With the previous experience, Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying can be said to be familiar with the road.


The two arrived in Rengui County.

Coming here, the two felt as if they had come to a small town in the 1990s from a bustling metropolis full of tall buildings.

The free girls' high school was built on the edge of the county seat.

Lin Feng called Principal Zhang.

Principal Zhang on the other end of the phone was a little surprised and told them to wait, she will come over soon.

The two of them didn't have to wait long before Principal Zhang came.

"Teacher Xiao Lin, Teacher Xiao Jiang!"

Principal Zhang waved to Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying from a distance, and it was obvious that she was very happy for their arrival.

When Principal Zhang came to him, Jiang Shuying couldn't help but feel a little sore in his nose.

In less than a year, Principal Zhang looked much older, and a lot of white was creeping up on his ear-length short hair.

"You guys should tell me earlier, I'm not prepared for anything!" Principal Zhang said with a smile.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I'm not here for inspection, what are you planning for? I just finished filming a new film, and I'm free during this time, so I just wanted to come and see what I can do to help!"

If someone else said that, Principal Zhang might think it was a polite remark.

But Lin Feng is different.

She knew that Lin Feng was just like her, he was only for the good of the children in the mountains, and not mixed with other ideas.

"How is the school going?" Lin Feng asked.

"Come on, let's go back to school first!"

Principal Zhang led the way while talking.

The school was built in a corner of the county seat, and it was won by Principal Zhang's earnest efforts with the county government.

When they saw the school, both Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying were stunned.

What kind of school is this?

The so-called school actually only had a single teaching building, without a decent playground next to it, and even the walls were simply surrounded by barbed wire.

Principal Zhang also saw the surprise of Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying, and smiled wryly:

"Mr. Xiaolin, the last time you donated one million yuan, 700,000 yuan was spent on building the teaching building, and the remaining 300,000 yuan was used to buy textbooks, tables and chairs, beds for the students, etc. In fact..."

Principal Zhang hesitated to speak, and did not continue to talk about this topic.

"Come on, let's go into the house and talk."

With that said, Principal Zhang led Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying into the teaching building.

At this time, the students were in class, and the sound of Lang Lang's book could be heard.

Go through the corridor to the office.

Principal Zhang does not have a separate office, but teachers together.

The layout of the office is also very simple, a desk made of several desks is full of materials, and not every desk has a computer, there is only one computer in the entire office.

"Sit wherever you want, the conditions are a bit crude, there is not even a paper cup for guests, don't mind." Principal Zhang smiled a little embarrassedly.


Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying found a stool and sat down.

Principal Zhang sat in front of the two of them and said, "Mr. Xiao Lin, after receiving your donation and with the help of the county government, I started to establish the current girls' high school. There are now 107 girls in the school. "

"They all come from mountainous areas, there are orphans, there are single-parent families, and there are parents with disabilities."

"To tell you the truth, most of my classmates can't meet the high school admission score, but the purpose of my school is that as long as they are girls from poor families, as long as they want to go to school, girls' high schools will open their arms to them."

"Now I am not only freeing them from tuition fees, textbooks, accommodation, and school uniforms, but also free of charge. For those who are really poor, they are even exempted from living expenses."

"So, I spent all of the one million you donated, and not a single penny was wasted."

Principal Zhang introduced the current situation of the school to Lin Feng.

"I know."

Lin Feng nodded solemnly: "I believe in you, Principal Zhang."

"I know you believe me." Principal Zhang said, "I also regard Teacher Xiao Lin as my own, so I said this."


Lin Feng nodded and asked: "There is only the teaching building, where do the children live?"

Children in mountainous areas are far away from home, and it is difficult to come out, let alone go back and forth every day, so the school must provide students with accommodation.

But Lin Feng didn't see the shadow of the dormitory all the way.


Principal Zhang sighed softly, and said: "The children all live a mile away. There is an abandoned factory building there, which used to be used for burning bricks and tiles. I applied to the county government to transform it into a dormitory, my children. They live there, and the teachers too."

"Because the place is remote and there is no wall, the male teachers have to live in the sheds outside the factory and are responsible for patrolling. The teachers are too hard and tired. It's really hard work for them!"

Wen Yan, Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying

My heart is a little heavy.

These teachers who can stay and take root in the mountains are really great.

Not long ago, some celebrities lamented on the show that acting is too hard and dangerous, lamenting that being an actor is a high-risk and hard job.

Compared with the gardeners who cultivate the flowers of their motherland in the mountains, this is really a judgment call.

At this time, Jiang Shuying frowned slightly and said, "Principal Zhang, I'm sorry, I want to go to the bathroom."

Principal Zhang stood up when he heard the words, and said, "Mr. Jiang, let's go. I'll take you there."

"Don't bother Principal Zhang, just tell me where I am." Jiang Shuying smiled and waved his hand.


Principal Zhang shook his head, and said: "This place used to be a swamp, there are a lot of snakes, and there are cobras, afraid of death, so when the students go to the toilet, the teachers have to follow, how can I rest assured that you go by yourself! "

Both Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying were stunned.

Going to the toilet is said to be risking one's life, listening to the Arabian Nights, but it is actually happening here.

Children in mountainous areas study hard. Maybe many people have heard of it, but they don't go deep into it, and they really don't know the bitterness of it.

Jiang Shuying followed Principal Zhang to the toilet.

Lin Feng stayed in the office alone, a girl knocked lightly on the door, and asked timidly:

"Is Principal Zhang here?"

Lin Feng turned his head, and saw a dark-skinned, fifteen- or sixteen-year-old girl wearing a light red blouse that had been washed a little faded, and whitish jeans, standing at the door.

"Oh, Principal Zhang, she just went out and will be back in a while. What do you want to do with her?"


Facing Lin Feng, the girl seemed a little hard to say.

Lin Feng looked at the girl and said with a smile: "Come in and sit down, Principal Zhang will be back soon."

The girl nodded, walked in, did not sit down, lowered her head, and rubbed the corners of her clothes with hands that had no place to rest, not daring to look at Lin Feng.

Fortunately, Principal Zhang and Jiang Shuying came back soon, and the girl's embarrassment did not last long.

Seeing Principal Zhang coming back, the girl seemed to have found a savior, and called softly, "Principal Zhang."

"Student, who are you?"

Principal Zhang didn't seem to know the girl.

The girl plucked up her courage, and replied in a low voice: "I...my name is Wang Mei, and I'm from Guichuan High School. I want...I want to study at the Girls' High School!"


Principal Zhang frowned slightly.

The girl replied: "Because... because of some difficulties at home, so...so I want to transfer to another school."


Principal Zhang frowned and said, "It's been a month since school started, what should I do if you come now?"

The girl fell silent for a moment, and lowered her head again.

Principal Zhang patted his head and asked, "Tell me the truth, is it because of lack of money, or because of something?"

The girl was silent for a moment, and replied: "Because of my father, when I was in the second year of junior high school, he suffered from a disease called schizophrenia, which is very difficult to treat."

"But me, but I have no money in my family, so I can't afford it..."

As she spoke, the girl couldn't help but shed tears.

Listening to the girl's plain talk about her experience, Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying who were beside her couldn't help feeling sad.

Principal Zhang's original frown disappeared, replaced by kindness, and asked: "How much tuition did you pay there?"

The girl wiped her tears and replied: "The total is 2360, and I paid more than 1,900."

"I paid nearly 2,000 yuan, and I've only been studying for less than a month?"

Facing Principal Zhang's question, the girl was silent again.

Principal Zhang didn't ask any more questions, but said: "Do you have the phone number of your head teacher? Let me ask your head teacher, okay?"

The girl gave the class teacher's phone number.

Principal Zhang took out an old-fashioned push-button mobile phone and dialed the number over there.

"Hey, Teacher Qin, I'm Zhang Haimei."

"That's right, it's me, I want to ask you something, you see there is a student named Wang Mei in your class, she said she can't afford to study, has no money, and wants to transfer to our school, what's the situation? "

"oh oh……"

"It was recommended by you!"

"However, my side agrees to accept it, but it also needs the consent of your principal!"

Principal Zhang communicated with them.

But at this time, the girl quietly wiped away her tears.

While talking on the phone, Principal Zhang brought the girl a roll of paper and asked her to wipe her tears.

After a long communication.

After finally figuring out the girl's affairs, Principal Zhang also decided to accept the student.

But at this time, Principal Zhang frowned again.

"Wang Mei, you wait here and I will meet you."

After speaking, Principal Zhang went out, and after a while, she came back with a few teachers.

"Teachers, it's like this. There is a student who wants to transfer to our school, so she wants to discuss with you how to arrange it."

"Tip, can you arrange to go to your class?"

A thin young female teacher replied with some embarrassment: "Yes, yes, but there is no place to live. We have nine rooms, each with six beds, and they are all full."

Principal Zhang asked: "Are there any beds in other classes?"

At this time, a male teacher replied: "There is another one in our class."

"That's it!"

With that said, Principal Zhang beckoned to the girl: "Come here, come here."

The girl walked up to Principal Zhang, and Principal Zhang pointed to the girl and said to several teachers: "She can't even pay for her living expenses, but this year's donation has been distributed to every student, and there is no extra cost. Cost of living is a problem!"

Several teachers were also silent when they heard the words.

Principal Zhang thought for a while, and said to the girl: "How about this, you will receive two hundred yuan from me every month, and I will subsidize you and give you living expenses, okay?"

"Principal, you..."

The young female teacher wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Principal Zhang raising her hand.

Principal Zhang looked at the girl and said, "You don't have to worry about living expenses. Your task now is to go out and cut your hair short. Our girls' high schools all cut their hair short."

After thinking about it, Principal Zhang asked again: "Is there any money for a haircut?"

The girl lowered her head silently.

Principal Zhang didn't say anything more, but asked the young female teacher beside him: "Do you have any, please lend me some."

"Hehe, wait, I'll get it!"

The young female teacher smiled awkwardly, and hurried out to find money.

At this time, a male teacher fumbled in his trouser pocket, finally found a piece of money, and handed it to Principal Zhang.

Principal Zhang took it and saw that it was a crumpled ten-yuan note, and immediately smiled and said, "Oh, it's too little, too little!"

The male teacher scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile, "Enough haircuts."

Principal Zhang waved his hand and said, "It's enough to get a haircut, but she still needs to eat!"

"I have it, let's make it together!"

At this time, another teacher took out a five-yuan note and handed it to Principal Zhang.

"I, I still have a little bit!"

Another teacher fumbled out a wad of one-dollar change.

"Oh, we are too pitiful!"

Principal Zhang took the change one by one, straightened the crumpled money, and couldn't help laughing and teasing.

The other teachers laughed too.

From the looks of it, they didn't feel embarrassed, apparently this was something they often encountered.

Principal Zhang sorted out the money, then handed it to the girl, and said, "Go out and get your hair cut first, and then go back and bring all your clothes, understand?"

When the girl took the money, she was already crying.

And not far away, Jiang Shuying was also crying.

She was born in a middle-class family with a good family background. She began to learn dancing and piano since she was a child, and became a star when she grew up.

I usually go out to have my hair done, and it is common to spend thousands of dollars.

But the little girl in front of her went out to get the most common short haircut, and she asked the teachers to pool up the money.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have thought it was a story in a novel.

She understood what Lin Feng said when eating Malatang...

Lin Feng also had tears in his eyes.

His acting skills are very good, and he can control his emotions at any time when acting, but at this moment, he can't control his emotions.

At this time, the female teacher came back with the money.

"Here, this is one hundred."

I saw that it was a brand new coin, which was obviously well protected by the female teacher.

"I'll pay you back at night."

Principal Zhang took the brand new one hundred yuan, and then handed it to the girl: "You can't throw this away, it's for eating, and I'll give you another hundred yuan later, and you can come to me again after eating two hundred yuan every month." , I'm trying to figure out a way."

"thanks, thanks……"

While bowing to Principal Zhang, the girl solemnly took the heavy one hundred yuan with both hands, expressing her thanks with sobs.

"It's okay, silly boy."

Principal Zhang said with a smile: "The money for this haircut was collected by the big guys. If you have more money, you can keep it."

"thanks, thanks……"

The girl bowed deeply to every teacher.

Principal Zhang helped the girl up, and the girl hugged her up, crying bitterly, her tears had already wetted her clothes that had faded from washing.

"Don't cry, don't cry!"

Principal Zhang hugged the girl, smiled gratifiedly and said, "Just study hard in the future!"

At this time, Lin Feng, who had been watching quietly from the sidelines, wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "Principal Zhang, I will pay for this child's living expenses!"

"No, I'm coming!"

Jiang Shuying said firmly with red eyes.

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