Chapter 92 "Rice Fragrance", the live broadcast room was all crying

looked at Su Ming like this.

Yang Mi, Zhao Xiaoying, and the paparazzi leader and others were all a little confused.

With a guitar, is it possible to sing?

However, everyone didn't care to ask, and immediately followed.

"Damn, Su Ming doesn't want to sing, right?"

"Isn't this nonsense, the guitar is all in hand, and if you don't sing, is it possible to take the guitar to cut the rice?"

"It's outrageous! It's not going to be another original song, is it?"

"Impossible, people's energy is limited, Su Ming is tired enough to work today, not to mention, and he also made up a big sedan chair, if this is another original song, I will eat something on the spot!"

"It's really unlikely to be original, but why did Su Ming go in the direction of the wheat field?"

"Poof! I can't see this, it's quiet over there!"

"I don't know what song Su Ming wants to sing, I have one thing to say, I am quite envious of this Liu Sanzhu, and I can ask the idol to sing a song to him. "


At this time, the barrage obviously roughly guessed what Su Ming wanted to do.

However, there is also a lot of confusion.

Liu Sanzhu on the other end of the phone was also slightly stunned, but then he was also a little excited.

Hearing Su Ming talking about the guitar, it seems that he can hear Su Ming singing.

I just don't know which song Su Ming is preparing for?

And just as everyone was thinking.

Su Ming had already come to the edge of the square.

"Sanzhu, do you hear it now?"

As soon as Su Ming's words came out.

Liu Sanzhu on the other end of the phone couldn't help but look puzzled.

Even Yang Mi and the others on the field were puzzled.

What do you hear?

Didn't you say you were going to sing?

I didn't sing it.

However, since Su Ming said to listen, everyone also listened carefully.

The sound is noisy.

There is the sound of the wind blowing the wheat waves, the sound of insects chirping and frogs, and the sound of children playing and playing at the entrance of the village.

But at the same time, it is noisy, but it also makes people feel calm.

Liu Sanzhu on the other end of the phone listened to this.

His expression was slightly touched. 06

For him, it was the voice of his hometown, the voice he was most familiar with.

He seemed to understand some of Su Ming's meanings.

Just when he wanted to say something.

Su Ming spoke.

"I have a song I want to give you, this song, the song is called Daoxiang. "

That's right, it's "Rice Fragrance".

In the previous life, the background of the creation of "Rice Fragrance" was after the catastrophe, and the original intention of the creation was to bring encouragement and hope to people after the disaster.

However, in Su Ming's view, this song is also suitable for young people who are under great pressure now, anxious about the future, and even desperate.

And listening to Su Ming's words.

Liu Sanzhu and Yang Mi and others present, even the barrage, couldn't help but be a little stunned.

"Rice Fragrance"?

I haven't heard of this song, is it a new song?

But just when everyone is still a little confused.

With the sound of crickets in the wheat field in the distance and the sound of frolicking and laughter at the entrance of the village.

Su Ming had already plucked the strings in his hand.

The strings beat, and the melodious sound seems to be one with all that of nature.

The relaxing melody makes people can't help but calm down.


A faint smile appeared on the faces of everyone on the field, and they nodded slowly.

That's a good prelude!

And when the prelude ended, Su Ming's voice also sounded slowly,

"To the world

If you have too many complaints

If you fall, you don't dare to keep going

Why should people be so fragile and depraved?

Please turn on the TV and take a look

How many people live

I am trying to go on bravely


Sing along with the lyrics.

Liu Sanzhu on the other end of the phone couldn't help but be a little moved.

It's a beautiful melody.

At the same time, the lyrics made him suddenly feel an indescribable emotion.

Today, he feels a lot of pressure, and he is almost desperate for his future and future.

Although his body is still busy every day, he has already given up on himself in his heart, and in his words, he just needs to live now.

But from Su Ming's lyrics, he seems to have found a reason for himself not to give up.

Indeed, turn on the TV, there are too many people in the world who are more difficult than him.

Those people didn't give up.

Is it too early for him to choose to give up now?

And not just him.

Yang Mi, paparazzi and others on the field also felt the sense of power in this lyrics.

Especially the paparazzi.

There are a few more emotional paparazzi, and their eyes are even red at the moment.

Because their profession is predestined, it is difficult for them to get encouragement from outsiders.

"Remember when you said that home is the only castle

As the Daoxiang River continues to run

Smiling slightly, I know the dream of my childhood

Don't cry and let the fireflies run away with you

The songs of the countryside are always relied on


And with the sound of this chorus.

Liu Sanzhu looked stunned at this time, his nose was a little sour, and his emotions became a little excited.

"Home is the only castle"

Yes, when he was a child, he did think so.

When I was a child, when it got dark and when I had a holiday, the first thing I thought of was going home.

For him at that time, home was his only harbor, and at that time, he could never imagine what it was like to not go home for two years.

Think about it carefully, in the face of the pressures of life.

The aroma of rice, the clear river, the fireflies on the summer evening.

He seems to have forgotten these things that were extremely familiar in the past.

"Don't be tempted to give up so easily

Like I said


Color your life brightly

Start by painting your love in your favorite color

Laugh one

Success is not the goal

Make yourself happy and happy

That's what makes sense


Su Ming continued to sing, his voice was gentle and clear, like a beam of sunshine in spring, straight into people's hearts.

At this time, the sound of children playing and laughing in the distance became more and more clear.

On the other end of the phone, Liu Sanzhu's eyes were already red when he heard it, and at the same time, there was more thinking in his eyes.

When he was in college, he had a lively and cheerful personality, participated in various club activities, and learned several musical instruments at that time, and basically had a good time every day.

But since he graduated and came to Shenzhen and entered the workplace, he has been constantly putting pressure on himself every day.

Comparing himself with his classmates, colleagues, and peers on the Internet, he always had a string in his head, and finally this thread broke, and he chose to give up.

It seems that the pressure on him comes not only from his father, but also from himself.

And now he realizes that he doesn't seem to have laughed from the bottom of his heart in years.

He couldn't help but think about it now, just like in the lyrics. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Is it really that important to be successful?

It doesn't seem to be that important!

But put all that pressure aside and say happy.

Where can he find happiness now?

And in the next second, the song gave him the answer.

"The so-called happiness

Chasing dragonflies in the fields barefoot until they were tired

Stealing fruit and being stung by bees scared

Who's snickering

I leaned on the scarecrow

Asleep, asleep, asleep

Oooh, asleep

Oooh, asleep

Cherish everything, even if you don't have it


Listen to the lyrics and the melodious melody.

This moment.

He couldn't hold it anymore, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Scenes from his childhood began to pass through his mind like slides.

Chase dragonflies on ridges.

Fish in the lotus pond.

Stealing fruit and getting stung by bees.

Lying on the grass in the evening and imagining the future, until he accidentally fell asleep and was caught by his parents and went home.

I went to catch cicadas with my friends, thinking that if I caught the cicada, I caught the whole summer.

At that time, he was stress-free, carefree, and had dreams, far happier than ever.


He seemed to have understood what Su Ming wanted to tell him in this song.

Su Ming wanted to tell him.

In the big city, I was overwhelmed by reality, anxious and confused, and I wanted to escape but had to hold on.

Give yourself some encouragement, take a moment to stop and rest, and go back to the place you knew most from your childhood.

He also seemed to understand what Su Ming wanted him to listen to at first.

Su Ming wanted him to hear about himself when he was a child.

Thinking of this, for a while, tears welled up in my eyes!

"Harm, it's good when I was a child. "

"Brother Ming's song really sang to my heart, if I have time, I want to go back to my hometown. "

"I want to go back to my hometown, too. "


The paparazzi seemed to be in tears at the moment, recalling their childhood, and emitting bursts of emotion.

Yang Mi and the others on the side were even redder and unable to speak.

As for the barrage, it is already boiling.

"Damn, brothers, I'm in tears! This song is so well written!"

"It's really good! It's so childlike that for a moment, I really went back to that time. "

"Harm, I also want to go back to my hometown to see this singing, to see where I grew up when I was a child, and to meet those people I knew when I was a child. "

"How good it was when I was a child, if only I could go back to when I was a child, there is no mortgage and car loan, there is no pressure of all kinds, alas, I can't go back. "

"Listening to it, my eyes suddenly soured, it turned out that I was in my thirties, and I was really stupid when I was a child, and I was looking forward to growing up. "

"Laugh at it, fame is not the goal, making yourself happy and happy is called meaning This lyric is really good, damn! Lao Tzu will go to eat Bohao tomorrow, and eat all the things I usually don't want to eat!"

"It's really good to write, it's only after so many years of hard work that I understand how there are so many successes,

Most of us are just ordinary people, and happiness is over!"

"This sentence is rare, even if I don't have it, it's good to write, I grew up with my grandmother, I miss my grandmother a little, I used to think about making more money, so I can repay her, but 033 It's a pity, when I make money, she's gone"

"I've just been unemployed for two months, and I'm currently living in an Internet café, after listening to this song, I feel like I can't be so decadent, I have to find a job, and then go back to my hometown to develop, after all, my dream when I was a child was not to be a god of Sanhe!!"

"Come on, brother!"

"This song is really amazing, a warm and healing colleague, it is actually inspiring, how did Su Ming write such a song?"

"Su Ming's talent is really always worth believing, this song is online, I will definitely be the first to buy it!"

"If you also like Su Ming's songs, then we are good friends!"

"[Ziqi]: Su Ming is really a creative genius, I also cried when I heard this song, I missed it when I was a child. "

"Ziqi, hug, cry together!"

"[Lao Xue]: I can see that the most important thing for Su Ming is talent, this song is really well written, and I can't stop crying. "

"Damn! Did Lao Xue also hear crying?"



The barrage was all infected by this song "Rice Fragrance", and they were full of emotion.

Even Old Xue Ziqi also sighed one after another.

At the same time, the number of people in the live broadcast room.

Now it has broken through the 100 million mark.

"Don't cry and let it run away with you

The songs of the countryside are always relied on

Come home and go back to the beginning."


And with this last lyric falls.

This song "Rice Fragrance" also ushered in the end.

Immediately, Su Ming took a deep breath and slowly spoke to Liu Sanzhu, who was sobbing on the other end of the phone,

"Sanzhu, then now I'll give the phone back to your dad. "

Judging from Liu Sanzhu's performance.

This matter of persuading Liu Sanzhu to go home is no longer needed by him.

And I can't go home.

Liu Sanzhu should have made a decision in his heart.

The other end.

At this time, the head of the regiment listened to the sobbing of his son on the other end of the phone, his eyes were already ruddy, and his face was full of self-blame.

He should have communicated more with his son.

And he also thinks that Su Ming's song is well written.

Even he couldn't help but recall the memories of his childhood.

It's just that that era is too far away, and the most memories are only poverty and hunger.

"Let's go. "

After Su Ming handed over the phone, his eyes looked at Yang Mi and the others on the side, got up and walked into the distance, ready to leave time for their father and son.

And it's not too early.

I almost have to go back.

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