As soon as Zhang Bozhi came up, he smiled and greeted Su Han very friendly.

“Su Director!”

Xingye helped introduce: “This is Bozhi, our heroine.”

“Bo Zhi, the scene of the meeting is going to shoot your smoking shots. Can you do it?” Can you do it? ”



“I can!”

Although Zhang Bozhi looked like a simple sister of a non -Changliang family girl, she next to her two fingers with cigarettes and stunned her mouth.

That feeling came up at once.



After sucking two sips, Zhang Bozhi stunned and coughed wildly.

But it can be seen that she can smoke and at least overwhelm.


“That can be filmed!”

“What, cockroaches, bugs are ready?”

The scene that Lai is going to shoot is Zhang Bozhi, who is the Miss Night Club, to coax a customer to drink.

However, this customer’s image is particularly disgusting.

The content of the shooting is probably such a content.

“Go to change your clothing!”

Zhang Bozhi went to change his clothing, and then all the staff on the scene were ready.

The next step is to shoot.

“Everyone is ready!”

“Put on!”

Xingye shouted, everyone entered the state of preparation and was ready.

Su Han and Xingye sat in front of the monitor to watch the monitor.

This shooting is indoors, a small environment that is done, which is more like a place where nightclubs drink.

The light is green, and then a large number of young girls shuttle in the bar.

In this environment, a 30 -year -old mother is telling Zhang Bozhi.

Now Zhang Bozhi is wearing a waterman suit and looks extraordinarily young.

“Today is the night of the first love of female students. I ask you to talk carefully, it’s best to be like a female student!”

Zhang Bozhi turned his head, sucking cigarettes, and showing it, but it was still a bit unnatural.


Xingye shouted.

Everyone stops shooting.

Zhang Bozhi looked at Xingye in surprise: “Director, what’s wrong with me?”

“It’s a bit awkward, unnatural, a little more natural!”

“Oh oh.”

Then continue shooting, just this one continuously filmed five or six times, and Xingye shouted five or six times in a row.

Xingye is already a little impatient, and it looks obviously a little angry.

It is said that Xingye is a set of tyrants on the set, and this is not fake at all.

When the crew’s staff does not meet his request, he will repeatedly ask for reunion.

But there has been no way to get better, and then people will become particularly impatient.

It can be seen that Xingye’s mood is wrong, and there are not good performance. Zhang Bozhi himself is a bit guilty and uncomfortable now.

Zhang Bozhi was about to cry.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Su Han also stood up at this time.

He came to Zhang Bozhi to help run his acting skills.

“Come, Bo Zhi, I play it again, you watch.”


“Come a cigarette.”

The staff handed to Su Han a cigarette to help.

Su Han stood in the position of Zhang Bozhi, with cigarettes between his index finger and middle finger. He leaned on the bar and demonstrated Zhang Bozhi’s movement.

Dragging, a little old.

Zhang Bozhi looked at it seriously and looked in.

“Right! That’s it.”

After watching Su Han’s performance, Xingye quickly shouted right and pointed at Su Han and said right.

Su Han looked at Zhang Bozhi and cared for inquiries.

“It’s probably like this, do you understand?”

Zhang Bozhi suddenly realized that he nodded again and again.

“I seem to understand.”

“Let me try!”

Next, Zhang Bozhi performed according to the performance of Su Han’s performance.


“This one!”

Xingye shouted, Zhang Bozhi was very happy.

Zhang Bozhi first came up with Su Han.

“Thank you Brother Su Han!”

“If it wasn’t for you, I guess I don’t know how long I have to be scolded by Xingye.”

Su Han waved again and again.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.”

“Come on!”


… …

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