After the Oscar Golden Awards, Su Han gave the trophy to Yang Mi.

“Now, give it to you.”

Yang Mi laughed: “Give me? Are you asking me to help you get it?”

“Boss Yang, it’s still you smart.”

“whispering sound!”

Yang Mi glanced at Su Han with a braqubean.

She thought for a while, and gathered her heart again.

“However, Su Han. Thank you.”


“I didn’t expect you to remember me when receiving the prize.”

“That’s certain!”

“If there is no three billion yuan you lent me, how can I go to this day?”

“If there are three billion yuan, I guess I can’t play the role of clown, let alone the award.”

Su Han is from the heart and tells this sincerely.

Yang Mi heard the warmth in her heart and was very moved.

After a while, the eyes were red again.

Seeing her change, Su Han quickly interrupted.

“Okay, Boss Yang, it’s almost okay. It is estimated that you will have to interview outside. You are crying when you take it, and think of me.”

Su Han glanced at Yang Mi while talking.

“Besides, you don’t look good when you cry.”

Yang Mi originally wanted to cry, but when she heard Su Han said, her tears instantly closed.

I couldn’t cry for a moment.

“If this is not at the Oscar scene, I really want to beat you.”


Yang Mi held the trophy in his arms in his right hand, holding Su Han in his left hand, and the two men’s appearance walked out of the hall step by step, walking along the red carpet.

When they walked out, countless flashing lights flickered on their bodies and flickered.

Yang Mi, who is full of black dresses, looks noble and elegant.

The whole gray suit is supported by Su Han, which is particularly temperament.

These two people stood together, making people who couldn’t help but sigh that Lang Cai’s appearance.

The first is that foreign media reporters interview them.

Foreign media reporter: “What does Mr. Su Han think about winning the Oscar gold award this time?”

Su Han smiled and answered with fluent English.

“This is the first time I have won such a big award, I am very happy. Thank you Oscar!”

Su Han’s answer is also very official.

Then foreign media reporters continued to ask.

“Your clown is really deeply rooted in people’s hearts. Does you affect your body and mind when you play the clown?”

Su Han: “The role of the clown is indeed popular, and so is it for myself. To be honest, when I played this role, I was indeed very uncomfortable. But after the performance, I would play immediately.The show immediately is because the role cannot be affected by my role. ”

Foreign media reporter: “Will you still play movies overseas next?”

Su Han: “If there is a movie invited me in the next overseas side, or a movie I am interested in, I think I will try to fight.”

“Okay, thank you!”

After the interview with foreign media reporters, they continued to move forward.

When they came to the field, countless reporters who came from the country rushed to rush.

They seemed to be crazy, rushing up crazy, surrounding Su Han and Yang Mi.

The Chinese people get Oscar, which is a very exciting honor.

They must take advantage of this opportunity and keep taking pictures.

Feeling that all directions are all flashing lights, they have not stopped.

Everyone who looked at Su Han was shining in his eyes.

It’s like seeing hope, this is the hope of Huaxia Film and Television Circle.

This guy is powerful, cow batch!


The feelings of these reporters are like this.

Next is an interview with reporters.

Reporter 1: “Mr. Su Han, what do you think about this time to win the Oscar Gold Awards?”

Su Han: “I am very happy, and I am honored to get this award. In the future, I will focus more on the interpretation of the role, and try to perform as much as possible!”

Reporter 2: “I heard that you have recently been making a movie by yourself. Do you want to take the director in the future?”

This reporter caught the point, and of course many people did not notice this point.

Su Han: “First of all, I have not been making a movie myself recently, but I have cooperated with Xingye. The main director is still him. I am a deputy director. Of course, I have a certain tendency to the director in the future.”

Reporter 3: “Seeing you love Miss Yang Mi like this, when will you plan the wedding?”

This question is really a bit of what.

When I asked the exit, the scene was solidified for a while, as if everyone was dumbfounded.

Su Han looked at Yang Mi.

“This is going to look at Miss Yang.”

“You ask Miss Yang!”

As soon as Su Han’s talked, he turned all the problems directly to Yang Mi.

For a while, all reporters at the scene looked at Yang Mi.

… …

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