Originally, Su Han also wanted to say that after recording this episode, he could run, and went home to rest for a while.

But because Guo Xiaosi and Chen Kaige suddenly asked him to help him, he chose to stay for help.

After returning to the hotel at night, I have a daily video with Yang Mi.

“How is it? Is the program recording today?”

“Well, the recording is quite simple, just sit in that sentence, not tired.”

“Are you back tomorrow?”

“It’s not okay tomorrow. I will help me in the past two days.”

“Ah? Help?”

“Director Xiao Si and Kaigo want to find me to help the guests, I guess I will live here for two days.”


“Then these two days are busy you, don’t be too tired. If you have anything, you must tell me.”

“Well, no problem.”

“Waiting for you to come back, it’s time to start engaged in the company.”


After chatting with Yang Mi, Su Han also started the research system.

It has been more than half a year since the last analog role. Before that Xu Ke had not started shooting.

Not to mention the start of the filming, not even the character starts to simulate.

Thinking of this, Su Han also opened the system to view.


“Congratulations to the host’s successful appearance in the crow, acting SSS level!”

“The host can have a chance to choose a character to simulate three months!”

“Do the host want to make a choice now?”

You can get this opportunity now.

That must be made.

Not much to think, Su Han finally found the role of the green snake Fahai in the system mall.

Exchange directly.

“Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming the role of” Green Snake “, simulated for three months!”

Just then, the sound of the system came from the ear.

Hearing this sound, Su Han was very satisfied.

“May I ask the host to simulate the role immediately?”


After Su Han chose to enter the role of Fahai, it was suddenly dark.

He came to another world.

This world is the world of green snakes.

The green snake mainly talks about the entanglement of green snakes and white snakes and Fahai.

Among them, there is also emotional entanglement between the green snake and Fahai. In front of the green snake, the hypocrisy of Fahai and Fahai actually have various inferiority.

During the simulation, Su Han could always feel that there were two snakes flying around in front of him, and then he had been called Dawei Tianlong, Dawei Tianlong …

After a few hours of Dawei Tianlong, it was dawn.

After getting up, Su Han looked at himself in the mirror and saw some shadows of Fahai.

Today, I will continue to record the show on the spot.

Today’s recording is mainly to help those actors go to play and help.

In simple terms, it is a supporting role.

He first helped Chen Kaige.

Chen Kaige is going to shoot Ruan Lingyu.

Then the actor is Gillian. As the purpose of the male match, Su Han is to assist Gillian, so that she can perform the play well. This role is well.

As soon as I arrived at the scene, Gillian came out to pick up people.

“Brother Su Han.”

Gillian came to greetings politely.

“Dare not dare, you are a senior, I should call you Gillian!”

Su Han joked.

Gillian blossomed.


“Come, go in in the inside.”

Su Han followed Gillian to sit in the room and began to discuss the play in their hands.

“Next you need me to help you, you tell me. I will do my best to help you.”

Gillian nodded: “Thank you, thank you. I have watched all your movies, and all performed well.”

“I’m almost fascinating you.”

“Hahaha, Gillian’s predecessors passed the prize.”

“I’m not kidding, but today I still talk about the business first.”

“Tang Jishan you play is a person who likes to pursue the stars. He has been with a female star named Zhang Zhiyun before.”

“There is a situation where Tang Jishan has domestic violence.”

The next party was all Gillian explained to Su Han’s life that he wanted to play.

“Wow! You know, you have done enough your homework.”

“Then you must be fine!”

Su Han patted his thigh and told Gillian with a smile.

Just when they were happy, Chen Kaige pushed in.

“Director Kaigo!”

When I saw Chen Kaige, Gillian and Su Han stood up immediately.

Chen Kaige greeted him with kindness.

“Are you both rehearsing?”


Next, Su Han and Gillian walked a little. After Chen Kaige watched, he specifically explained the role of Gillian.

“Come, come here. Gillian, I told you, don’t think about death.”

“I want to live.”

“I think the dance of the party is prepared, enjoy the last moment of my life.”

“Dance together.”

“Then we will have more sympathy for Ruan Lingyu’s character.”

“You must be careful to push Ruan Lingyu in detail. Gillian must find those moments, and you must let the time be amplified and delayed.”

“When we know the plot, you have to subtract, and you cannot do add to.”

“Death is coming. This woman stands here and watches this man who has loved.”

“The dark field is over.”

“Then there is Gillian, you have to come over with his slap, there is a distance. This is a personality.”

“What clothes Gillian wear tomorrow?”


“Cheongsam is good -looking.”

“Do your best.”

“I am most afraid of hearing these two words.”

Chen Kaige spoke all places that can improve Gillian better and finished.

In the end, he walked beside Su Han and patted Su Han’s shoulders.

“The rest are left to you!”

… …

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