Chapter 99 Since you have sung it, let’s go through all kinds of songs!!

New songs again?

Hearing Chen Feng’s words, everyone had a question in their hearts.

How many songs did this Chen Feng write?

Take it out and use it like this, what will you do later? Is your creation useless bottleneck? Inspiration is really hard to capture.

Sometimes inspiration strikes, and you can write a song in ten minutes.

Sometimes there is no inspiration, and I can’t hold out a song for ten months.

This is a very common thing in the world of lyrics and composition.

Many wrote a song, was sung by the singer, became popular, and then disappeared.

Don’t you want to write the second hit? It’s not that you don’t want to, but you can’t!

No matter how you write it, it will not reach the previous peak.

No matter how gold-medal a songwriter is.

No matter how popular the singer is.

It’s impossible to send out songs written by myself at will.

Because maybe after this song, there will be no good songs later.

If it were another singer, another entertainment company, it would definitely be a song for a while.

Not only can it maintain popularity, but it can also sell songs for money.

But Chen Feng not only took it out at once, but also sang it to fans for free at a concert!!

This has caused countless lyricists and composers, and countless singer-songwriters, to suffer serious internal injuries.

We all scratch so many strands of our hair, and we don’t necessarily write a good song! The result?

People are like writing.

Song after song.

Outrageous! It’s outrageous! What the? Written all old songs?

Can’t get the market for that group? Fart!

What is Deng Ziqi’s “Bubble”? What is Xue Zhiqian’s “Actor”? Are these two songs selling crazy, okay?

So…… Sign!

Chen Feng must sign it!!……


Broken by a song “Mom in the Candlelight”, dad fans and mom fans.

They were all dumbfounded, looking at Chen Feng on the stage.


New songs again?

Listening to the meaning of Chen Feng’s words, it seems to be a cheerful song?

“Dad fans and mom fans said – I’m looking forward to it!”

Chen Feng said with a smile: “This song, the name is “Little Girl Under the Street Lamp”! ”




“Little Girl Under the Street Lamp”?

How do you look at this name, it doesn’t look like a cheerful song!! However.

The prelude has already sounded.

It’s very cheerful, with a very rhythmic rhythmic sound.

“Dad powder and mom powder were stunned at the same time.”

And then……

DNA moved!!

Their bodies unconsciously sway to the rhythm.

“This music, this sense of rhythm, seems to take me back to when I was 20 years old!”

“I never went to a dance hall when I was a child, but I often passed by the door of the dance hall, and there was such a dance music inside~”

“Hahaha~ Chen Feng, this kid, really understands us!”

“Oh, my husband and I met in a dance hall.”

“Big sister, your husband didn’t come?”

“What about a business trip! You envy me, haha~”

“In today’s terms—I was in the ballroom, but I was called Prince Sko.”

“One to come?”

“Then here’s one!!”

An uncle standing in the front row immediately started breakdancing.

Don’t say, the one that jumps is called a good one!!


Chen Feng also noticed.

Picked up the microphone and quickly said: “Wow~ this uncle’s breakdancing, dancing very well!” ”

Then immediately appeared on the big screen, the figure of this dad fan.

See yourself on the big screen.

This dad fan is not stage fright at all, but jumped better than before, obviously not bragging!

There were cheers and hooligan whistles.

Chen Feng’s heart moved, and he quickly contacted the lighting engineer and asked the lighting master to restore the lighting of the dance hall in the 80s.


The ballroom lights of the 80s came.

The dad and mom fans on the scene are even more hi than before.

One by one, it seems to have returned to when they were 20 years young.

Haha~ Chen Feng was also happy.

Then he picked up the microphone and said, “This uncle dances so well!” I would like to ask you to come up and dance, do you think? ”

What the?

Go up and dance? It must be possible!

The dad fan immediately shouted, “No problem! ”

Even in a 100,000-person stadium, this voice was heard by many people.

Chen Feng was also happy, and immediately asked the staff to invite this uncle up, and at the same time suspended the music.

Not long after, this dad came up with a fan.

Chen Feng handed him a microphone and said, “Uncle introduce himself?” ”

Dad Fan” did not have the slightest stage fright, and said: “Hello brothers and sisters, my name is Liu Biao.” ”

There was a cheer from the scene, which was quite enthusiastic.

Chen Feng said at this time: “Music, come~”


The prelude is coming~

Don’t want Chen Feng to remind him, this daddy fan immediately broke dancing.


Chen Feng shouted into the microphone: “It’s great, everyone give a little reaction~”

The dad fans and mom fans at the scene were completely let go, cheering loudly.


Chen Feng sang: “Ha~”

“Under that street lamp, there is a little girl crying~”

“I don’t know where she came from, how sad the little girl cried~”

“I don’t know who abandoned her, where should she go now~”

Sing this one.

Chen Feng also came to an elderly breakdancing.

It caused a warm cheer from mom fans.

Chen Feng picked up the microphone and continued to sing: “Dear little sister, please don’t cry~”

“Where is your home, I will take you back ~”

“Dear little sister, please don’t cry~”

“I will warm your heart with my love~”

Live room.

Young Audience: (⊙_⊙)

This song, what the hell? This atmosphere, what the hell?

“Why do I have a sense of déjà vu of watching Hong Kong films in the 80s!”

“+1, I have it too!!”

“This light, this melody, this drumbeat, this breakdancing… That is, my dad is not there, otherwise he can jump up on the spot! ”

“I heard my mom say that my dad loved to go to the dance hall too! It was in the dance hall that they met. ”

“Groove? Are we two parents? Why is it the same! ”

The audience looked silly.

I’m Nima!

Such dance music, all the whole out?

Chen Feng, Chen Feng, what kind of music is there, don’t you know?

Major music, record labels.

Everyone: “…”

Especially those lyricists and composers are stunned.

The span of this genre is also too big, right?

There are also lyrics, and the span is also outrageous!!

A normal lyricist and songwriter, or singer-songwriter, the style of writing songs is fixed!

Even if there is a change, it will not span too much.

But Chen Feng wrote two songs, “Mother in the Candlelight” and “Little Girl Under the Street Lamp”.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, no one would really have dared to believe it!!……


Chen Feng continued to sing: “Oh ~ don’t don’t be sad ~ oh ~ don’t don’t cry ~ ”

“Oh~ In this night, my mother is still waiting for you~”

“Oh~don’t don’t be sad~oh~don’t cry~”

“Oh~In the middle of the night~Let me take you back~”

The lyrics of this song are actually very short, just a few sentences.

Most of it is music with a strong sense of rhythm!!

That’s why in the 80s, it was loved by the dance hall and had absolute dominance!!

Even if Chen Feng got it here, in the father fan and mother fan, it is still a divine comedy of random killing.


This dad on stage stopped jumping.

I’m older, I can jump for four or five minutes, and I’m still very good.

Chen Feng also stopped the music, and said with a smile: “Uncle, can you still dance?” ”

“If you don’t have fun, I can sing it again!”

This dad fan quickly waved his hand and said, “Don’t jump, don’t jump~”

“If I jump again, I guess I won’t be able to get up tomorrow!”

“It’s down, I have to take a break.”

Finish speaking.

This daddy fan stepped off the stage himself.


There was laughter.

Chen Feng said a few polite words, and then said: “I just carefully calculated, in the song I sang before. ”

“There are love songs, there are motherly love, there are inspirational, there are lyrical, there are warnings to the world, and…”

“But isn’t there no rock?”


“Dad fan” and mom powder are both stunned. What does it mean?

This is going to be a whole rock song? However.

Chen Feng on stage.

As if saying to himself, “Then…”

“Let’s have a rock song!”

“A song “Rock on the New Long Road”, for everyone!!”

Dad fan: “!!! ”

Mom Fan: “!!! ”


Do you really want to sing rock?

Or is it really what type of song, do you have to come again? Is there really no less type?

Major music companies…

Everyone had a stunned expression.

“Groove! Chen Feng, this is going against the sky! ”

“If you add rock, how many genres of songs are there? Almighty ah this is!! ”

“Rock… Will it too? ”

“If you want to say that you can sing, that’s nothing, after all, young people, good voice!” But what the hell else will it write?? ”

Rock this kind of song, you have to write the inner taste.


Will be sprayed to death by rock fans!!

Who doesn’t know that with fans of many songs, rock fans are the hardest to serve?

Especially for older rock fans, if they don’t sing well, they will directly scold people!!

Because whether it is a rock star or a rock fan, there is an inexplicable sense of superiority.


Everyone felt that Chen Feng must be crazy…


The drums started beating first.

Then the sound of the electric guitar came in.

Chen Feng raised his hand and shouted, “One! ”





The rhythm style is right, but why are you shouting numbers?

Just when everyone was stunned, Chen Feng sang: “I’ve heard of it, I haven’t seen it, 25,000 li~”

“Some said, I don’t have to do it, how is it not easy~”

“Bury my head, walk forward, look for myself~”

“Come over, walk over, there is no base~”


When those young people, dad fans who like rock and roll, their eyes are bright with this song, it’s good!

The rhythm, feeling, singing, it’s all right!!

Chen Feng continued to sing: “What to think, what to do, is rifle and millet ~”

“There is a lot of truth, it is always said, it is a cannon bomber~”

“Sweat also flows, tears also flow, and the heart is not angry~”

“Hide a hidden, hide a hide, the heart says don’t worry~”

“Oh~~Oh~~Oh~, one-two-three-four-five-six-seven!”

This moment!

Dad fans, who like rock and roll, instantly became excited.

“I haven’t heard such a powerful rock song in years.”

“This song is my favorite of all Chen Feng’s songs!”

“This taste, that’s right! I like it so much~”

Dad fans who like rock are more excited than any previous song

Because in the music circle now, there are very few people who do rock and roll.

Even if someone does, it’s all a layer of rock skin.

And this song “Rock on the New Changzheng Road” sung by Chen Feng… It’s the inner taste!

This rock is what I want! Then.

“The second paragraph is coming——!”

Just shouted two.

The dad fans in the audience shouted together.

Although they only sang on one side, dad fans couldn’t remember the lyrics.

But this one, they still know.



“Ask the sky ~ ask the earth ~ how many miles there are still ~ ”

“Please the wind ~ please the rain ~ Leave me soon~”

“There are many mountains ~ there are many waters~ I can’t tell things apart~”

“There are many people ~ there are many mouths ~ I can’t make sense~”

“How to say ~ how to do ~ is really yourself ~ ”

“How to sing ~ how to sing ~ This heart is proud~”

“Think of snowy mountains and meadows while walking~”

“Oh~~Oh~~Oh~, one-two-three-four-five-six-seven!”

“Oh~~Oh~~Oh+, twelve three, four, five, six, seven!”

Chen Feng took a deep breath.

A rock gesture was made, accompanied by the final music, singing loudly.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven~~”

Refreshing! It’s so cool!

“I haven’t heard it for years, such a rock and roll, it really opens the memories of that year!!”

“yes! Now rock is weak, and young singers don’t rock at all! ”

“So, this concert is so worth it!!”

“Yes, it’s worth it~ Fortunately, we agreed to crowdfund~”

“Today, what an unforgettable night!”

Those dad fans who like rock and roll in the audience can be said to be hi to the limit.

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