Chapter Ninety-Five: Are You Playing So Perverted?

Two days have passed in the blink of an eye.

Jiahang Entertainment Company.

Project meeting room.

"What? The movie starts shooting next week?"

At this time, Shen Teng listened to the plan just proposed by Su Ming Yang Mi and several high-level executives in front of him, and his face was full of shock.

He and the old guys of Happy Twist are really eager to make movies.

But it's also too fast.

It's only been a few days since the company was acquired, and as a result, it will be able to make a movie in the next ~ week?

"Well, I've taken the time to watch some of the videos of your troupe, and the acting skills are okay, so I'm going to give you a chance to make a small-budget movie to try. "

"The script director has all the funds and will start filming next week. "

"The movie is called "Charlotte's Troubles", and the main character is currently set for you, and I hope you work hard. "

Soon, Shen Teng received Su Ming's answer again.


Shen Teng's whole person was excited, and the smile on his face was almost grinning to the back of his head.

Since he was acquired, the old guys who were happy twist analyzed and said that he was reluctant to let his daughter catch the wolf.

Once he was a little depressed, seeing his daughter's well-behaved appearance, he would subconsciously think of the scene where his daughter was defiled by Su Ming, not to mention how uncomfortable it was

As a result, before he gave up his daughter, the wolf came to the door.

This is so unexpected!

"Su Dong, rest assured, we Happy Twist will definitely seize this opportunity!"

"Well, that's fine, let's break up this meeting first. "


End of meeting.

Only Su Ming and Yang Mi were left in the conference room at the moment.

"Su Ming, I didn't expect you to really come up with a script, it's incredible, have you ever learned screenwriting before?"

Yang Mi looked at Su Ming with shocked eyes.

Su Ming waved his hand and yawned while stretching.

"I've been self-taught for a while. "

Two days ago, Su Ming said that Yang Mi had always been against making movies.

But since yesterday, Su Ming showed her the script of "Charlotte's Troubles".

Her mind changed all at once.

Because Su Ming's script is really well written.

Judging by her years of experience in acting.

If this movie is made, even if it doesn't make money, it shouldn't lose anything, so I agreed to make it.

In the face of Yang Mi's questioning, Su Ming naturally could only prevaricate in the past.

But this should not be called prevarication.

Because Su Ming did learn some things related to screenwriting, but it was only in his previous life.

In his previous life, Su Ming had made a lot of movies, and for a period of time, he had the idea of investing in himself and writing and directing a movie, so he went to study for a while.

But before Su Ming could get the movie out, he was stunned, and then wore it here.

"I don't know what else you have in you that I haven't discovered yet. "

"By the way, Xiaoying still has the matter of Zhang Zai signing a contract, and it should be almost done today. "

Seeing Su Ming's appearance that he didn't wake up, Yang Mi took a sip of coffee, and her face was full of crying and laughing.

He can write songs and write screenplays.

Could it be that there is no Su Ming who won't?

Let's talk about signing.

That's right.

Zhao Xiaoying had already called yesterday and agreed to sign the contract.

Needless to say, Zhang Zheng said.

Since I heard Su Ming say in the village that Jiahang would sign him, I had already packed up my things yesterday and moved from the village to the magic capital, and the efficiency was extremely fast.

"Well, in that case, the program of "King of Golden Melody Singers", let Zhang Zao go for the time being, and I will write a song for him in the next few days. "

"Poof! What?"

Hearing Su Ming's words, the coffee that Yang Mi had just put into her mouth couldn't help but squirt out.

Do you want Zhang Zai to participate in the "King of Golden Melody Singers"?

"Su Ming, are you sure?

The composers this time are all Qu Dad, and the singers selected are basically well-known singers in the circle, let Zhang Zheng go, will this be a little too hasty?"

Yang Mi frowned.

For Su Ming's ability to write songs, she naturally will not question it.

But let Zhang Zai sing, it feels a bit too casual.

Zhang Zai's singing skills and soprano are indeed okay, but he is too lacking in stage experience.

As soon as he debuted, he went to this kind of big stage, and if he fell off the chain, it would be an accident, and it might cause a shadow on Zhang Zheng.

Of course, the most important thing is that when other music dads are looking for singers to sing, in addition to being suitable for the first place, they will prefer to choose those singers with a little more traffic.

Because after all, it's a vote, and with some fans, the probability of winning the first place is greater.

As a result, Su Ming chose an unknown singer who came back from the village.

Isn't this a natural loss of a large part of the advantage?

"It seems that you can have two songs in one issue, why don't you find another singer in the circle?"

Yang Mi said tentatively.

Just a Zhang Zheng, she really has no bottom in her heart.

But obviously, Su Ming had no intention of changing.

Zhang Zai has strength, and from Zhang Zai's eyes, he can also see Zhang Zai's desire for a big stage.

In terms of stage experience, Zhang Zai has been in the charity troupe for a period of time, and it is definitely not enough to say that he has nothing at all.

Anyway, Su Ming didn't think that Zhang Zheng would drop the chain.

It's just that he hasn't figured out which song to write for Zhang Zai for the time being.

As for finding other singers in the circle, it's a bit too troublesome to dock, and he doesn't have any ideas about this for the time being.

"Forget it, Sister Mi, it's too troublesome, just let Zhang Zheng go on it,

You have to think about the benefits, if Zhang Zai didn't drop the chain, then it would be possible to jump directly to the first and second tier singers, how much money do we have to save Jiahang?"

"By the way, Sister Mi, your black silk is broken!"

Su Ming smiled and spoke, and then looked at Yang Mi's long legs.

After Yang Mi listened, the first half of the sentence had not been digested, and it was Su Ming's last sentence that made her so frightened that she hurriedly looked at her legs.

Sure enough, there was a small hole in the left thigh, and the white thigh was clearly visible.


Yang Mi's little milk voice broke out, and she hurriedly covered the gap, and her little face quickly turned red.

It's also so embarrassing!

But when did this break, should it be broken before coming to the company?

Isn't that the whole company seeing it?

Su Ming smiled, shook his head, got up slowly, turned his head and walked towards the door.

This woman is really strange.

Usually wearing a skirt to show your white legs can be seen, but after wearing stockings and tearing, your legs are not allowed to be seen.

Usually you can be seen wearing a bikini on the beach, but not underwear, so visually, is there any difference between a bikini and that thing?

And it happened that before Su Ming went out, Reba came in.

Waiting for Su Ming to go out, Reba looked at Yang Mi covering her legs, and her gossip expression was instantly revealed.

"Sister Mi, what did Su Ming do to you?"

"You... Don't think about it, it's the stockings that are torn. "

"Ah, what did Su Ming do? You two are doing this in the conference room! You're playing so perverted! Aren't you afraid..."

"What nonsense are you talking about, not what you think!"


The two girls played and frolicked, and they calmed down. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yang Mi also began to think about what Su Ming said just now, and what Su Ming said was not unreasonable.

In case the song of Su Ming is really popular, it is really blood-earned.

However, this is not a small difficulty.


Time came to the afternoon.

At this time, the Lantai Building, the conference room of the production team of "The King of Golden Melodies".

"The show is going to be on next week, and now the situation on the guest's side is basically determined. "

"No, a singer on Su Ming's side hasn't been determined yet, so hurry up and ask. "

"Su Ming has just confirmed one, and the singer's name is Zhang Zai. "

"Zhang Zai, why haven't you heard of this singer? Go and ask the planning department to contact this singer. "


"By the way, director, we invited Su Ming this time, and the other four Qu Daddy seem to have a little opinion, do you want us to adjust it?"

"There's a fart opinion! Now that Su Ming's traffic is so big, he writes a song and a hot song, no accident, and he will be a song dad in the future!

But even if you adjust it, their composers don't need to be on the show, they can make any fuss and it won't affect the show. "

"Okay, we got it!"


A meeting down.

The production team finally negotiated the entire process of the show.

And when inviting guests later, the program team made a difficulty.

Who is this robbery?

There is no such person in the circle!

I will find out after contacting Jiahang.

This robbery seems to be just a newcomer.

"Su Ming asked a newcomer to go to a stage like ours?"

The director is obviously a little unbelievable at this time.

"Well, it seems to be a newcomer who has just signed a few days ago. "

The assistant on the side frowned.

"It's still a ?!! that I just signed"

The director was obviously a little confused.

In his eyes, Su Ming's talent would not be inferior to those Qu fathers at all.

So if the quality of the song is about the same, then the singer becomes crucial.

Su Ming actually chose a pure newcomer, which was too risky.

Or did Su Ming not pay much attention to their show at all?

But not so much.

He heard some directors of the toilet station say that Su Ming doesn't seem to agree to programs that Su Ming doesn't pay attention to.

"Well, I guess he has his own reasons. "

After thinking about it for a long time, the director shook his head, he really couldn't figure out Su Ming's decision.

Anyway, this problem is actually not something that their program team needs to consider, anyway, Su Ming's traffic just rubs in.

"Didn't Su Ming say that he wanted to add another singer?"

"It doesn't seem to be there for the time being, it should be that there aren't so many songs, but it should be normal, people are talented, but they shouldn't be donkeys, Su Ming just wrote two songs two days ago. "

"Well, that makes sense, so be it for now, if there's any adjustment over there, feel free to find me. "


Let's talk about Su Ming.

Since now becoming the majority shareholder of Jiahang.

Su Ming is naturally not able to play games in the public office area now.

Now he can only move to his exclusive office.

There is no way to hear the voice of the female colleague next to her.

This game is a bit boring.

After killing for half an afternoon, Su Ming walked around the company.

And teasing the female employees, Su Ming accidentally came to the personnel department.

Today's HR department can be said to be very busy.

Since Su Ming wrote a good song and frequently appeared on the hot search, many people came to Jiahang to apply for the name of Su Ming.

Every day, I receive thousands of resumes alone.

"Mr. Park, we have seen a few of your works, the level is still very good, we are willing to work with you..."

"After signing the contract, can I ask Mr. Su Ming to write me a song? I want to meet him now! Let me meet him!"

"Sir, please calm down, our Su Dong is busy now. "

"Yes, Su Dong is very busy now, I really can't see you, otherwise I'll make an appointment for you here..."


Before Su Ming could look at the situation in the personnel department, there was a commotion inside.

"Want me to write a song?"

"Why does this person's voice still sound familiar?"

Su Ming frowned slightly.

Why did someone come to Jiahang to write a song for him, the most important thing is that this person's voice is still familiar, and it seems that he knows it.

Without too much hesitation, Su Ming immediately prepared to take a look.

"Damn! It's Teacher Su Ming!"

"Teacher Su Ming is here!"

"My mother! Teacher Su Ming looks much more handsome than on TV!"

"Teacher Su Ming, I want to join Jiahang! I sing very well, can you see my work?"


Su Ming's appearance was obviously due to the fact that the candidates who were still discussing what was going on in the interview area were crazy.

However, Su Ming was in a hurry to go to the interview area and did not stay too long.

After saying hello to them a little, I continued to the interview area.

"It's... Plain!"

Come to the interview area.

When Su Ming saw the man in front of him, Su Ming was shocked, and his heart was extremely surprised.

The candidate in front of him who wants to see him is not simple?

The simplicity of his previous life was a singer he respected very much.

Because from the simplicity of his body, he can see the purest love for music.

And in his previous life, he also worked with Pu Su, and later became a good friend.


This simplicity actually came to them and applied for five!.

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