty in my heart is a long one

My sister, she didn't speak, she just looked at me and laughed

I know she's waiting for my big sedan chair!


Su Ming sang this, and the smile on his face seemed to be even more exaggerated.

Yang Mi's acting was also completely in the state, and she smiled shyly with a silky look at Su Ming.

Such a scene really ignited the atmosphere of the scene.

"The girl acted so well!"

"This song of the future is also sung well!"

"No, they're a perfect match!"

"Old woman, when I saw them, I really thought of the two of us back then, hahaha!"

"Phew, you old man, you're putting gold on your face again!"

"Hahahaha, this atmosphere is really festive, it's a pity that we weren't there when the two of them got married before, otherwise we would have drunk a few glasses of happy wine!"


The villagers were cheering at the moment, and at the same time they were sighing with emotion, which was very lively.

And quickly.

This song is also sung to the climax.

Sister, she didn't speak, she just looked at me and laughed

I know she's waiting for me to hug her!

Hug it! Hug it!

Holding the moon, it smiled and bent over!

Hug it! Hug it!

Hold my sister and get on the sedan chair!"

Su Ming's voice fell.

The audience burst into laughter.

Especially the uncles, they are smiling forward and backward, and their eyes can't help but look at their wives.

But what ushered in this was naturally the disgusting eyes of his wife.

Of course, the wives also have smiles on their faces.

And Yang Mi is not to mention, she went out of the play directly, and she was the first to cover her mouth and laugh.

Especially when I saw Su Ming singing the sentence "Hug that hug".

The ruffian smile on Su Ming's face, her face couldn't help but turn red again, and even red to the root of her ears.

As if in response to that sentence, men are not bad, women are not loved!

Big Mimi is no exception!

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Ming's bad smile is too charming!

Coupled with Su Ming's majestic voice, that masculinity is simply amazing!

And quickly.

Because this song is too catchy.

At the end of the singing, the audience had already begun to sing a chorus. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the middle of the song, a child took a few flowers out of nowhere and rushed up and handed them to Su Ming.

Su Ming also understood, and in the next second, he directly delivered the flowers to the "bride" Yang Mi.

When it comes to singing "Hug that hug" again.

The chorus is undoubtedly the loudest.

Then Su Ming also took Yang Mi's hand and began to play the lyrics relay with the villagers.

Su Ming: "When the sun comes out, I'll climb the hill!"

Folks: "I climbed to the top of the mountain and I sang!"


Su Ming: "The smile in my mouth is yo, yo, yo!"

Folk: "The beauty in my heart is a long one!"


He: "Hug that hug and hug ~"


The night sky is full of stars.

The breeze blows the wheat waves, and the frogs and insects chirp in the rice fields

Accompanied by Su Ming and the singing and laughter of the villagers.

This small mountain village has become extraordinarily comfortable at the moment, like a paradise.

Let's talk about the live broadcast room.

Today's number of people in the live broadcast room has broken through the 90 million mark, moving towards the popularity of top ace variety shows, 100 million!

Needless to say, the barrage has long been completely boiling.

"When the sun comes out, I climb the hill, and when I climb to that hill, I want to sing!"

"Hug that, hug that, hug that...!! This song is so special! I can't get out!"

"Don't brush it, don't brush it, I've been singing with Su Ming several times, my mother said let me go out quickly to find someone, hahahaha!"

"Laugh to death! I'm all hugging now, and I can't stop at all, okay?"

"Poof! How did Su Ming write this song? It's earthy and trendy!"

"Hahahaha! The song is indeed a giant, compared to crying at the wedding, singing this song, the atmosphere is absolutely fried!

"Indeed, next time I get married, I must sing this song to my wife!"

"When I get married for the second time, I must ask my husband to sing this to me!"



"The song is good, Da Mi Mi and Su Ming's performance is also good! Especially Da Mi Mi, that shy appearance is just like the real thing!"

"Hahahaha, if I didn't know that Da Mimi was acting, I would doubt that she really regarded herself as Su Ming's daughter-in-law, and her acting skills were amazing!"

"[Ziqi]: It's here, it's here! Sister Honey Su Ming is too sweet!"

"Damn! Ziqi is still there? Wake up, someone else is acting, hahaha!"

"CP block means you can't hear it, it's sweet and it's over!"

"[Lao Xue]: Su Ming's creative ability is really strong, I really accept this song! By the way, Sister Mi and Su Ming shouldn't be coming to the real thing, right?

"Poof! Lao Xue, you have this rhythm, be careful that Da Mimi and Su Ming will come to the door to pump you when the time comes, hahahaha!"

"Don't bring it, Lao Xue will bring it!"


At this time, the barrage was conquered by the song "Big Flower Sedan Chair" and the interpretation of Su Ming and Yang Mi.


And the other end.

"Hug that, hug that

Holding the moon, it smiled and bent over

Hug that hug and hug

Hold my sister and get on the sedan chair!"

With this last lyric falls.

This "Big Sedan Chair" finally came to an end.

Su Ming Yang Mi also held hands, smiled and bowed slowly to the villagers, completed the curtain call, and prepared to return the stage to the host.

"Daughter-in-law, it's really good!"

At this time, Su Ming turned his head to look at Yang Mi and raised his eyebrows.

Yang Mi raised her leg to give Su Ming a gentle kick, and rolled her eyes at Su Ming, her face was ashamed and angry.

This performance is over, and Su Ming is still taking advantage of her here!

Speaking of acting, though.

She herself almost didn't know where she was acting and where she wasn't acting.

Anyway, blushing, shy, and the deer in my heart is definitely not acting!

At this time, the interaction between Su Ming and Yang Mi fell in the eyes of the villagers, which was undoubtedly flirting.

"Kiss one!"

At this time, I don't know which villager shouted first.

Immediately after, Qi Qi's shouts suddenly rose up.

"Kiss one!"

"Kiss one!"

"Kiss one!"


In the face of the voices of the villagers.

For a while, not only Yang Mi blushed.

Even Su Ming's face was slightly red, and he was a little overwhelmed.

Kiss one?

Isn't that a bit too much?

At this time, Su Ming and Yang Mi's eyes couldn't help but look at each other, but they immediately dodged together.

Obviously, both of them are a little shy and twisted, and they don't know what to do.

"Young man, what are you ashamed of? Your own daughter-in-law doesn't dare to kiss you?"

"Hahaha, that's it, the domineering energy of singing just now came out!"

"Young man, is it difficult to wait for other girls to take the initiative?"


At this time, the villagers continued to coax and put pressure on Su Ming.

Yang Mi's face was hot, her little hands kept kneading the corners of her clothes, and her eyes were a little afraid to look at Su Ming.

Because she already felt that Su Ming seemed to be excited by the villagers to do it!

Let's talk about Su Ming, Su Ming is actually not really afraid to kiss, the main thing is that this is still live.

If they really kiss, then their scandal is really difficult to wash, and it may also affect some of Yang Mi's endorsement resources.

But now the atmosphere of the villagers has come to this, and if you don't get off the stage, you can't come to the stage.

At this time, Su Ming suddenly thought, borrow!

Immediately, Su Ming turned to look at Yang Mi, put his hand on Yang Mi's shoulder, made a gesture of wanting to kiss Yang Mi and slowly approached Yang Mi, and at the same time glanced at Yang Mi, signaling to take a look at the live broadcast room.

Since Su Ming himself can think of borrowing a position, Yang Mi should be able to think of it too, right?

But obviously, Su Ming overestimated Yang Mi.

Yang Mi subconsciously thought that Su Ming wanted her to see the villagers, which meant that she had to give the villagers this face, and she had to kiss her and let her sacrifice it.

Just when the two sides had very different ideas.

The next second.

I saw Su Ming turn sideways, stuck his body in front of the villagers and the dead corner in the live broadcast room, and kissed Yang Mi.


"Damn! Su Ming's look just now was too obvious, whether he could act better or not, we can all see it!"

"It's unprofessional! This last step didn't work out! I want to complain!"

"Grass! I thought I really wanted to kiss! It's boring to borrow a seat!"

"Hahahaha, the folks can really bring rhythm!"

"Although it's a borrowed position, it's okay to see it, just treat them as a kiss, pure cp powder welfare, hahaha!"

"[Ziqi]: Damn, you actually borrowed a position! Folks, increase your efforts!"

"Poof! Ziqi calm down, it's fake! It's all fake!"

"[Lao Xue]: Hahaha, you people, can't you let Ziqi knock it well? Don't expose it, okay?"

"I'm a fan of Mimi's husband, I'm already angry!


The barrage crowd obviously saw Su Ming's eyes just now, and saw that this was preparing to borrow the position, which was really disappointed.

But simply.

The folks don't know what borrowing is.

I thought the two were really kissing.

At this moment, there were cheers and thunderous applause.

At this time, Su Ming's eyes widened after being gently pecked by a touch of softness, his face began to become hot, and his whole person froze.

Sister Honey.

You're really ?!!!。

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