Chapter 98 How many new songs is he going to sing?!!

PS: I’m afraid that the big guy will say that the little brother water, the little brother will explain: the two chapters of the concert will be written, and it will not be hard water.



The prelude ~ of “West Sea Love Song” sounded.

At first it was a piano and a drum kit, but then a horse head piano was added.

The horse head qin is an instrument of ethnic minorities, and people who are not of this nationality have not necessarily seen it.

Its sound and uniqueness, it is also very catchy and attractive.


Chen Feng opened his voice and sang: “Since you left~ I have lost my tenderness since then~”

“Waiting in this snowy mountain road is long~ Listen to the cold wind still howling ~”

“The First Snow of 2002”, “West Sea Love Song”, “Lover” these songs.

They are all masterpieces of Teacher Dao Wolf!

And those who like knife wolves, there are more male groups.


Chen Feng’s vicissitudes singing came out.

It instantly attracted all the dad fans present.

Of course!

“Mama Fan” also has a favorite.

It’s just that relatively speaking, what they prefer is a more delicate singing tone and songs.

“Listen to the cold wind and still howl~”

“I can’t see the edge at a glance~ the wind is like a knife cutting my face.”

“Can’t wait for the blue sky of the West Sea ~ Speechless Plateau ~”

This moment.

Chen Feng’s voice was melodious and vicissitudes.

It’s like imagining why a twenty-year-old boy could have such a voice.

As soon as it sounds, it feels like you have experienced countless stories.


Chen Feng, he is only 20 years old!

At this moment, both father fans and mother fans were shocked by Chen Feng’s changeable voice.

“A Cut of Plum” and “Last Night Xiaolou and East Wind” are the kind of clean and clear loudness.

“The First Snow of 2002” and “West Sea Love Song” have become vicissitudes.

Such a huge voice switch.

Probably to the layman: wow, plug-in!

And in the eyes of the insider: what is this horse stepping horse not plug-in? Now.

The high dynasty part of “West Sea Love Song” is here~

This section is difficult to sing because the pitch is very high, and if you don’t sing well, you have to break the tone.

“Remember you promised me~ you won’t let me hide you~”

“But you followed the migratory birds that returned to the south ~ flew so far ~”

“Love is like a kite breaking the line ~ can’t hold the promise you made ~ ”

“I’m waiting for the top of the snowy mountains ~ warm spring ~”

“After waiting for the melting of the ice and snow on the plateau ~ the lonely goose that returned~”

“Love is difficult to continue the relationship~ can not return to our past~”

This large chorus, listening to the dad fans called it so cool! Because Chen Feng not only did not lower the key, but even sang in an elevated key.

The rich voice perfectly interprets this classic “West Sea Love Song…


All entertainment, record company executives.

There was silence at this moment.

Especially professionals in the music sector.

Naturally, it can be seen that the quality of this “West Sea Clear Song” is very high.

For daddy fans, the appeal of this song is absolutely fatal.

But those teenagers certainly don’t like to hear it.

For those little girls who are teenagers and have not stepped into society… Song?

It doesn’t matter!

As long as their brother is handsome.

Standing on the stage and shouting, they will say: “Wow, my brother is a god!” ”

Those teenage boys prefer hip-hop and rap.

“I’m the best”, I’m the strongest, you all black me, you are jealous of my rap.

What the? That’s an exaggeration? No! This is a fact!

This shows how deformed the current entertainment industry is.

But for capital, as long as someone is willing to consume, it doesn’t matter how deformed it is, so major companies play like life-making idols.

All kinds of talent shows, that’s called one after another.

But no one expected that “Tomorrow’s Superstar”, which can only be regarded as a second-rate talent show, would be so strange as Chen Feng.


Sea Stack Music.

The vice president asked in a low voice, “Has the arranged person arrived at the place?” ”

The music director replied: “I have already gone, and when the concert is over, I will be able to contact Chen Feng for the first time.” ”

The vice president nodded and said, “Well, it’s good!” ”


Rockstone Records.

“When the concert is over, you must contact Chen Feng as soon as possible, understand?”

“Understood! Director Liu personally passed. ”

“Well, it’s good!”

The music director of Rockstone Records went in person, which can be regarded as giving enough face.

World Entertainment.

“The vice president went in person, which can be described as full of sincerity! We are still hopeful. ”

“I’m not afraid of other companies, only about Hai Di and Rock, these two families are our fierce rivals.”

“There’s no way to worry, let’s compete together!”

Everyone nodded.

The top entertainment companies in China have sent people to contact Chen Feng.

And some small entertainment companies did not go to make fun.

Money can’t fight.

Channels can’t spell either.

What to do? Accompaniment?

It is better to discuss here which company Chen Feng will eventually be signed.

“You say, who will Chen Feng sign in the end?”

“It’s hard to say! Those companies are strong. ”

Some people are optimistic about the sea stack, and some people are optimistic about the rock.

Some people are optimistic about the world, some people are optimistic about Tianyu…


After singing “West Sea Love Song”.

Chen Feng changed his clothes and sang four songs in a row!

“Sorrow, Sorrow”, “One Cut Plum”, “My Motherland Heart”, “Two Butterflies”.

Every song causes a chorus.


Chen Feng took a sip of water and said with a smile: “I really didn’t expect that the concert would still be an individual work~”

Dad fans and mom fans in the audience laughed.

Chen Feng screwed the water on and said, “The next one, it’s a new song again!” ”


New songs?

“Chen Feng, how many songs have you written? Wouldn’t it all be taken out? ”

“No need for this, we don’t care about the shorterness of time.”

“I’ve also listened to it today, listen to my aunt’s words, don’t sing new songs today.”

“Dad fans” and mom fans did not let Chen Feng continue to sing new songs. Chen Feng, on the other hand, smiled and said, “I haven’t taken them all out, but I’ve written a lot of songs.” ”

At least ten new songs will be sung today.

Otherwise I’m really sorry, crowdfunding for daddy fans and mom fans! Today……

Passion is passion, sweetness is sweet.

It’s time for two, tear-tricking songs.

Chen Feng’s expression began to become serious, and his voice gradually became gentle, saying.

“The next song is called – “Mother in the Candlelight”!!”

“With this song, I dedicate it to all mothers under this heaven.”

What the?

A song dedicated to mom? Hearing Chen Feng say this.

The mother fans at the scene immediately sat up straight.


The intro to the song sounded.

The piano rings first, then the cello.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and sang very affectionately: “Mom~I want to say to you~”

“The words came to ~mouth~swallowed again~”

“Mom~I want to smile at you~”

“In the eyes ~ but a little ~ tears ~ ”

After only two sentences, it captured everyone’s hearts.

Some mom powders with low tear points, their eyes have begun to sour.

Because they all knew that Chen Feng grew up in an orphanage.

So these two lyrics gave them ten pictures in an orphanage.

Young Chen Feng, looking at his mother’s photo.

He opened his mouth to talk to his mother, but because there were people around, he swallowed the words again.

So I could only work hard, smiling at my mother in the photo, with tears in my eyes.


Chen Feng continued to sing: “Mother ~ mother in candlelight~”

“Your black hair ~ glowing with frost flowers~”

“Mom~Mommy in the candlelight~”

“Your cheeks ~ printed with this lot of concern~”

What if…

The previous two lyrics automatically formed the picture of Chen Feng in the orphanage in the minds of mother fans.

Then these two lyrics remind everyone present of their mother!!!

Because…… It’s candlelight!

In the 80s, at that time, candles, oil lamps were the mainstream.

And these two sentences sung by Chen Feng.

Instantly pulled the thoughts of dad fans and mom fans back to their childhood.

The child lies in bed while the mother mends the family in front of candles/oil lamps.

I wanted to talk to my mother, but it was late, and I was afraid that my mother would argue with herself.

I was quarreled by my mother, and in order not to make my mother angry, I smiled at my mother with tears.

I vaguely remember that under the cool light of the candlelight, my mother’s hair had turned much whiter.

Mom’s hands are calloused, but while sewing and mending it, she looks at herself to see if she is stepping on the quilt.

All dad powder and mom powder, the eye sockets are already moist.


The high dynasty part of the song is coming.

“Oh~Mom~Mommy~Mommy in the candlelight~~”

“Your waist ~ becomes no longer upright~”

“Mom~Mommy in the candlelight~”

“Your eyes ~ why have they lost their brilliance~”

“Mom~The baby has grown up~”

“I don’t want to hold your clothes and walk through ~spring, autumn, winter and summer~”

Hearing this, Dad Fan and Mommy Fan couldn’t bear it anymore, and tears couldn’t stop flowing.

Because they saw their mother, who gradually bent over after a long period of work

Because they saw their mother, their eyes no longer had brightness and brilliance in old age.

Chen Feng also sang to the point of emotion, and his singing voice was already choked.

Softly and emotionally, singing the last two lyrics: “Oh~Mommy believes in me~”

“A daughter has her own daughter’s ~reward~”

“Oh~mom believes me~”

“A daughter has her own daughter’s ~reward~”

The sound of the cello gradually decreases, lessenses, until it ends!

Chen Feng took a deep breath and said softly, “All mothers, you have worked hard. ”

This moment.

The audience burst into tears.

“Boss, I miss our mother, let’s go back and see her tomorrow!”

“Good! See your mother first, then see my mother! ”

“Woo hoo~ I haven’t been to see my mother for half a year, I’m an unfilial daughter.”

“Mom! The daughter missed you, are you okay in heaven? ”

“Mother, my son is not filial and has not been able to cure you.”

Dad fans and mom fans on the scene are regretting it!

When my mother died, I regretted why I didn’t accompany my mother when I was still alive, and I regretted why I didn’t go to see the old people more.

Some even took out their mobile phones and called their children to tell them to go back to their grandmother’s house tomorrow.


Netizens fell silent en masse.

“A concert is a concert, what is so sensational, it’s really… Waste my whole pack of drawers!! ”

“Don’t say anything, call my mother!”

1, make a call, I haven’t asked my family about the situation for several days.

“My mother called me yesterday, but I didn’t answer when I was busy at that time, and I haven’t replied until now… I went for a call back. ”

“Envy that you have a mother, envy that you can call your mother.”

“Stop sensationalizing! I can’t suffer anymore, I’ll get up tomorrow to take wedding photos~”

Netizens were also made to cry.

One by one, they picked up their mobile phones and prepared to call their mothers.

This moment.

In the live broadcast room of hundreds of thousands of people, there are few barrages.

About a few minutes later.

The barrage began to liven up again.

“I have to say that Chen Feng is really talented.”

“This is the third new song, right?”

“Thirty million, thirty million, just throw it away… I’m so distressed!! ”

“You feel sorry for a hammer, like your song, your money.”

“If this were mine, I wouldn’t be distressed.”


“I have to die!”

“Special code, talent!”

“For a while, I don’t know what to say, so let’s go a 6 alone!”

The other side.

After listening to this song “Mother in Candlelight”.

The people of the major music companies fell silent again.

“Three songs.”


“This is Chen Feng’s third new song.”

“Just, outrageous!”

“I don’t believe he has a new song!!”

“When I hit the second song, I didn’t believe it, but people have already sung the third one.”

“Will he sing new songs later?” Really don’t keep a single song, take it all out and sing it? ”

All of them:……

All are insiders who have seen the concerts of various stars.

But at concerts, singing new songs that have not been released? I really have never seen it before, and Chen Feng is definitely the only one.


The songs sung must not be released as new albums.

Sales will definitely be greatly reduced!!

What is the sales volume? It’s money!

It is what capital values the most.


In the eyes of capital, Chen Feng is completely different from others.

He’s just a weird.

He’s a weirdo.

This is the impression and opinion of industry insiders on Chen Feng…


Collected my mood.

Chen Feng picked up the microphone and said, “I’m sorry! ”

“This song makes the hearts of uncles and aunts heavy!”


“Dad fans” and mom fans…

“Nope! The song is very good, it makes us examine ourselves and understand something. ”

“You don’t have to apologize to us! We also want to thank you~”

“Chen Feng, how the hell is your head long, why are you so talented?”

“If my son is half sensible with you, I will already be very happy, this little rabbit cub knows how to anger me all day!”

“Hey, my son too! You all got a call just now, right? I didn’t get it! Hey…”

Because the venue was too big, Chen Feng couldn’t hear what they were saying.


It’s time to move on to the next song!!

Chen Feng smiled and said, “In order to relieve the uncles and aunts, heavy hearts. ”

“Then the next song, sing something cheerful!”

“Well, it’s still a new song!!”

Dad fan: “…”

Mommy fan: “…”

Netizens: “…”

Major music companies: “…”

Lyricist and composer: “…”

What the?

Or a new song? Is it really a song that doesn’t stay? And also……

How many new songs do you have on your horse? Everyone is crazy! Four!

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