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Tải ảnh: 0.137s Scan: 0.029sIt is hard to find a cat's wildness, so it is normal for it to run around.

Zhou Yujing shook his head and returned to the peach orchard after failing to track the cat. He picked up a large basket and started picking peaches. He found that under the halo of QQ Ranch, the peaches seemed endless. He had just picked a few peaches from the trees some time ago, and these days they are full of new peaches, but not as big as before.

This is also normal. The growth of any plant takes time and will not surpass the previous one.

Ripe honey. The peach has grown into a spherical shape, and the surface is covered with a layer of short fluff, with white in green and red in white.

Ordinary peaches weigh about 100 to 200 grams, and larger peaches weigh more than 300 grams. Zhou Yujing weighed the ripe peaches in his hand. The smallest one weighed more than 300 grams, and the normal size ones weighed more than 4 grams.

Avoid picking peaches before the new peaches, so he didn't need to be very careful. Soon he filled the basket.

Calling out QQ Ranch to check, the workers in the villa construction area began to move in the form of small red dots on the thumbnail of the ranch, which means that they are already working.

Now it is lunch time, and the workers are working overtime, all of which are Yan De's efforts to make Zhou Yujing's villa completed quickly.

He was very grateful in his heart, and took advantage of the short free time to carry a basket of peaches to send to his workers.

Although he is now a boss and the workers on the ranch know him, it is necessary for management to contact the workers more and care about them more. While he is free now, he will send fairy peaches to his workers.

The grassland at noon has a unique charm that makes people unconsciously calm. Zhou Yujing carries a basket and admires the grassland that belongs to him. The fragrance of high-quality pasture grass is fragrant. Under his regular operation, the quality of pasture grass is getting better and better, and the air of the grassland is so fresh.

Look up at the blue sky, the endless blue, the white clouds are like cotton candy, and you can feel its softness at the touch. Soft.

The weather today was exceptionally good, with plenty of sunshine and a clear sky. At this moment, a small bird flew by, flying very high. But from its appearance, Zhou Yujing could tell that it was a beautiful swallow.

"Ding, a swallow was found, should I take it in?

Zhou Yujing chose to ignore it and let it fly freely. He didn't need to take it in. Yue Ranch could definitely keep this beautiful swallow.

When Zhou Yujing saw the swallow, he thought of the golden eagle, the overlord of the sky.

The golden eagle belongs to the family of eagles, a large bird of prey. Its huge size makes it particularly domineering. When Zhou Yujing watched Animal World, his favorite bird was the golden eagle. It pounced on its prey with domineering and sharp eyes. It is famous for its outstanding appearance, agility and powerful action. The large golden eagle taken into the ranch the day before yesterday is already an adult bird. Generally, the wingspan of an adult bird will exceed 2.3 meters.

In the era of Kublai Khan, the powerful Mongolian hunters deliberately domesticated golden eagles to catch wolves. Until today, golden eagles have become assistants to scientists. They are used to catch wolf cubs after being domesticated, which has played a significant role in the ecological habits of wolves.

Zhou Yujing had seen a video on the Internet, where a golden eagle was catching wolves. When releasing the golden eagle, scientists would lasso the eagle's sharp claws to prevent the wolf cub from being caught to death. The video recorded that the golden eagle had captured 14 wolves, which shows how ferocious it is.

In parks around the world, you will not see any artificial breeding of golden eagles, because this kind of bird yearns for freedom and love the most. They disdain artificial compromise. If you insist on making do, they will die in the zoo by hitting the cage.

Zhou Yujing got a golden eagle a few days ago, and he felt very happy, but he was anxious to come back after not spending much time with it. Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone to check the selfie of flying on the back of the golden eagle that day.

So cool, I really want to share it with others.

At this moment, the top of his head was suddenly blocked by a shadow, and a huge wing was printed on the ground. What do you think?

Zhou Yujing looked up with surprise, and saw a sharp-eyed golden eagle soaring handsomely in the sky above the grassland at a very fast speed, flapping its wings to fly high, and then swooping down to the ground, flying closely around Zhou Yujing.

Looking at the handsome golden eagle, Zhou Yujing was in a very good mood and waved to it:"Jinzi, do you miss me?"

Jinzi flew to the sky not far from Zhou Yujing, spread its huge wings and fanned inwards in response. Driven by the huge wings of the golden eagle, a super refreshing gust of wind blew towards Zhou Yujing, and the cool wind immediately penetrated his clothes and was extremely cool.

Zhou Yujing stretched out his hand to touch Jinzi's head, and Jinzi flew down again very cleverly, so that his hand could just touch its head, and looked at its master obediently.

Zhou Yujing took out a honey peach from the basket behind him and tried to feed it. He saw its sharp eagle eyes hesitated for a moment, and the eagle's beak pecked and took a large honey peach. The peach was pecked with a big hole.

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