Chapter Ninety-One: A Childhood Dream!

Su Ming was obviously a little confused about what was going on in front of him.

The leader of this charity troupe asked him for help?

Is this group leader's son or his fan?

What a situation!

But because of the word fan, Su Ming really wants to hear it, what is this?

If you can, you can help.

"Commander, tell me what is going on. "

"I don't think I can do it, and if I can't help, then I can't help it. "

Hearing this, Su Ming did not directly refuse.

The regiment leader's anxious heart suddenly sank, with a touch of gratitude on his face.

Su Ming really did the same as Zhang Zai said, there was no arrogance.

And then, the head of the regiment exhaled heavily, his expression was slightly sad, and he directly told the matter.

"Teacher Su Ming, it's not very difficult for me to be busy. "

"Just give me a call to my son. "

"You persuade him to go home for the Chinese New Year this year. "

"His recent circle of friends is full of your songs, he is your fan, and your persuasion will definitely work. "

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Ming, Yang Mi, Zhang Zai and others on the side couldn't help frowning.

Persuade your son to go home?

Could it be that the eldest son of the regiment ran away?

But it's not quite like it.

Shouldn't running away from home normally be cut off from home?

"Commander, it's okay to call. "

"But you have to tell me what your son is like first, or I don't know how to persuade him. "

Su Ming smiled bitterly.

Calling is just a lip service, whatever.

What do you think is a big deal?

This busy "seven, four, seven" is not even busy, and it can be done casually.

However, this persuasion, you have to understand the specific situation, so that you can find the angle of persuasion.

The head of the regiment nodded at this time, and then frowned and slowly spoke,

"My son's name is Liu Sanzhu, nicknamed Sanzhuzi. "

"Actually, it has always been good before, that is, after he graduated from college, the whole person seems to have changed

Except for the first year when I came back for the Chinese New Year, I didn't come back for the next two years, and now I don't even answer the phone sometimes, and I always say I'm busy. "

Every time I asked him about the Chinese New Year, he would say that he didn't make any money this year, and then hang up the phone. "

"You say that we are parents, we must be asking for people, who is rushing for money?

Besides, my and I still have hands and feet, so could it be that we will try to get him a few dollars in his pocket?"

"This year, his health is a little bad, I want you to help persuade him to come back this year. "

After hearing this, Su Ming touched his chin, and his face was still a little embarrassed.

The general situation is understood.

But that's not to the point.

"Commander, is it convenient to ask, where is your son working now, and what kind of work is he doing?"

"Did he say any other reasons besides saying that he didn't make any money?"

Su Ming frowned and asked.

The head of the regiment pondered and continued: "I only know that he is in the Shenzhen City, but I don't know much about what work is. "

"For other reasons, he mentioned anxiety and depression a few times, but this thing is hypocritical. "

"Besides, I can't remember, I basically quarrel with this kid on the phone without saying a word. "

Hear here.

Su Ming finally frowned.

I guess it's really because of this anxiety and depression.

He didn't know much about depression, but he did know about anxiety, and it didn't feel good.

"Captain, I think you can consider communicating more with your son, now young people are under a lot of pressure, anxiety is very common, and the risk of depression is not impossible. "

"This thing has been grinding for a long time, and it can really become a disease, so you have to pay attention to it. "

Su Ming looked at the head of the regiment and said seriously.

But he had just finished speaking.

The head of the regiment just waved his hand, and his tone became obviously heavier, "He is only in his early twenties, what pressure can he have?"

"It's not our poor and white era, when I was in my early twenties, I couldn't eat enough food at home, so that's called pressure, isn't it still like this now?"

"What kind of anxiety and depression is hypocritical! I can't communicate with him about this!"

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Ming finally had a general idea of the situation.

This father and son are obviously lacking in communication.

Of course, more, obviously, is the generation gap between the two generations.

"Uncle, what you said is not right. "

"Don't keep comparing the things of your time with the present, the pressure on young people now is different from that time. "

At this time, a paparazzi couldn't stand it anymore and stood up and said.

"What's the difference? Now that the material conditions are so good, he doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking, and job opportunities are everywhere, what pressure can he have?"

"I think it's obvious that this kid is crazy outside and doesn't want to go home!"

The head of the regiment immediately replied, a little emotional.

The paparazzi were naturally excited and were about to choke.

But at the critical moment, he was stopped by Su Ming.

If this continues, the two of them may have to fight.

"Commander, give me the phone, and I'll talk to your son. "

"But when I call, don't say anything yet. "

The head of the Su Ming Dynasty nodded and said.

Look at the temper of the regimental leader.

Obviously, there is a high probability that it is impossible to communicate with his son.

It seems that it can only come through him.

As soon as he heard that he was going to call, the head of the regiment didn't care about talking about the paparazzi, so he hurriedly dialed his son's phone and handed the phone to Su Ming.

It took nearly half a minute for the call to go through.

"They all said that I was working overtime at this time! Why are you calling?

An angry voice came from the other end of the phone as soon as possible.

When the head of the regiment on the side heard this, he immediately wanted to open his mouth and go back, but he was stopped by Su Ming.

"Hello, I'm Su Ming, and your dad asked me to call you. "

"Su Ming? Su Ming, Su Ming is really you!"

"Yes, it's me, I heard your dad say you're a fan of mine. "

"Yes, yes, I really like the songs you wrote..."


Soon Su Ming chatted with Liu Sanzhu, the son of the head of the regiment.

However, Su Ming did not persuade him at the beginning, but chatted with him about idle days.

Obviously, it can probably be heard from the conversation.

This Liu Sanzhu does not have any tendency to be depressed, on the contrary, he seems to be quite optimistic and talkative. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And then from the chat, Su Ming also learned about his current situation.

At present, he works in a small company in Shenzhen, 996 a day, and his usual life is basically the company, home, and a place to eat.

But even so, because the salary is not high, except for daily expenses, there is basically no money to save every month.

Hearing this, the head of the regiment on the side looked slightly moved.

It was also the first time he learned about his son's life.

Then continuing to chat, Liu Sanzhu was obviously chatting happily with Su Ming, talking freely, and began to complain about some unhappy things in life.

For example, the boss's inexplicable blame, the open and secret battles between colleagues, the company's performance appraisal, the confusion of not seeing the future, and the difficulty of finding a girlfriend.

All in all.

These are basically the situations that most young people have nowadays.

The head of the regiment had been listening to it at this time, and many times he wanted to speak and stopped, and after listening, his face became quite solemn.

His son never told him any of this.

Then, Su Ming also began to talk to Liu Sanzhu about the relationship with his father.

"Don't worry, your dad isn't around, you say. "

"Well, in fact, I don't have much opinion on my dad, he just thinks too backward, he always talks about the things of his time, and he always likes to compare me with other people.

"I always ask me to find a partner to bring back, but where is this that I don't want to find?

I'm in the company every day, or in a rental house, and what if I find it, the house costs millions, the bride price costs hundreds of thousands, and the car hasn't been counted yet, just the current salary, I can't afford it for a few lifetimes, it's good to be alive, you say yes.

Anyway, my dad is a person, I can't communicate with him, he fully understands these things, and he can work hard as a husband and wife when he opens his mouth.

But in this social climate, such a good girl, can I meet it?"

Speaking of the back, Liu Sanzhu's tone was already with a hint of self-deprecation, of course, more helplessness, or powerlessness.

Immediately, Su Ming also tentatively asked the question of why Liu Sanzhu didn't go home for the New Year.

Liu Sanzhu's reason is also very simple.

The first is that I really haven't saved money, and the second is that the annual leave is too short, and if I go home, I will spend a lot of money on the bus and back, and the cost performance is not high.

Of course, the cost of the fare is still secondary, the most important thing is to be nagged when you go home, and you are urged to marry by the family, all kinds of things are not understood, and the pressure is very high.

After listening to Liu Sanzhu's words, the head of the regiment had fallen into complete silence.

He heard Liu Sanzhu occasionally mention these pressures, but he ignored them.

But now listening to Liu Sanzhu's calm words, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought0...

The paparazzi on the side were also silent.

There were even a few eye sockets that were a little red.

Because what Liu Sanzhu said is basically the same as the pressure they are facing!


At this time, the barrage seemed to be boiling.

"Damn! Watching a live broadcast, how do you look in the mirror? "

"It's too difficult, it's been three years since I graduated, and I'm in a similar situation to Liu Sanzhu, I can't beat the salary of 6,000 yuan, how can I face the future." "

"Times have changed, and it's too difficult to find a girl who is willing to endure hardships and work hard together. "

"Indeed, if you can find it, you definitely saved the galaxy in your previous life!"

"The pressure is so great that I can't even afford to get married now. "

"Actually, it's nothing to get married, and the pressure is just as great!

I now have a mortgage of more than 8,000 a month, and I work every day for all kinds of living expenses, my daughter-in-law still doesn't understand me, and my children don't obey, alas. "

"Damn! Why do you want me to watch this live! I feel like my future is getting darker and darker. "

"Alas, everyone is under a lot of pressure. "


Obviously, many people in the barrage are empathetic and see themselves from Liu Sanzhu.

After listening to Liu Sanzhu's words, Su Ming couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Nowadays, the pressure on ordinary young people is indeed too great.

In the first few years of his previous life, when he just graduated, he was actually similar to Liu Sanzhu.

He can fully understand this feeling.

In fact, it is not impossible to get out of this situation, there are two ways.

One is to get rich, and the other is to swing.

Of course, Su Ming didn't have the right to help others make choices, make suggestions, or anything, and he didn't want to do that.

"Sanzhu, do you have any dreams?"

At this time, Su Ming didn't intend to continue those heavy topics, jumped out of the way, and asked with a smile.

"Dreams? Does five million in tomorrow count? Hahaha, just kidding. "

"What do I have dreams about now?"

"My ideal life now is to buy a house that is not big or small, without the pressure of mortgage, and then marry a gentle and considerate wife, have children, and then the family is healthy, and finally have a stable job to support the family. "

"But this is too extravagant, after all, I am not a rich second generation, and I can't win five million. "

"But don't say it, I really had a dream when I was a child, when I was a child, I always liked to sit on the haystack and count the stars, and when I grew up, I wanted to be an astronaut, hahaha...


At the beginning, Liu Sanzhu's tone was still full of self-deprecation and helplessness.

But when talking about his childhood, Liu Sanzhu's tone obviously became brisk, and he felt like he couldn't finish talking.

At this time, the barrage was also with Liu Sanzhu's chat, and the painting style began to become joyful.

"Poof! Help! I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid!"

"Hahahaha, I'm not afraid of everyone's jokes when I say 2.0, I wanted to be a scientist when I was a child, but now I'm a cook!"

"What's this, I wanted to be a doctor when I was a child, and now I'm a barbershop Tony, trimming and caring for human connective tissue, barely touching the doctor's side, hahaha!"

"Poof! I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up, and now I'm a zookeeper. "

"It's so good when I was a child, I didn't have any pressure at all, and I even had dreams!"

"Indeed, and you remember, I forgot all the dreams I had when I was a kid!"


And the other end.

Listening to his son Liu Sanzhu start to talk about what happened when he was a child, the head of the regiment really showed a smile on his face for the first time in a long time, but there was a trace of self-blame in his eyes.

After listening to it, he already understood more or less where his son's pressure was.

Maybe he should really listen to Su Ming and communicate well with his son.

"Sanzhuzi, come back for the Chinese New Year this year, I won't urge you to get married, and I won't compare you with others. "

Just when Su Ming was still listening to Liu Sanzhu talking about some trivial things when he was a child, the head of the regiment suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted Liu Sanzhu's words.


The other end of the phone was silent for more than ten seconds.

When it rings again.

The voice was already a little hoarse, "What can I do when I come back?"


When the head of the regiment heard this, he was about to say something, but was interrupted by Su Ming on the side.

"Sanzhu, let's talk about ours first. "

"By the way, I'll take you to listen to something first. "

"Zhang Zai, hand me the guitar. "

After Su Ming finished speaking, he took the guitar that Zhang Zai brought.

Holding the phone, I just ran towards the edge of the wheat field.

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