At Jiang Shuying's insistence, she paid for the girl's living expenses.

Moreover, Jiang Shuying also promised that she would finance the cost of her child's college education in the future.

Principal Zhang said with emotion: "You child, you are really lucky to meet Teacher Xiao Lin and Teacher Xiao Jiang!"

"But let me tell you, you must know how to cherish it."

"Now there are Teacher Xiao Lin and Teacher Xiao Jiang to help you, but you have to fight yourself, you know?"

The girl nodded vigorously: "I know...I know..."

Principal Zhang said to the young female teacher: "Okay, Teacher Fei, take the child down and settle down first."


The female teacher took the girl out.

In the office, the teachers certainly knew that the handsome man and beautiful woman in front of them were two celebrities.

They are also young people, so they usually pay attention to some online news.

After some conversation.

These teachers also gradually became familiar with Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying.

From the conversation, I learned that the monthly salary of these teachers is only more than 1,400 yuan, and what they pay is far more than ordinary high school teachers.

Many teachers have left, and only faith supports them to stay.

After hearing this, Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying couldn't help being in awe.

And the teachers are also outraged by the malicious comments about Lin Feng on the Internet.

Lin Feng himself laughed it off.

In today's entertainment industry, the capital operation is too strong, he doesn't want to join forces with others, and he doesn't want to use charity to justify himself.

Charity was originally what the system asked him to do.

But now, Lin Feng has found the meaning of charity, and also found the meaning of reliving this life. Biqu library

that night.

Lin Feng, Jiang Shuying and the teachers had the simplest dinner at school together.

However, everyone ate very happily.

After dinner, the two found a cheap and clean hotel to stay in, and fell asleep early, because the next day, they would follow Principal Zhang to the house of the girl named Wang Mei.

Because Principal Zhang wants to ensure that every girl who enters the girls' high school has the real situation at home, and they are all girls from poor families.

She must be responsible for the hard-earned money...


Early the next morning.

Principal Zhang borrowed a van from a unit in the county, took some bread and water and set off.

The village where the girl's home is located is called Gaoshan Village.

If you don’t go, you don’t know. Only when you go will you know what a real mountainous area is.

The road is long, and there are vast mountains on both sides.

The van was bumping constantly on the muddy mountain road between the mountains. Those who didn't know it thought they were here to rob the tomb.

At the foot of the mountain, there is no way.

There is a reason why Gaoshan Village is called Gaoshan Village, because the village is actually on the halfway up a mountain surrounded by monsters and mist.

"Let's go!"

Principal Zhang got out of the car, and the group could only walk up the mountain.

In this season, there is a lot of rain in the mountains and forests, so the only trail up the mountain is muddy, and when you step down, it will weigh half a catty when you lift it up again.

Lin Feng, Jiang Shuying, and the teachers who came with them are alright, they are young after all.

However, Principal Zhang is getting old, and these years of working hard all these years, her body has already been overwhelmed.

Less than halfway through, Principal Zhang couldn't move anymore, with his hips crossed and panting.

"Oh, why do you live in such a ghostly place? I'm exhausted!"

Principal Zhang is open-minded by nature, no matter how hard and tiring she is, she always treats her with optimism. One thing she often says is that there are always more solutions than difficulties.

"Go, go, don't wait for me!"

After resting for a while, Principal Zhang waved his hand, and walked up the mountain with his hands supporting his legs.

Jiang Shuying walked over, supported Principal Zhang, and without saying anything, supported Principal Zhang with his hands and continued to move forward.

Jiang Shuying didn't have any makeup on today, and her face was in the sky.


I don't know how long I walked until the smoke in the mountains dissipated.

At last they saw the village.

The houses in the village are all made of earth bricks and black tiles, and the earth walls of many houses are cracked.

The road was still as muddy as ever, surrounded by weeds.

After passing through the low and old houses, the group finally came to Wang Mei's house.

This is a house that can be described as dilapidated. It is unknown when the house was built, and the old gate seems to be about to collapse.

The dirt walls are even more mottled

Unbearable, the eaves are full of messy things.

"Is anyone home?"

Seeing no one around, Principal Zhang poked his head in and shouted.

After a while, a dark-skinned, unkempt middle-aged man wearing a green vest with holes came out.

"Are you Wang Mei's father?"

The man nodded dumbly.

At this time, the village party secretary introduced: "This is Principal Zhang, the principal of the girls' high school."

The man smiled and nodded again.

"Let's go in, is there a dog at home?"

"No, he has nothing at home."

The village party secretary led a group of people into Wang Mei's home.

As soon as you enter the door, you know that this is a very poor family.

Because there is really nothing new in the house, except for some farm tools, everything is dilapidated.

Not even a few stools.

The only things that stand out are the few awards posted on the wall, which Wang Mei got at school.

Here, they saw Wang Mei's mother, a middle-aged woman, whose clothes were so dark that the original color could not be seen. Seeing a group of people coming to the house, they were a little embarrassed, smiled embarrassedly, and didn't know what to say. .

"Come, come, sit here!"

Principal Zhang beckoned and asked Wang Mei's mother to sit beside her.

"I'm Teacher Zhang from a girls' high school. It's like this. Your girl came to me yesterday and told me that she couldn't go on in high school in the county and wanted to come to our school..."

Principal Zhang patiently communicated with Wang Mei's mother.

After some communication.

Only then did I realize that the situation at Wang Mei's family was worse than everyone had imagined.

Five years ago, Wang Mei's father suffered from schizophrenia because of the burden of life. The family's income from selling pepper and flue-cured tobacco was spent on medical treatment, and now it still depends on medicines.

Once the drug is stopped, the disease will relapse, making the family even worse.

Wang Mei is the only child in the family. Since junior high school, Wang Mei has been working while going to school.

I used to borrow money from relatives and friends for the tuition fees of high school.

Principal Zhang sighed and said: "You should have come to me earlier. You have paid all the tuition fees over there. I will go to others to pay it back, but the county high school refuses to pay it back. I am so mad. The income is gone!"

Wang Mei's mother smiled in embarrassment: "How do we know, we haven't even been to the county!"

"Haven't you been to the county?"

"Yeah, I haven't been to the county, and I don't know where the girl is studying. The school is all done by the girl herself."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

After a while, Principal Zhang shook his head and said, "I have nothing to say, I'm sad, just sad."

At this time, Lin Feng took out 500 yuan and handed it to Wang Mei's mother.

It was only five hundred yuan, but Wang Mei's mother stared wide-eyed and waved her hands repeatedly.

Lin Feng insisted on putting the money into her hands: "Take it, don't let my daughter suffer so much."

"thanks, thanks!"

Holding the money, Wang Mei's mother was about to kneel down.

Principal Zhang and others quickly helped her up.

Jiang Shuying also took 500 yuan and put it in the hands of Wang Mei's mother.

"Thank you, thank you kind people!"

Wang Mei's mother finally couldn't bear it anymore, she covered her face and wept...

Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying don't give much, because they know that if they want to lift these people out of poverty, it's useless to give them money, and that's basically what they've been doing all their lives.

Their hope is in the next generation.

As President Zhang said, a girl who can receive higher education can change the fate of three generations...


Coming out of Wang Mei's house, Principal Zhang couldn't help but let out a long sigh as he looked at the dilapidated village.

"It's really annoying!"

"What's wrong?" Lin Feng asked.

Principal Zhang sighed again, and said, "I don't know why I am angry. You say, those people in big cities waste less and provide more subsidies, and their lives will be easier."

"It's the children who are suffering like this!"


Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying followed Principal Zhang and visited several families. Without exception, the kind of poverty from the bottom was shocking.

Their families are basically illiterate.

Without culture, they have no vision and no thoughts, so they either go out to work and do heavy work, or guard the one-acre three-point land in the mountains.

generation after generation

The poverty has made them numb.

But there are also those who are powerless.

What impressed Lin Feng most was the mother of a girl.

This mother was very eager to go to school when she was young, but she had to drop out of school because of her poor family. She pinned her hopes of going to school on her two daughters.

When she saw Principal Zhang, she covered her mouth in embarrassment and smiled, "I'm dreaming now, and it's all in school."

Principal Zhang said with a smile: "Dreams are all in school!"

She smiled brightly: "Yeah, I went to study in my dream!"

After finishing speaking, he covered his face in embarrassment.

Principal Zhang patted the mother's shoulder lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely let your two daughters go to college, and let them realize your college dream, okay?"


The mother replied with a smile, but with a smile, tears could not help but flow from her eyes.

"Thank you to Principal Zhang, thank you to the government, thank you to Teacher Xiao Lin, thank you to Teacher Xiao Jiang, and thank you to the teachers..."

"I'm going to kneel down for you, thank you!"

Saying this, the mother knelt down directly.

"Get up, get up!"

Principal Zhang quickly embraced this enlightened mother, hugged each other and wept...

During this period of time, Lin Feng saw too many touching scenes like this during his visits with Principal Zhang.

The last time he came to donate a primary school, he saw poverty, but this time, he saw despair.

A deep sense of powerlessness that is born in the mountains and is still a girl.

Without Principal Zhang's life-threatening efforts, they can only repeat the fate of the previous generation, and then the cycle continues from generation to generation.

Now, Principal Zhang gave them hope.

However, this hope also has its own strength.

Lin Feng is proud.

He also understood what it was that allowed those teachers to stick to their beliefs here with a salary of 1,400 yuan...


While Lin Feng and Jiang Shuying were in Rengui County, the matter of Lin Feng beating paparazzi was still fermenting on the Internet.

Celebrities beating paparazzi is nothing new.

Many big-name celebrities have also fought, because the paparazzi's follow-up is really infuriating, but in the entertainment circle, as a public figure, one cannot completely avoid the paparazzi.

So those who have a bad temper, or touch the bottom line of the star, they will have a head-on conflict with the paparazzi.

But, almost without exception, celebrities have apologized.

Just like Xu Zheng, Xie Tingfeng, Li Yapeng and other stars, this is the case in the end.

After all, it was the stars who made the move first, and if they want to continue to hang out in the entertainment industry, they must abide by the rules in the entertainment industry. The media is also a very important part of the entertainment industry.

But this time.

Lin Feng seemed to have evaporated from the world, and he didn't pay any attention to the meaning of this incident.

This also allowed those media, under the operation of Yang Tianzhen, to seize this point and continue to attack Lin Feng.

Some pretended to be reasonable and analyzed that it was wrong for Lin Feng to hit someone, and he should apologize.

There are criticisms that Lin Feng is not a man. If he is a man, he should stand up and admit his mistakes, instead of being a coward.

Some speculated about Lin Feng, saying that he used to be a gangster...

In short, the media on the Internet are full of voices of crusade against Lin Feng.

The CEO of Lehua Entertainment, Du Hua, also came out to spread the word, saying that their company would never cooperate with a bad artist like Lin Feng, and at the same time, he did not forget to praise how moral and caring his artists are.

This heat, a push and a step, made the fans of Lehua's stars climax again...

Even if Lin Feng is still here in Guichuan, he has received several calls.

Yang Dami also called him, saying that he was asked to quickly issue a statement and respond. If he really didn't want to post it, he could find a publicist for him and go publicize this matter.

But was rejected by Lin Feng.

While Yang Dami was angry, she still wanted to go to Jiang Shuying and ask her to persuade her.

But she unexpectedly discovered that Jiang Shuying and Lin Feng both left the capital at almost the same time.

"The two of them, shouldn't they go on vacation together?"

Yang Dami guessed like this in her heart, the more she thought about it, the more inexplicably upset she felt.

While the Internet was still buzzing about Lin Feng beating the paparazzi, the web drama "Bai Ye Chasing the Murderer" starring Lin Feng was quietly launched...

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