Yang Mi suddenly came over, this was really something Su Han didn’t expect.

When he saw Yang Mi, Su Han was still very happy.

“Why did Boss Yang come to see me here?”

Yang Mi smiled.

“Yeah. I heard that you are very dedicated to acting here, come and see what is going on.”

“Okay, it’s not as dedicated as you think, that is, to complete the actor’s job.”


Yang Mi’s eyes turned around, looking at Su Han thoughtfully.

“I heard that you need a slap in a show just now. Are you really slapped?”

“Um. What is this.”

“Actually, this kind of drama can be used for a substitute.”

“If you have to use a stand -in, then I will not be a actor.”

“The stand -alone is not necessarily really going to carry this pain for me.”

“Alchemo is also a person?”

Yang Mi did not deny that Su Han was right, but she was more distressed by Su Han.

“But you will hurt.”

“I will hurt, and the stand -in will hurt. It’s all people. I can’t always let me get the alternative directly because I am now high, right?”

Yang Mi said, Su Han replied.

Yang Mi was a little grieved, and his eyes were red.

“But I feel bad for you.”

This is what Su Han originally wanted to speak down, and suddenly she was silent.

For so long, Yang Mi never said that.

This is the first time Su Han heard Yang Mi saying this.

Listening to Yang Mi’s words, Su Han suddenly felt warm.

There are comfort.

Being stared at by Su Han, Yang Mi was a little embarrassed.

“What are you … what are you …”

She was embarrassed to look directly at Su Han, which was the first time Yang Mi had the so -called shy appearance of girls before Su Han.

Su Han smiled badly.

“why are you laughing?”

“Laugh you.”

“What do you laugh at me?” Yang Mi didn’t understand what Su Han meant.

“Laughing you like a daughter.”

Yang Mi:?IntersectionIntersection

“I’m not a woman?!”

Su Han: …

“It seems too.”

Su Han sometimes speaks very well.

It is really rare to endure him like Yang Mi.

“Su Han, you said to me, if you told other girls, it is estimated that other girls are really going to be angry with you.”

“So I also see you, Boss Yang, so I told you like this.”

“To change to others, I really don’t really want the idea.”

Yang Mi suddenly turned a big white eyes to Su Han.

“Go, go back early, wash and rest.”

“I have to be busy after a while.”

“What are you busy?”

“The king of comedy hasn’t been filmed yet.”

“Then I also thought about looking for the characters I wanted to see if there was any show recently.”

Su Han has a lot of busy things after a while.

After arriving home, Su Han washed and cleaned up in bed.

During the rest, take the time to check the system mall.

After so long, I haven’t played any special bull villain characters, and it is time to find a few to see if it can be simulated.

Sweeping a system mall.

There is really a role that allows Su Han to find him more likely.

In the end, he exchanged two roles with the remaining fan value.

One is a suit thug of “Breaking Wolf 2”.

The other is the poison Lin Kun of “Disciple”.

Both villains are particularly bulls, especially TVB.

The biggest fun of Su Han is to simulate the life of each character, because when simulating these characters, it is equivalent to the story that is exactly the same as the character.

Breaking the wolf 2 and disciples are all criminal police movies.

The role of Su Han’s killing wolf 2 suits is actually the role of a prison guard.

This prison guard was originally played by Zhang Jin. After Zhang Jin played this movie, he became a suit thugs hanging on his mouth.

The reason why this character is liked and chased by so many people is all because of this character’s drama in this movie, which is very handsome.

Furthermore, this role is a very ruthless character.

It’s not the kind of ruthless character that can hang your heart on his face, but the kind of bad guy who hides all the joy and sorrow under the skin.

“May I ask the host to simulate the” Killing Wolf 2 “suits?”

Listening to the sound of cold machines in his ear, Su Han did not hesitate to reply to a word.


After Su Han finished speaking, the next second, his eyes fell into darkness.

When he opened his eyes again, he had come to another world.

There are countless noisy sounds around, and there are groups of people in front of them. Everyone wears the same clothes and is uniform in prison.

Obviously, he has now entered the simulation world of killing wolf 2.

In the previous second, everyone was still quiet, and the next second changed.

The prison was restless, and the prisoners wanted to escape from the cell.

The prison guards holding weapons in their hands, doing their best to prevent their restlessness …

The chaos in front of me suddenly stirred up the freshness of Su Han’s heart, which is really interesting!

… …

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