At this time, Yang Mi just wanted to scold Su Han deep inside.

This man is really bad!

I thought he came from an honest person before, but I didn’t expect that this guy was so bad.

I also know how to throw the question to me.

Although Yang Mi had been talking in her heart, she still showed a calm smile on the surface.

“Well, this is our own privacy.”

“Of course, it is definitely important for career. Su Han’s interpretation career has just begun, and I also hope that his future path will be better and better.”

Yang Mi’s reply is more emotional.

Then Su Han continued to add.

“It is said that marriage is the grave of love. I hope this love can last longer. Feelings are a matter of two people, and you don’t have to worry about us.”

“At present, I will take care of my career. Of course, Boss Yang will also take care of his career. I hope we can be the best self.”

The last summary of Su Han also summarized a essence and was very popular.

After this wave of interviews, Su Han and Yang Mi also drove away from the scene.

However, they did not leave LA immediately, but took advantage of this opportunity to stroll well outside.

After all, in China, there are paparazzi, fans or something. If you want to walk outside and stroll around, it is impossible.

But now abroad, the existence of Su Han and Yang Mi can be more free as ordinary people.

It is the winter season.

Snowflakes flying around.

There are very few pedestrians on the street.

Su Han specially went to the convenience store to buy two popsicles and handed it to Yang Mi.

Yang Mi was stunned when he took the popsicles.

She exhaled an air.

“Are you serious?”

“Eat popsicles at this time?”

Su Han: “It’s cool to eat popsicles in winter, don’t you know?”

After speaking, I took a sip of mung bean popsicles.

“Hmm! It’s so delicious!”

Su Han’s mouth and nose were frozen.

Looking at his stupid look, Yang Mi couldn’t help it.

With curious mood, Yang Mi also handed the popsicles into his mouth, taking a sip.


A chill.

But eating popsicles in winter, it feels really cool.

Yang Mi likes it quite.

“How is it? Is it delicious?”

Yang Mi nodded: “Well, it’s still a bit of that.”

“It feels like this kind of thing is quite like something that children do. I can’t imagine that I am at this age. I still do such a thing. If it is photographed by a paparazzi, I am still embarrassed.”

“How can this kind of thing be done by children? Your idea is not right. People can always keep childhood innocence. As long as you think, you can always be children, you can always have the happiness of children.”

“Human beings are getting more and more unhappy because they want too much.”

After listening to Su Han’s words, Yang Mi felt very reasonable.

This is indeed the case.

There are more and more people now, because of this, so there is less happiness.

When a person’s desire continues to expand, then his happiness is difficult to satisfy.

Yang Mi knows this.

However, there are too few people who can go to this position like Su Han to this position now.

Many people, many stars, even those who get rich overnight and burst into fire overnight.

Because they were too floating, they were prone to no one after floating, and they started all kinds of work.

Speaking of the people who are floating, there is Uncle Da.

Uncle Da became famous in his early years, and he quickly lost his fame and fortune.

Drink and play cards every day, personal woman date.

Then I didn’t make a good movie.

Later, because of his hobbies, he owed 300,000 gambling debts, and then went bankrupt overnight.

Overnight, he fell from the peak, and he was hidden by the company.

He kept himself at home for three days and thought of life.

But in the end, he decided to get up from where he fell.

For four years of self -cultivation, he tried to study the performance and re -start again.

So I opened the golden age of his acting career.

Generally, many grass roots are too hard in the early stage, and this life has not been brilliant.

If it is brilliant, it will definitely float behind.

In Yang Mi’s opinion, Su Han should have such a floating process, but Su Han has no.

And it is very bland to all of this.

This is very abnormal.

This is the most curious of Yang Mi.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help asking Su Han: “By the way, I have always had a question to ask you.”


Su Han, who ate the popsicles, was slightly stunned and turned to look at Yang Mi.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m curious, why are you so stable?”

“How to say?”

“That is, you have taken off all at once, don’t want to enjoy life, don’t you want to find a beautiful sister to play?”

“Many boys will forget it after they are floating?”

“You don’t have that process either, so it makes me strange.”

Su Han understood what Yang Mi said.

Many celebrities are red and float, they will play big names, they will look down on people, and they are very high.

If Su Han is not a traveler, maybe he may have such a process.

But he saw a lot of things, knowing that once people float, they are easy to fall.

Thinking of this, Su Han also told Yang Mi.

“How tall one person stands is, it is easy to fall.”

“I want to stand at the peak all the time, I don’t want to have a day because I am very high, I don’t put anyone in their eyes, and fall off the bottom of the valley.”

“You can have this achievement because of acting well.”

“Many people like fame and fortune, but in my opinion, in fact, my favorite is myself in acting.”

“Perform every play, this is what I want to do.”

“Famous and fortune is just something that brought me outside of acting, you must see it clearly.”

It turned out that Yang Mi, who had never understood Su Han, was suddenly cheerful after listening to him.

Because of Su Han’s words, she felt that the glory of Su Han was even stronger.

She appreciates Su Han even more is the kind of appreciation from her heart.

She knows where his charm is.

His charm is not to forget his original intention.

… …

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