Chapter Ninety-Three: Iron Crush!

"Brother Su Ming, your singing is really good. "

"Indeed, Brother Ming, after you sing this song, don't say that Liu Sanzhu wants to go home, I want to go home!"

"It has to be Brother Ming!"

"Teacher Su Ming's talent is really amazing!But that song just now, is it really Teacher Su Ming, you came up with it on the spot?"


At this time, while walking, Zhao Xiaoying, Zhang Zai and the paparazzi had red eyes, and on the other hand, they began to look at Su Ming with a handful of snot and tears, and blew wildly.

Seeing such a scene, Su Ming couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it.

But it's also true.

This song "Rice Fragrance" is indeed good, and it has a very high reputation in the previous life.

Zhao Xiaoying, paparazzi, it is normal for them to have this reaction.

Looking back at the head of the regiment on the phone, the smile on his face.

Su Ming exhaled softly, it seemed that this favor was done.

And then.

After moving the prizes of rice, peanut oil, to Xiaoying's house.

Su Ming, Yang Mi and the paparazzi are ready to go back.

I have to say.

Zhao Xiaoying's family is really simple and enthusiastic.

Before leaving, not only did they send Su Ming and the others all the way to the entrance of the village, but also sent each of them some of their own wax goods, native eggs or something, no matter how they refused, they couldn't refuse, which really made them a little embarrassed.

If you have the opportunity in the future, you can consider coming back.

And a busy day.

Sitting in the car going home, Su Ming Yang Mi was already a little tired.

So this live broadcast room is directly closed.

100 million viewers, it can be said that they are homeless in an instant.

"Sister Mi, why are you staring at me all the time?"

Su Ming yawned and was about to squint in the car for a while.

As a result, when he turned his head suddenly, he suddenly saw Yang Mi looking at him tightly with red eyes, and he was really startled.

Yang Mi's eyes were naturally crying when she listened to "Daoxiang".

"I'm wondering, how did you grow this brain, and why doesn't your inspiration run out at all?"

Yang Mi frowned at this time, and looked at Su Ming with an extremely serious expression and said.

Originally, she was almost a little numb to Su Ming's creative ability.

But now, the more I think about it, the more incredible it becomes!

Not to mention how popular today's "Big Flower Sedan Chair" sounds.

Just the song "Rice Fragrance" just now is outrageous enough.

Warm, healing and inspiring.

It's so well written!

In the face of Yang Mi's doubts, Su Ming answered very simply.

"That's how genius works!"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Mi snorted and laughed directly, and then gave Su Ming a roll of his eyes, "What a narcissist!"

But thinking about it carefully, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with what Su Ming said.

Su Ming's terrifying ability to write songs, isn't this a genius?

"By the way, Sister Mi, what do you have to explain, you can say it now. "

At this time, Su Ming suddenly remembered what Yang Mi was going to say before.


Yang Mi's face turned red, and her eyes subconsciously looked at the paparazzi who were driving in front of her.

Sure the paparazzi weren't paying attention.

Only then did he come to Su Ming's ear and began to explain.

"That's it?"

"Wow, I see. "

After listening, Su Ming's face couldn't help but be a little weird.

This Yang Mi wants to have unspoken rules, but she didn't expect to be shy, and she didn't understand what he meant at the time, thinking that it was not a borrowing.

As an actor, how could Yang Mi not know about borrowing?

Yang Mi's explanation is obviously trying to cover up!

But since Yang Mi said so, then he should nod his head.

Anyway, in the future, he will have to consider keeping some items for security measures, and Yang Mi will attack him one day!

And after explaining, Yang Mi now really feels relaxed.

Finally got rid of the image of a female hooligan.

"! Su Ming, you're on the hot search again, look! look!"

"Sister honey, isn't it just a hot search, what's all the fuss about?"

"Whew, but it's also..."


Yang Mi just turned on the microwave, and at a glance, she saw the hot search that was about to rise to the top of the list, and she was excited.

But Su Ming's opening made her calm down in an instant.

Also, for others, it is difficult to search for a hot search, but for Su Ming, it is as commonplace.

And the reason why Su Ming is on the hot search this time is because of the song "Daoxiang".

100 million viewers in the live broadcast room, the mobilized traffic.

The last hot search is simply not too easy.

"Damn!Su Ming has released a new song again?!"

"New song? "Big Sedan Chair"? This song is indeed okay, my ex-wife likes it!"

"Poof! Brother is stable, the relationship is so good, and you know what people like?"

"It's okay, I just left today, and we're going to get back tomorrow, and I'll let me sing "Big Sedan Chair" to her at the wedding."



"Don't do it, don't do it, it's not this one, Su Ming's latest song is called "Daoxiang"!"


"Help! "Daoxiang" is also amazing!"

"Grass! This song made me cry when I heard it for a man who was almost forty!"

"After listening to this song, I really want to go back to my childhood. "

"I grew up in the countryside, and listening to this song is so feeling! When I have a holiday, I have to go back and walk the ridge I walked on when I was a child!"

"Success is not the goal, this lyric is so well written! The reason why many people are anxious now is because they all want to be famous! Where in the world can so many people succeed?"

"After listening to this song, I feel that my anxiety has been relieved a lot, isn't it fragrant to lie down and look away?"

"Grass! I really want to praise this song, but because of the limited culture, I can only say one word!

"It's really awesome, this song is listened to with your eyes closed, the picture is outrageous!

"Su Ming, this guy is really a monster! Such a good song was actually thought up casually!"

"I came up with it casually, my mother! It's outrageous!"

"It's really a bit outrageous, this song is probably written by Qu Dad, and I can't figure it out in a few months, right?"

"I'll blow this song directly, okay?! Daddy Qu can't come! The cricket sound and the laughter of children in this prelude are simply too hanging! It's the finishing touch of this song!"

"Damn! I thought I was the only one who discovered this! Really, this sound of nature is so child-like!"

"Lost! You actually put this paragraph in the song, but don't say it, it's true!"


At this time. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the hot search, netizens really have a lot of feelings about this "Rice Fragrance".

It's all over the place, and it's all touted.

There is no way, the life of the public is very stressful nowadays.

Suddenly such a song full of healing and inspirational comes out, and everyone's evaluation will unconsciously become higher.

Tianle Entertainment Company.

Composer's Lounge.

"Su Ming's song!"

Qu Dad Wang Quan was also listening to this "Rice Fragrance" at this time, and his face was full of surprise.

Not only was I surprised that the quality of this song was very high, but I was also surprised that Su Ming's song that could be controlled actually had another style!

This is outrageous for a composer!

Immediately, Wang Quan hurriedly shared the video of Su Ming singing to his small group of Qu Dad.

"I'll go! Wang Quan, you're almost done, why are you sharing Su Ming's song again? Don't tell me you're going to start blowing him again. "

"That's right, his song "Farewell" is really hanging, but your obsession is too strong, and you have been blowing with us for a week. "

"I'm almost annoyed by Wang Quan, a junior is lucky to be inspired to write a few songs, as for blowing it like this? Who in our group can't pick out dozens of awesome songs? That's all time-tested. "

"That's not it, don't mention this Su Ming, big guy, recently I found a place where you can taste new tea, the girl can take the initiative, is there a one?"

"Get out!"

"Not interested!"

"Ahem, Lao Song, you will have to fall on a woman sooner or later. "

"It's also romantic to die under the peony flower!"


Seeing that the people in the group didn't care much about the video he shared, Wang Quanshi was really big for a while.

Did you blow Su Ming so much?

It's blowing one, two, three... Well, it seems like it's been a week.

"Don't underestimate this junior, I feel that he really didn't write it on a momentary inspiration, he is really strong!

Wang Quan hurriedly sent another sentence.

However, the group saw that Wang Quan was blowing Su Ming again, and he ignored him again.

But soon.

With Wang Quan's indiscriminate bombardment, someone finally paid attention to it.

"The quality of this song is really good, don't say it!"

"There is indeed something, judging from this prelude, Su Ming's inspiration should be the sound of nature in front of him, which is quite novel. "

"'I also think it's good, this Su Ming still seems to have a lot of things!'"

"I think it's okay, it's a bit too much, and if I get inspired, I can write it in minutes. "

"Cut, old Song, you can blow it!"

"Lao Song, isn't Blue Channel's "King of Golden Melody Singers" about to start broadcasting? If I'm not mistaken, should you be invited?

Why don't you ask the program team to see if you can find Su Ming, don't you think he sings like a song, go up and have a fight with him!"

"Come on, what do I have to compare with one of his juniors? My target must be the other three music fathers, but I am currently annoying to find a singer, and I haven't found a few who can catch my songs. "

"Poof, Old Song, you won't be cowardly, right?"

But the composers invited to "The King of Golden Melody Singers" are all Qu Dad, even if I want to compare with him, the program team will not invite him. "

"Well, that's right. "


Wang Quan saw that the news in the group was about to start chatting crookedly, so he simply didn't look at the group anymore.

Cooperate with him to blow Su Ming and make him happy, isn't it?

These old bastards!

Let's talk about the other end.

It's already ten o'clock in a blink of an eye, and there are still more than an hour or so before I get home.

In the car.

Su Ming and Yang Mi sat in the back row, and they were already leaning on each other and falling asleep.

Suddenly, a bump came down, and Su Ming woke up directly.

Feeling his shoulders and neck that were about to go numb, Su Ming's afterglow couldn't help but look at Yang Mi, his face full of pain.

She's too heavy!

Just as he was about to wake up Yang Mi, he stopped for a while when he looked at Yang Mi, a little bird who was about to flow out.


Looking like this, Yang Mi is really cute, and there is a kind of protection that makes people unconsciously give birth to a desire to protect.

Immediately, Su Ming subconsciously stretched out his hand and gently pinched Yang Mi's little face.

However, Yang Mi should be too sleepy, frowned slightly, pursed her lips, and continued to sleep without opening her eyes, and even moved closer to Su Ming, as if she was using Su Ming as a pillow.

And Yang Mi looks like this, which is really rare.

"It seems to be good to be unspoken by her. "

Su Ming looked at Yang Mi, who was lying on his shoulder, and smiled lightly, and couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.


Just when he had this idea, the sound of a mobile phone vibrating sounded, and Yang Mi's eyes opened instantly.

For a while, Su Ming hurriedly put away the smile on his face and turned his head away.

No way!

It's too late to wake up!

It's a bit of a surprise just now!

At this time, Yang Mi also left Su Ming's shoulder with a blushing face.

Damn it!

How can I rely on Su Ming!

Su Ming wouldn't misunderstand her for being a female hooligan again, right?

Also, what the hell did Su Ming look at her and laugh just now?

Between her thoughts, she just remembered what Zhao Xiaoying had said to her.

Wait a minute!

Su Ming wouldn't really have a crush on her, would he?

No, it's supposed to be an iron crush!

How can anyone keep staring at girls sleeping?

And laugh like that!

It's either like it or it's a pervert!

But now she doesn't have time to worry about this, so she has to answer the phone first.

"Hey, it's me, what's the matter?"

"Sister Mi..."

A call.

Yang Mi's face was a little stunned at the beginning, and gradually began to become solemn, and then directly turned into shock.

"Oh my God!"

"Su Ming! "The King of Golden Melody Singers has invited you!".

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