"What's that? When I walked on the red carpet, I showed off my back and cleavage."

Dilireba proudly showed off her red carpet achievements to this little brat

"As long as you are not in front of me, I don't care if you run naked"

"Haha~" Dilireba, who was being criticized, raised her hand and grabbed Cao Gong's ear while laughing.

"What did you say?"Dilraba asked her fiercely.

Many viewers who watched the show also burst into laughter.

Cao Gong is so funny, and his words are always golden.

It is also because of this that many viewers have been attracted by Cao Gong. Both male and female viewers have been attracted by Cao Gong.

"Stop it, stop it, let's talk about serious matters. What did you want to talk to me about?"

Cao Gong held Reba's jade hand and asked her to quickly take her hand away from his ear.

Reba then put her hand down obediently.

But soon, she said mischievously:"You touched my hand."

Cao Gong, who had not realized it at first, suddenly looked at the palm of his hand that had just been holding Reba's jade hand.

Looking at his palm, Cao Gong turned to the director and blurted out:"Director, I'm not clean anymore."

The audience watching the show were all amused by Cao Gong's blurted out words.

"……"Cao Gong's reaction made Dilireba stunned.

What does that mean? Touching my hand makes you unclean?

"Are you saying I'm dirty?" Dilireba asked Cao Gong angrily.

"There is a difference between unclean and dirty, okay, sister. Cao Gong felt amused.

"Haha~ You are right. You touched me and I didn’t say anything to you. But now you are not clean?"

""Oh, you touched me, and I took away your innocence. You are not clean anymore?"

Dilireba grabbed his ear angrily, and Cao Gong was forced to bend down and bow his head, not daring to resist.

But what they didn't know was that the audience watching the show were almost dying of laughter.

There were even many viewers posting comments.

"Hey, this is a talent show, not a dating show, okay?!"

"Can you please respect this show? This is not a dating show."

"You two turned a good talent show into a dating variety show"

"Reba, you are dating at public expense."

"Cao thief, you came here to avoid confessions, why are you on a dating show with Reba?"

Countless fans were posting comments, but the two of them didn't know about it.

And they were talking about serious things now.

Cao Gong leaned against the wall and asked the sister in front of him who was using her beauty to commit crimes."Why did you say you were looking for me?"

"Aren't you going to record"Happy Camp" in a few days? Will you go with us then?"

"You are the best among all the trainees. Do you want to rehearse a stage performance with me?"Dilraba took the initiative to invite Cao Gong.

Cao Gong leaned against the wall and asked her:"Why do we have to rehearse a stage performance? This is not fair."

"When the time comes, won’t I be dancing to the theme song with the other trainees?"

Knowing that he had questions, Dilireba also prepared her own answer.

"First of all, there is no such thing as fairness in this world, including this show."

"Same time, same work, but not fair to every trainee"

"Some trainees have been training for several years, some trainees came to participate after their debut, and some trainees have only been trainees for a few months and may not even know how to dance."

"Fairness? There is no absolute fairness. Some people are good-looking and talented, which is unfair to ordinary people. So don’t care whether it is really fair, because the world itself is unfair."

"All you have to do is to show yourself as much as possible and produce as many excellent works as possible to give back to the fans and audiences who like you, look forward to you and support you."

"If you think it's unfair, you should show your works to let everyone see your excellence."

After saying this, Reba still looked at the boy in front of her with a smile.

Cao Gong certainly knew that the world was unfair.

He said this just now, probably for the show, after all, he didn't know whether this part would be broadcast.

If Reba's behavior didn't get a good answer, the show would only bring her bad reputation.

"Yes, sure. What do you have in mind? Want to rehearse the stage with me?"

"Dancing or singing? Cao Gong pinched his chin to see what she was going to do.

"What do you think? What should we rehearse?" Reba looked at Cao Gong expectantly, but Cao Gong said unromanticly:"As long as it's not about love, anything else is fine.""

"Puchi~" Reba was amused again and bit her lip:"Seriously"

"Hmm~" Cao Gong, who has become serious, really needs to think seriously.

"So, do you sing well?"To be honest, he really doesn't know.

"It should sound better than Sister Mi, hehe~" As she was talking, Reba accidentally teased Yang Mi.

"Is it really okay for you to say that about your boss?"

"It's okay, Sister Mi can laugh at herself, it's nothing." Reba is not worried about this.

"Well... sure, tell me, what kind of stage collaboration do you want?"

"Can I ask anything?" With her hands behind her back, Dilireba looked into Cao Gong's eyes and wrinkled her nose.

Unconsciously, the look in his eyes gradually turned into tenderness and doting. Dilireba was the one who felt the most deeply and directly in this scene. She saw his tenderness and doting on her from Cao Gong's eyes.

This doting look can be seen at a glance by the audience watching the show.

"As long as I can do it, you can ask for anything you want. Cao Gong's answer made Reba feel even sweeter.

"I want you to write it yourself, write the lyrics and compose the music yourself." Reba said her first request

""Okay." Without much consideration, Cao Gong subconsciously agreed.

"I want you to write a love song for me"

"……"The doting look disappeared in a second, and Cao Gong hurriedly said:"This won't work."

"Why?" Reba pouted in dissatisfaction. Where was the pampering just now?

"Nonsense, tens of millions of fans are watching? I wrote a love song for you, I am tired of living?"

"Puchi~" Reba, who was originally pouting, laughed tenderly:"Can you not have such a strong desire to survive?""

"Nonsense, how can I not have a desire to survive? Tens of millions of fans"

"Do you think it's just a few thousand people? There are hundreds of thousands of your fans sitting in front of their computers right now."

"How dare I have feelings for you? And you want me to write a love song for you? Why don't you just tell me not to debut?"

"Nowadays, celebrities who fall in love are unemployed. I haven't even found a job yet, but you're making me unemployed. Are you polite?"

Dilraba bent over with her hands on her belly, laughing. Why is this guy talking so funny?

Although I don't want to admit it, it seems to be true.

For idol stars nowadays, falling in love really means losing their jobs.

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