“It can be said that I have been in storms in the past two decades, and I have also been brilliant and got the film emperor.”

“Also fire.”

“Putting a TV series” Magic Mobile “in 2008, it was popular nationwide at that time.”

When it comes to this TV series, applause at the scene.

“I have been lonely too.”

“Until today, many people have not recognized me.”

“I just came here to prove myself, and I want to learn something.”

“Because I have never learned to perform from my debut to the present.”

“I just hope, I come to this stage, the teachers and directors can teach me some new things.”

“Let me slowly regain the feeling of innocent performance in the past.”

After the words were finished, everyone at the scene applauded.

The last director chose the actors they wanted.

“Okay, the last group today. It is Chen Kaige!”

“Please Niu Junfeng and Langyue Ting!”

Niu Junfeng played a mentally retarded brother, and Lang Yueting performed his sister.

After the play, the audience applauded, and even many people tears.

The first is Guo Xiaosi.

“I think the two actors are really not easy.”

“Especially the role of a boy is too bad to perform. Girls’ characters can also have lines and mobilize emotions. The boy’s character has no lines and logic of normal people.”

“He needs really you can really convince yourself.”

“In this performance, the two actors were extremely restrained to the use of tears. I think both are very beautiful.”

Next is Li Chengru.

“This clip makes us very heavy.”

“Usually such a fragment of mental retardation is valued by patients with autism.”

“This clip of girls is disadvantaged, but your performance is also accurate.”


“Come, Su Han said.”

Sha Yi suddenly cue to Su Han.

Su Han: “The performance of Junfeng was very hysterical.”

“That performance looks easy, but it is actually very difficult.”

“Once that performance is out of control, it will destroy the whole atmosphere.”

“Junfeng is great at this point.”

“Both performances are acting for their opponents, complement each other, and support each other.”

“Thank you two!”

After Su Han finished speaking, there was a burst of applause.

Li Shaohong: “I feel very good.”

“A few points that Kaigo changed is indeed very critical.”

“Provide a lot of fulcrum for their performances.”

“The days are torn off again and again, and then you need to post it back.”

“It is the idea of a patient with autism.”

“Use one way you can do.”

“In addition, he held the last paper and pulled his sister back. Tell his sister with that number, he bought this apple.”

“This is the idea of a very good director.”

“Help them big.”

After Li Shaohong finished speaking, the applause sounded again.

Everyone’s eyes fell to the last protagonist, Chen Kaige.

“I have to make some adjustments on the basis of the original script, because I hope the whole clip is more movie.”

“In the original script, the biggest problem may be that my sister did not play at all.”

“I told Lang Yueting that my sister had to play, and my sister had to have an outbreak.”

“This is how she torn these calendars on the ground.”

“Because she knows that her days are just a few.”

“I said that the prop teacher can buy a bouquet of flowers?”

“A person who is about to leave this world can still buy a bouquet of flowers back and throw away the withering flowers, indicating that she still has confidence in life.”

“This is the desire to survive.”

“The role played by Niu Junfeng is between perception and unconsciousness. This momentum is the most difficult.”

“I also told Niu Junfeng, at this moment, you lie on the ground like a puppy.”

“Pick up all the calendars one by one. This is his emotion for his sister.”

“Two people have their own pains, each of which has their own difficulties.”

“Such Mars hit the earth, and two difficult people hit together. It was not pain, nor hate, but extremely deep love.”

“I said movies are the art of details.”

“The power of details is unparalleled.”

“When Niu Junfeng posted a calendar on the glass, I completely understood his heart. How powerful this detail is.”

“However, all the details point for details are not the details itself, but the point that is higher than the details.”

“When this happens, it will happen.”

“You really play very well, you are proud of you!”

When Chen Kaige was talking about these words, all actors in the background listened very seriously.

Every time he speaks, he is equivalent to the last time the actors present.

Finally chose an actor.

“Okay, our show today is almost the same.”

“Everyone, see you next time!”

Today’s recording is also here.

When Su Han thought he was easy to accept work, when he was ready to go back, he was suddenly stopped by Guo Xiaosi.

“Su Han, help me perform in the next issue.”

Chen Kaige: “Hey, I need it too!”

Su Han:?IntersectionIntersection

… …

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