After the filming of this scene, Su Han was full of tears.

Seeing Su Han cried, the crew’s staff followed up one by one.

“Su Dao, are you okay?”

“Su Dao, what’s wrong with you?”

“Su Dao, a paper towel for you.”

Everyone came up to care about Su Han, and even handed him a paper towel.

Xingye stepped on: “Remembering your days when you were a group, right?”

Sure enough, someone should understand.

Xingye himself also ran a dragon. He also knew that Su Han had run through the dragon, so he knew why Su Han cried.

When filming this scene, most of the crews were laughing.

Only one person was crying.

The crying person was Su Han.

Because these are Su Han’s own experience, of course, it is also Xingye’s experience.

The two of them can be said to be cherished.

Xingye understands Su Han, and Su Han also understands Xingye.

Su Han wiped the tears in the corner of his eyes and looked at Xingye.

“This paragraph is your experience?”


“When I think about the dragon set that year, I really have eaten all the hardships. It’s really difficult.”

Xingye said, deeply sighed.

Recalling those past events, I still remember it so far.

“Okay, it’s okay. Keep taking a game!”


The content of the shooting in the next scene was performed by Xingye and Uncle Da.

“How is it? Are you okay?”

Uncle Da came to greet it.


“Come, Uncle Da, Xingye, let’s start filming!”



All the crews have begun to enter the shooting stage.

In the last game, because Xingye was standing as a stand -in, because he did not cooperate well, the deputy director had to drive Xingye away.

Xingye’s hands painted with scalded makeup, red, look particularly distressing.

“You hurry up! I have given you many opportunities. This is the last time. Don’t come again in the future!”

Xingye was surprised and raised his two hot arms.

“Do you smell the smell of roast chicken wings?”

“My hand can be regarded as a sacrifice for art.”

The deputy director pointed at Uncle Da behind him and pushed away Xingye.

“Field service, give him a box of burnt chicken wings!”

Xingye’s reluctance: “Aunt Xia!”

Uncle Da is organizing box lunch.

Xingye turned and happened to meet Uncle Da: “Hey! Chicken wings rice!”

He picked up a box lunch and opened: “Come and see that the chicken wings are burnt a bit or your hand is burnt a bit.”

“Forget it, it’s not so focus, let’s go!”

“Brother Sunny said I have a meal.”


Uncle Da suddenly roared, roaring hard, his eyes were as big as the lantern, as if he was going to swallow Xingye.

Xingye was helpless and turned away.

When I left, I murmured in a low voice, that is, this sentence exactly passed to the uncle’s ears.

“Isn’t it a human?”

As soon as Uncle Da looked up and looked at him, “What are you talking about?”

“louder please!”

Xingye stopped and turned to look at Uncle Da.

“Isn’t it a human?!”

“Why always target me?!”

Uncle Da said that Xingye: “You want to know why?!”

Xingye was so angry: “I want to know why!”

Uncle Da gritted his teeth.

“Because you are not qualified to eat this box!”

The crew was deterred.

Whether it is the staff in the play or the staff outside the show, they were shocked by Uncle Da.

Xingye also shocked.

He stood in place stupidly and looked at Uncle Da.

And Su Han.

Su Han’s orbits tears.

“Self -made! Teach people everywhere, learn theory, teach people to dress up, and collect protection fees.”

“It is simply insulting the word acting!”

Uncle Da was really murderer, so that Xingye, who was very angry, was completely stunned and stupid.

Why did he do this?

That’s because Uncle Da said nothing at all.

The depths of his heart poke.

In the end, Uncle Da smashed Su Han’s face.



After the filming of this scene, Su Han Fu was supported in front of the monitor.

Uncle Da and Xingye glanced at Su Han, who looked at Su Han.

“Su Dao, how is it?”


Su Han did not respond.

Uncle Da and Xingye looked at each other again: “Don’t you want to come back? At least not very bad, right?”

“Su Han?”


Still did not respond.

Uncle Da and Xingye walked to him.

Xing Ye patted Su Han’s shoulder: “How? Is it going to be re -shot?”

All the staff members of the crew looked at Su Han converged.

Could it be that Su Dao was angry?

What’s going on here?

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Just when everyone thought that Su Han was dissatisfied with the shooting, he suddenly jumped up and laughed.

This move was suddenly and exaggerated.

He hugged Uncle Da and Xingye excitedly.

“The two of you are so good!”

“I was moved to see me.”


“Let’s get here today!”

“Okay, get a job.”

“You, get the Oscar film emperor. You must also prepare this speech well. Come on!” Come on! ”


… …

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