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Zhou Yujing didn't sleep for long this afternoon nap. He looked at his phone and found that only 30 minutes had passed.

He moved his fingers gently and felt very comfortable.

Although he didn't sleep for a long time, the quality was so good.

Now he felt full of energy and inexhaustible spirit.

His daughter was sleeping soundly on him.

Her long eyelashes cast two fan-shaped shadows on her cheeks, and they trembled slightly with her breathing, like a butterfly flapping its wings.

He glanced around again.

All the big stars were sleeping soundly, with a faint smile on their faces, as quiet as a child, and their sleeping postures were also in various shapes.

Zhou Yujing took a light breath and looked up at the peach blossoms above his head. The breeze blew and they fell one after another. He smiled and really wanted to take pictures of these stars. In fact, they were the same as ordinary people. They were not so delicate, cold and distant in front of the spotlight.

Duoduo seemed to be dreaming, and she tightened her arms around Zhou Yujing. She had fallen asleep quickly just now, and Zhou Yujing's blanket was pressed by him. Under him, he carefully took his daughter's arms and legs off his body, raised his body slightly, and pulled the blanket out little by little. Because he was afraid of waking up his sleeping daughter, he took a full five minutes to complete the action that could be completed in one second.

When did he become such a careful person? After having Duoduo, he seemed to have changed naturally, without any discomfort or traces, and he could get used to it. He gently wrapped his petite daughter with the blanket, making sure there was no gap, and then Zhou Yujing tiptoed out of the hammock. Looking back, Duoduo moved slightly, mumbled something in her sleep, and then did not react at all.

Zhou Yujing breathed a long sigh of relief and moved around beside the hammock. He walked to the nearest peach tree, picked a peach, washed it, and squatted by the pond to eat it.

He called the canary cow. The milkman bit off a piece of peach meat and fed it to the cow. In the milkman's mouth, the bird was smart and didn't speak loudly, but just fluttered its wings happily and flew around Zhou Yujing. Zhou Yujing bit off another big piece and fed it to the cow. The milkman then said,"Please take good care of Duoduo for me."

""Okay, Master Dad." Niu.nai responded seriously, and then quickly flew to Duoduo's side to serve as her little guard.

Zhou Yujing looked at Niu.

nai flying around his daughter's bed, and felt much more relieved.


nai was reliable and could help him take care of his daughter anytime and anywhere, unlike that lazy one.

He smiled and looked at the watch again.

It was 12:20.

Huo Jianhua was already snoring.

I don't know how long they slept after he fell asleep.

Judging from this state, they should sleep for a while.

After eating a peach, it was delicious and juicy.

The meat was just soft and hard, and the taste was sweet but not greasy.

After eating it, the whole body felt like winter sunshine, and it was extremely comfortable.

Standing up, Zhou Yujing picked another peach, washed it, and leaned against a big peach tree to continue eating it. After eating two big peaches, he stopped comfortably. In the warm sunshine, Garfield lay quietly on the flower bed paved with peach petals. From time to time, he shook his tail, as if It is asserting its own existence.

After a few days of being fattened and eating secretly, its face looks chubby, making people want to pinch it.

It closed its eyes, but it seemed that it was not completely closed, enjoying the excellent sunlight in its good position.

Butterflies flew around Garfield in the halo, as if they were teasing this lazy kitten.

Garfield sniffed, raised his eyelids slightly and then closed them again, not wanting to pay attention to these idle butterflies.

The butterflies were amused by the kitten's contempt, as if they were teasing the kitten unintentionally or more intentionally, occasionally brushing Garfield's whiskers, or stopping at the end of its whiskers.

Garfield's tail stopped shaking, and his eyelids still did not lift, as if he was asleep.

A butterfly mischievously flew to the tip of Garfield's nose and stopped, with its wings half open and half closed, as if observing whether this lazy kitten was really asleep.

""Meow~" Garfield suddenly called out, and suddenly raised his body, waving his left paw to pounce on the butterfly.

He rolled his body in the sea of flowers twice, landing with a few petals, and the butterfly fell into his cat's claws.

Garfield's whiskers were raised, as if he was proud of his agility, and then he lowered his head to look at the butterfly with interest, wanting to put the butterfly in his mouth, but as soon as he raised his paw, the butterfly fluttered its wings and flew high, far away from him.

"Meow."Garfield looked at the butterfly flying high and shook his head, realizing that he could not catch up with it.

Then he raised his head, enjoyed the sunshine, looked around, and saw that the people beside the hammock were sleeping. He ran out with a sneaky look.

Zhou Yujing happened to be blocked by a tree. He observed Garfield from a distance, but Garfield did not notice him.

Where is he going? Zhou Yujing wondered in his heart. He just fished in the morning. Is he going to fish again at this time?

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