I ate white chopped chicken and oil -consuming lettuce at noon today.

Su Han, who took a bite of chicken, was interesting and nodded again and again.

“Well, this white chopped chicken today is very tender.”

Xingye licked the rice grains in the corner of his mouth and nodded.

“Yeah, the chicken is very tender. It’s very fragrant.”

“This tastes good.”

Mo Wen looked at Su Han curiously.

“I am also curious, how can you act and sing again, this will also be directed. Of course, there is a vision of investment.”

“Seriously, according to your situation, I really don’t believe that you were just a group performance before.”

“According to your situation, I feel that you are a invisible big man, come to experience life.”

In fact, sometimes Xingye also has this strong feeling that Mo Wen said, and feels that Su Han is not a simple group performance.

Because there are really few group performances that can be as good as Su Han, which is very difficult.

While they ate, Uncle Da took the box lunch up and made a cluster.

“Is there a position in me?”

“Ah, Uncle Da.”

“Yes, come here!”

Su Han quickly got up and gave Dushu stools.

Uncle Da smiled and was very good.

“Thank you, thank you.”

“Uncle Da, I like your movie very much.”

As soon as Uncle Da sat down, Su Han took the initiative to start the topic.

Uncle Da waved his hand: “Hey! I played like that. You are amazing, you have played international movies. The clown is very beautiful, I like it very much.”

“And I feel that your acting skills are beyond the plot, it is really good.”

There is an exaggeration, naturally there is a second one immediately.

Mo Wenwei is the second one, and he quickly exaggerates to Su Han.

“Yes, your clown’s artistic accomplishment is really powerful.”

“I saw me very depressed when I saw it. You really interpreted the essence of the clown. It was really difficult to do this.”

“It’s not easy anyway.”

“Your acting skills, it is estimated to win a big prize!”

He was praised by them, and Su Han was embarrassed.

He was also embarrassed and waved his hand and humblely said:

“No no!”

“Not so powerful.”

Su Han pointed at Xingye.

“The big actor is here, praise him, don’t take me to open it!”

Xingye looked at Su Han very seriously.

“Their praise is really not exaggerated. The main acting skills are really real.”

“It’s really something, you know.”

“Take a prize, I feel this possibility.”

Xingye is really like a person in the play.

Xingye in the play shows the kind of heartless person, but Xingye outside the play is another, that is the very serious and serious person.

Generally, what Xingye speaks is true.

So Su Han knew that their praise was not a false praise, but true.

“Thank you!”

Mo Wen suddenly remembered something, put down the lunch box, and looked at Su Han.

“By the way, haven’t you played any plays recently?”

Su Han shook his head: “No, there is no drama for the time being for a while, first as a rest for a while.”

“Is it because of it?”

Mo Wenwei refers to the things that stand on Xingye to support Xingye.

Su Han shook his head: “I don’t know, Xiangjiang should have a little. But it doesn’t matter. But I have taken one recently in the Mainland.”

“What is it?”

“Hidden corner.”

Uncle Da’s eyes brightened.

“Hidden corner?”

“Is it a TV series?”


“I know this crew, I heard that this TV series is an adapted novel called” Bad Child “, right?”

“Uncle Da, yes! You know too much!”

Uncle Da was happy and waved his hand.

“Nothing. Just heard of it, I don’t know much.”

In fact, the hidden corner is about the three children who accidentally photographed Zhang Dongsheng’s killing of his father -in -law and mother -in -law when playing in the scenic area.

Then one of the children proposed to use this video to extort Zhang Dongsheng.

The two sides started a confrontation bridge, probably such a story.

The plot of this TV series is also very attractive.

Xingye looked at Su Han interested.

“So you are the villain played in this TV series?”

Su Han nodded: “Well, it’s still an old drama.”

“It will be broadcast at that time, I will give you a show!”

“Hahaha, okay.”

Most of the contents to be shot in the afternoon are Zhang Bozhi’s drama.

Zhang Bozhi is the protagonist in the king of comedy, and he plays an old -fashioned night woman.

Of course, Zhang Bozhi at this time was still a newcomer who had just come out, and he was younger and tender.

… …

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