When filming the next scene, Yang Mi rushed over to see, just caught up.

This play was Zhang Dongsheng talking to two children at home.

The content of the previous situation was that Zhang Dongsheng pushed his father -in -law’s mother -in -law in the cliff and fell into the cliff. The three children were photographed, and then the three children used video to extort him with 300,000.

So the two children found the house.

Su Han sat on the sofa and looked at the two children standing at the door.

“Come in and sit.”

“Don’t sit, you give us money, let’s go.”

“So much money, I can’t give it, just give it. Come in first.”

“Sit down and say slowly.”

Su Han, wearing glasses, looks obviously very different from the image of his past, as if it has changed a person.

When Yang Mi stood beside Xin Shuang, she couldn’t help but vomit.

“Su Han’s image is very different from him.”

Xin Shuang smiled: “Yeah. Teacher Su Han is really dedicated.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Just now there is a scene to shoot Mr. Su Han’s slap. I want to say that it would be better if you want to say whether it is a stand -in.The act of acting. ”

“I have never encountered such a professional actor. Teacher Su Han is really worth it.”

When Director Xin Shuang said, he praised Su Han, and this was what Yang Mi didn’t expect.

It’s just that as Su Han’s girlfriend, Yang Mi is also very comfortable to listen to.

“Please sit.”

“Why are the two of you?”

“What about that boy?”

Su Han looked at the two children with a smile.

The two children looked at Su Han slightly vigilantly: “He is outside, and we are here.”

The two children sat down obediently.

Su Han glanced at the room: “He is not like a student.”

“Are you a school?”

From the beginning to the end, Su Han was a smile, a teacher, and a very hypocritical feeling.

At this time, the little girl finally couldn’t sit still.

“none of your business!”

“Children must learn, you must read more, do you know?”

“You see Zhu Chaoyang is so good. If you want to learn, I can teach you for free.”

“Are you studying for killing?”

The little girl suddenly hit Su Han’s vigorous blow, which was what Su Han herself did not expect.

Pup’s problem was particularly sharp, making Su Han’s smile solidified, and turned very cold, as if it was a toxic snake, terrifying.

Su Han’s change is really powerful, letting Yang Mi standing on the side of the goose bumps up.

I can’t help but deeply sigh deep in my heart: This is acting.


Su Han is really amazing.

The acting skills should be something that changes. Su Han’s change is too in place, and everyone present was watching.

Of course, the two little actors who played with Su Han now have a cold breath, and feel the oppression of Su Han brought to them.

It is said that such things are complementary, and this is not wrong at all.

These two little actors are now complementary to Su Han.

Su Han conquered his heart and turned his head, thinking about it.

He blinked slightly and looked up at the front.

“I don’t know, are you particularly afraid of what you lose?”

“Sometimes for these things, we will do what we don’t want to do.”

Su Han’s faith is particularly strong and has been immersed in the role of Zhang Dongsheng.

Zhang Dongsheng’s role is really too depressed.

He was looked down on by his father -in -law and mother -in -law, bullied by his daughter -in -law, because he was weak, he had no ability, and was abandoned.

On the surface, he didn’t say a word, but in fact, these emotions have been depressed in his heart for a long time.

In fact, many people do not like those who say that they are not good, but in fact, these people who are not good on the surface are often worthy of interaction.

Because such people generally do not hide all kinds of unhappiness in their hearts, and they will speak straight.

But like Zhang Dongsheng, he was hiding in his stomach, and he kept holding and endured.

If one day erupts, such people will often be very extreme and horrible.

Zhang Dongsheng is such a person.

Su Han’s background analysis of the characters is very in place. Of course, because he has the help of systematic help, he was able to make him so perfectly to grasp Zhang Dongsheng’s interpretation.

He picked up the dagger on the table, and the two children swallowed subconsciously, watching the dagger in his hand nervously.


“very good!!!”

“Teacher Su Han, you are so exciting!”

At this time, the staff surrounding were sweaty at this time, and they couldn’t help rubbing their arms.


“Su Han is so scary.”

“I’m so terrible, I’m panicked.”

“Su Han Niu criticized!”

All of the surroundings were praised.

Listening to these praise, Yang Mi couldn’t help raising.

“thanks, thanks!”

Su Han thanked him, and he was surprised when he saw Yang Mi.

“Oh, are you here?”

… …

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