When seeing the news, Su Han was very surprised.

Come back, Xingye, who is ready to start, will just come up.

Seeing Su Han holding a mobile phone, I couldn’t help asking for a lot of English.

“What are you looking at?”

“Oh … I didn’t look at anything.”

“Oscar award, say I won a prize?”


Although Su Han was a bit vague, as a person mixed in the film industry, when he heard the three gold -content words of Oscar, he suddenly became inspiring.

Xingye looked at Su Han in surprise and asked.

“What did you say?”


“Well, said that the character in my clown movie won this award.”

Xingye was a bit unbelievable. He stepped forward and looked at the content of Su Han’s mobile phone carefully.

When he looked at him, his pupils looked at Su Han suddenly, and his eyes were slowly admired.

“Su Han, Oscar.”

“You are really bright in the future, just when you debut. Just come out and become a film emperor.”

Xingye nodded while sighing.

“It’s really boring.”

“But your interpretation in the clown is indeed very worthy of this award, you can get the film emperor.”

“I did not expect that you did not get it in China, but you got honor overseas first.”


The award containing the gold content is higher than any domestic.

There are too few domestic people who have won the Oscar award, and there are only a few.

Like Director Li and Cheng Long, the other people have not heard of the public, and the camera has won this award.

It does not want the Golden Eagle Awards in China to have a stroke. This award is real, a very professional film award.

It is because of its gold content, so Xingye has such a big movement when he knows that it is Oscar.

After all, this is actually what he wants.

Xingye was not jealous of Su Han. Instead, he felt that all this was due to Su Han.

“Yes! Come on!”

“Your future road is still far away.”

“Thank you Xingye. Xingye, too!”

“I’m okay. What, come, continue to shoot a scene.”

In the afternoon, the next scene was also filmed.

The content of this play is Xingye as a stand -in, and then almost burned by fire …

Anyway, it’s funny, miserable, and sad.

Su Han shouted the action and turned on the scene directly.

Xingye replaced the Cuckoo’s clothing.

This is the play in the play.

The field service asked Xingye: “Are you okay?”

“No problem, I can go all my best to be the alternative of Sister Cuckoo.”

“Director, no problem!”

“Okay, then ignite!”

The staff poured alcohol and fell on Xingye gloves.

Xingye looked back at Su Han: “Director, can I show a little more lonely cold except the heat?”

“Do you do it, but don’t look back to me, do you understand?”

Su Han took her waist, holding a cigarette in one hand, and the director was very director at the scene.

“That’s OK!”

“Ignite, don’t move!”


After he said, the sleeves of Xingye’s hands were burning.

Xingye glanced nervously at the burning fire and panic.

Su Han standing behind him was very calm.

“Hey, what do you do here?”

“Take it away!”

The staff took the white pigeon away.

“Director and director. There are two white pigeons here, and the mood will be higher.”

“How tall is it?”

“How tall?”

“This is hard to say, because the definition is very abstract.”

“In short.”

They were very calm and leisurely, and the fire on Xingye’s hand was still burning, and it became more and more intense.

The fire on the hand was burning for almost a minute. Even if there was a thermal insulation layer, it was very hot.

He couldn’t help it, and turned back to show his painful mask.

Su Han was angry: “Don’t turn over for your body!”

It can be seen that the hot sweat on the forehead of Xingye is straight, and his face has been flushed because of fire.

He closed his eyes tightly and had been patience.

Later Su Han still tangled the position of white pigeons very leisurely.

The contrast between the two is a laugh point, and at the same time, it is also a point that the peers will feel very unsatisfactory.

“Come, try the white pigeon’s head to me.”

“Try the buttocks of the white pigeon to me.”

“Don’t want this.”

“Forget it, don’t!”

“My motorcycle, what about my lighter?”

Xingye had tolerated his teeth and was extremely uncomfortable.

Su Han held the cigarette and stepped forward.

“Brother, borrow a fire.”

“Director here!”

Originally, Su Han was about to come to Xingye’s sleeves to lift cigarettes, and the female executive took the lighter to order him.

Take a sip.

“Come, ready!”

“Ready to boot.”


As soon as he shouted, Xingye ran out madly, like a grilled turkey, and ran.

“Hey, what are you doing?!”

“Go, extinguish the fire!”

The staff at the scene quickly extinguished the fire.


Su Han shouted and ended the shooting.

After the shooting, Su Han also cried!

… …

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