Chapter Ninety-Four: Su Ming, are you really here?

But the words have just been spoken.

Yang Mi noticed that the paparazzi was still in the car, so she hurriedly covered her mouth.

looked at Yang Mi's slightly not very smart look.

Su Ming was really a little crying and laughing.

Why, if you cover your mouth, can you take the words back or what?

"Sister Mi, you've said everything, let's just say it. "

Su Ming said with a smile.

As soon as this remark came out.

Yang Mi didn't say anything yet.

The two paparazzi in front of them spoke first.

"Brother Ming, Sister Mi, if you have something to say, we will never say it!"

"Well, other celebrities treat us as shit, just Brother Ming, Sister Mi, you treat us as friends, don't worry, anything you do, as long as you don't have permission, we won't say anything outside!"

"That's right, if you really say it, our whole family will be on the spot!"

The two paparazzi smiled and spoke, with great sincerity in their tones.


This sincerity is also sincere.

"Okay, okay, why are you swearing this kind of poisonous oath? You agree to Ka, but your family hasn't agreed yet. "

"Sister Mi, what did you just say about "The King of Golden Melody Singers"?"

"Is it a show? It's a show, I don't really want to be on a show lately. "

Su Ming hurriedly stopped the two paparazzi with a smile, and then looked at Yang Mi.

Although he hadn't heard of this singer.

But when you hear it, it's like a singing show.

Forget about the show.

He's really too lazy to get on.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse. "

"This show is a new original song program that Blue Channel is going to release recently, and the lineup is very luxurious!"


Yang Mi saw that Su Ming refused so simply, and immediately began to introduce it.

And Su Ming listened impatiently.

I basically have an understanding of what kind of singer this is.

In short, the program team went to find some Qu Dad who had songs in hand.

Then Qu Dad sang a song, and the program team helped find someone to sing.

As long as Qu Dad chooses which singer should be able to catch the song, the program team will invite that singer.

Of course, the singer invited over to get the appearance fee from the program team at most.

The copyright issue of the song is still all in the hands of the music fathers themselves.

Unless the Qu dads decide to take the initiative to cooperate in the future, it is naturally another story, and it has nothing to do with the program team.

The format isn't complicated.

It is to let these singers sing the songs of the dads.

Viewers can vote for their favorite songs by texting in real-time. The song with the highest number of votes in the current issue of 947 can get a free publicity opportunity for one month on Lantai.

But here's an interesting point.

The show has no judges, just four listeners who don't have voting rights.

After the singers finish singing, the listeners can say how they feel about the song.

And as composers, the dads don't need to go to the show, if you have any questions, just call directly.

"How about it, Su Ming, why don't you try it?"

"You don't even have to go to the scene for this!"

Yang Mi's face was excited at this time, and she looked at Su Ming with a look of hope.

Not to mention the invitation fee, just the one-month publicity opportunity of Lantai is already very tempting.

With the current exposure of Lantai, it is a saliva song on the bad street, and it can become popular if it is pushed for a month!

After the fire, it's all money!


Su Ming frowned.

To be honest, he didn't seem to find a reason to reject Yang Mi for the time being.

There is an invitation fee, you don't have to play, and if you win, you will have a chance to publicize, as long as you play a song.

Isn't that a tailor-made show for him?

It doesn't even affect him at all from playing with fans.

So, after a little hesitation, Su Ming immediately chose to agree.

And there is one thing to say.

This show is really timely.

Isn't this just the right time to send the Zhang Zheng you just signed?

Not surprisingly, the lineup of this show will definitely not be bad.

After all, if you don't look at the face of the program group, but look at the face of Qu's father, those big-name singers will also appear.

This is just the right time for Zhang Zai to brush his face in front of the audience.

This has saved Jiahang a lot of money.

As for his other singers, the current schedule is full, and it seems that he can't be on it for the time being.

If you look for other singers in the circle, he hasn't thought about who to write songs for the time being.

For now, let's talk about the last issue first, and let's talk about it.

See Su Ming agrees.

Yang Mi's happy face was about to burst into laughter.

And after talking about this show. Yang Mi also began to talk to Su Ming about what happened just now.

"Su Ming, you said seriously, why did you just look at me sleeping and smirk?"

"You can't have a crush on me, do you?"

At this time, Yang Mi leaned close to Su Ming's ear and said softly, while giving Su Ming a "I already understand" expression.

That's right.

She hits straight balls!

Just ask!

Su Ming hurriedly showed a look at a fool's eyes,

"Sister Mi, don't get me wrong, I just saw that you were about to flow down immediately, and I wanted to laugh a little. "

"And your skin looks quite dry, tomorrow is expected to be powdered, thinking of your powder, I want to laugh again. "

As soon as these words came out, Yang Mi's little milk voice broke out instantly, and she hammered Su Ming with a punch.

"Su Ming!"


Soon, the two just got together and began to fight each other.

One thing to say, Su Ming does have a good impression of Yang Mi now, and he is also satisfied with Yang Mi's body.

But crush, the word is a bit too much.

As for how to explain why you laughed just now.

He can't just say that he was thinking about the picture of being unspoken by Yang Mi just now, right?

And listen to the sound of the two bickering.

The paparazzi in front of him seemed to be already smiling at his aunt.

This pair of happy enemies.

What a look, how to match!


And then on the other side.

Wang Quan was about to go to bed, and suddenly a lot of news about Aite suddenly appeared in Qu Dad's small group.

"Lao Wang, come out quickly! Grapevine, that Su Ming you bragged about was invited by the program team of "King of Golden Melodies"!"

"Lao Wang, something is wrong! You have a show to watch, Su Ming agreed to go to "The King of Golden Melody Singers"!"


As soon as Wang Quan saw the news, his sleepiness dissipated suddenly.

The program team of "King of Golden Melodies" actually invited Su Ming unusually?

And Su Ming agreed?

Either of these two pieces of news is incredible.

"I'll go! This program team actually chose a new generation composer to be on the show, aren't you afraid that it will cause dissatisfaction among other composers when the time comes?"

"I look at the program team, I guess I like Su Ming's traffic, and now Su Ming is a hot search figure!"

"It can't be so hard and embarrassing, Su Ming is so good that he wrote "Farewell", both songs have been included in the textbook, and the strength is still there, but it is possible to cause dissatisfaction with other music fathers. "

"Old Song, it's coming, it's coming, Su Ming is here, aren't you looking down on others?

"Old Song, if you want me to say, you really can't underestimate Su Ming, if you don't make it, you will overturn like Wang Quan. "

"Flip the hammer car, I don't believe he can write another song "Farewell", this time I will hang him! The program team is really, good and decent, let a junior come in. "


Seeing that the group was lively, Wang Quan immediately joined the battlefield (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Old Song, what are you bragging? Still beating, have you really never heard Su Ming's other songs? If you want me to say, it is estimated that Su Ming can even win the first place this time, believe it or not!"

As soon as the news was sent.

Lao Song replied directly: "Laugh to death!" If Su Ming can win the first place, I will go to the People's Square on the spot to pull a piece of Xiang in public, and then take a backhand!"

The other dads in the group also spoke.

"Wang Quan, you are a little too optimistic about Su Ming, and first, let's not talk about Lao Song, the other three Qu Daddy are not covered. "

"Indeed, the first chance is slim, unless Su Ming can really explode inspiration and write a song at the level of "Farewell", but inspiration is very empty. "

"This lineup, I may not be able to be the first, Wang Quan, you said that Su Ming can be the first, I don't believe it anyway!"

"Old Song, hahahaha, what you said is a bit heavy, what if Su Ming really takes the first place? I mean just in case. "

"Hahahaha, I also think it's too heavy, this is really the first, you have to consult the Internet celebrity in advance to feel about it. "

"Speaking of the eighth child, that kid was really amusing me at the time, and I don't know if he really ate it or not. "

"There are not so many in case, if Su Ming is really the first, I will do what I say!"


And looking at the group is not optimistic.

Wang Quan directly threw down the last sentence: "Old Song, I took a screenshot!

And the group members are also watching the excitement one by one, and it is not a big deal.


"It's a must, hahahaha!"

"I also took a screenshot! Lao Song is going to play big this wave, hahaha!"

"[Voice Message 3S]"

"Damn, old Song, what are you doing?"

"Lose! Lao Song can actually do that while the water is in the water!"

"Old Song is really romantic, if he is arrested by his uncle, it will be fun. "

"Ahem, press the wrong one, don't misunderstand, serious massage! Also, despite the screenshot, since I, Song, have said it, I won't break my promise!"


Wang Quan saw that this old Song agreed, and the group members also agreed to supervise one by one.

The smile on his face was really irrepressible.

In fact, to be honest, he was not sure that Su Ming was absolutely first.

But Su Ming definitely has a chance to be the first.

And if Su Ming really did it, it would be really interesting.

Ever since he lost his song to Su Ming, this old Song has been saying some cynical and cool things every day.

At that time, Su Ming held the first in one hand.

He holds the screenshot in one hand.

Just go to the old Songla People's Square!

Su Ming, you must be angry!


Let's talk about the other end.

In the blink of an eye, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Su Ming Yang Mi has now arrived at the gate of the community in the paparazzi's car.

This just got off the bus.

Su Ming just couldn't help but sneeze, "Grass, who is scolding me?"

"Brother Ming, you shouldn't have a cold, right?"

"That's right, if you don't get some medicine to eat, the lotus seems to be warm and effective. "

"No, no, I guess my nose wasn't very comfortable just now, so let's go first, see you another day." "

"Well, goodbye, Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming, goodbye!"


Say goodbye to the paparazzi.

At the entrance of the community, only Su Ming and Yang Mi were left.

"Su Ming, what you just said, shouldn't it be serious? "

"Do you really want to arrange that happy twist to make a movie so soon?"

Yang Mi looked at Su Ming at this time, frowned and said.

That's right.

In the car just now, Su Ming suddenly mentioned that he wanted to make a movie with a happy twist.

At present, the acquisition of Happy Twist is basically complete.

The next thing is naturally to hurry up and get the movie out.

"Of course I'm not kidding about this kind of thing. "

"It's okay, I will control the investment cost, and it is estimated that it will cost about 2,000 at present. "

Su Ming waved his hand and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yang Mi was really a little crying and laughing.


This cost is really not high for a movie.

It seems that Su Ming wants to try the movie this trip to the water.

But it doesn't cost much anyway, so let Su Ming play.

After all, Jiahang now relies on the songs written by Su Ming, and he has made a lot of money.

"Then I'll contact you with a few screenwriters tomorrow, and you can talk to each other when the time comes. "

Yang Mi said seriously.

However, for Yang Mi's help, Su Ming directly refused.

"I've already written the script, so I don't have to waste this money. "

"By the way, I'm a little too sleepy, I'll go back first, see you tomorrow!"

After speaking, Su Ming yawned, turned his head and walked towards his community.

And looked at Su Ming's back.

Yang Mi couldn't help but be stunned in place, and the whole person was messy in the wind.

Su Ming wrote the script himself?

What's the situation?

She originally thought that Su Ming was joking before.

As a result, Su Ming actually came to really?!

That's not what it means.

These two thousand are not slipping, this is preparing to be a drift?!

"Su Ming!"

Yang Mi stomped her feet anxiously.

No matter how high the cost of 20 million is, it can't be charity, right?

She didn't think Su Ming could write any good scripts.

Even he didn't think that Su Ming had written the script.

It is estimated that he just wrote a novel of tens of thousands of words, which included a few stories, and he just moved himself.

However, at this time, Su Ming had already stepped into the corridor and couldn't hear her voice.

In other words, Su Ming didn't pay attention to her at all.

Just as she was about to catch up with Su Ming, while theorizing, Reba's car appeared beside her at some point.

I saw Reba poking her head out at this time, her face full of gossip.

"Sister Mi, what's wrong? Is this reluctant to give up your old father?"


"What old father?

"Sister Mi, let's go home, I want to hug you like Su Ming, I want to be an old mother. "

"You dare!"

"Sister Mi, don't be angry, you tell me honestly, did Su Ming bully you today?"

"Am I like someone who will be bullied?"

"Then can you tell me, when you played Su Ming's daughter-in-law, your face was red and it was really all a performance?"

"Don't mention it!"


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