"Cao thief, come here for a moment. We need to record a video of you calling your family.

When Cao Gong and Dilireba were doing a love show, the writer of the program came over and called him.

Cao Gong nodded after hearing this.

"I will go and record this session first."Before leaving, Cao Gong did not forget to explain to Reba.

But in the eyes of the audience, this scene was simply reporting to his girlfriend.

Even Cao Gong himself did not realize how sweet his behavior was.

On the contrary, Dili Reba herself had already felt it and smiled even sweeter.

"Hey, stop laughing, are you annoying?" But Cao Gong complained about Reba in a very unromantic way.

Reba, who was despised and complained about, said fiercely:"What's wrong with me laughing? Is it not okay?"

"No way!" Cao Gong's very straight male rebuttal to Reba

"Is my smile bothering you?" Reba was very angry and depressed.

"Yes, you don't bother my eyes, but you are harmful to my health."

"You smile so sweetly, I'm afraid of getting diabetes"

"……"Reba, who was originally angry, was even more stunned, but she quickly reacted.

Reba, who covered her mouth, smiled even sweeter.

Her beautiful big eyes were all smiling into charming crescents.

The audience watching the show, both men and women, were already frantically posting comments.

"Routine, routine! These are all routines!"

"Mom, this little brother is so good at flirting, I like him so much! Catch him and marry him"

"Cao thief is really good, look how he coaxed our hot girl"

"Yes, Reba's smile is so sweet that I'm almost getting diabetes"

"Call the police, this thief Cao seems to want to take down our Pang Di."

Cao Gong could not see the audience's comments for the time being.

After he separated from Reba, he went to a small room specially for interviews.

At this time, the program crew also returned his mobile phone to Cao Gong and asked him to call his family.

After getting the phone, Cao Gong asked the program crew."Who to call?"

"Just call your family, dad, mom, sister"

"My mother is gone. Cao Gong's answer made the program team embarrassed to say sorry.

But Cao Gong smiled and waved her hand, indicating that it was okay and she didn't mean it.

"I am an illegitimate child, so my mother only gave birth to me, and I have no brothers or sisters."

"I do have a half-sister, but she is only three or four years old.

Liu Dehua has a daughter who was born in 2012. She is only four years old now and is still in kindergarten.

"Then can you call your dad, or do you guys have a bad relationship?"

"I'm okay with him, not awkward, but not very close either, after all, we don't see each other very often."

While saying this, Cao Gong actually dialed the number of his father, the king of heaven.

"I don't know if he has time to answer, if I remember correctly."

"A few days ago, he called me and said he was filming the movie"Shock Wave".》"

While talking, Cao Gong was also waiting for the other party to answer the phone.

Fortunately, Liu Dehua answered the phone very politely.

"What's going on? How did you do in the college entrance examination? Why was your phone turned off when I called you these few days?"

As soon as the call was connected, Liu Dehua asked anxiously.

Hearing his voice, Cao Gong stretched his body.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you slowly."

"Now, I am recording a show, a talent show"

"This talent show is a program for selecting idol boy groups. I have been here for four or five days. However, because it is a joint training, my mobile phone must be handed in, so I turned it off."

Liu Dehua on the other end of the phone was relieved when he heard about it.

He thought something had happened to Cao Gong.

"You are such a jerk, no matter how independent you are, you should have said something before you participated in this show."

"Even if you can't tell me that you're participating in the show, you're going to hand in your phone, so call me in advance to let me know."

"Do you know that I have been worried these days?"Liu Dehua's tone was very stern.

Listening to Liu Dehua's stern and scolding tone, Cao Gong was not helpless at all, but raised the corners of his mouth and nodded.

After listening to almost everything, he smiled and said,"Well, not bad, you act a bit like a father, keep working hard"

"Haha~ I'm serious, you little bastard. I'm really angry."

"It's right to be angry. If a son doesn't make you angry, wouldn't it make you, the father, look redundant? Besides, we haven't seen each other much in the past 20 years. If I can let you worry about me, wouldn't you have a sense of presence and participation in my life?"

"Haha, I really admire you, you poor bastard." Liu Dehua finally laughed out of anger, and even spoke Cantonese

"Oh, by the way, I admitted on the show that I have a superstar dad."

"What? You used my identity to cheat people on the show?"Liu Dehua said jokingly.

"Why not? You have a superstar father, so why not show off?"

"Aren't you afraid that the audience will say that you rely on your father?" Liu Dehua is also very confident about his illegitimate son. Although he has little contact with him, he knows his skills and abilities.

"What are you afraid of? Do you know how many people in this society have no chance to compete with their fathers?"

"I have the opportunity to rely on my father, why should I be afraid of what others say about me?"

"Just be honest and truthful, there is no need to be shy, right?"

Liu Dehua is very satisfied that his son has such a world view.

And he recently found that his son is different from before.

Especially in terms of personality and world view, he always feels that he has grown a lot.

"I don’t mind, but I don’t know if you would mind if others say your father is Liu Dehua, or that you are Liu Dehua’s son?" Liu Dehua said with a smile

"Funny, would I care? Maybe things will change in a few years?"

"Now, Cao Gong's father is Liu Dehua"

"A few years later, it was changed to Liu Dehua being Cao Gong's father."

"By then, things will be different, right? Cao Gong's words made Liu Dehua laugh especially happily.

"You better hurry up, I'm 55 and I'm going to retire in a few years."

"I hope that when I can continue to work in filming, I can see you become a superstar or an actor."

"When that time comes, I will personally present you with the award." Liu Dehua set a goal for his son

"Oh my, this flag was set for me, obviously to attract bad luck to me, Mr. Liu"

""Haha~" Liu Dehua was not angry when his son called him an old man, but was particularly happy.

He enjoyed his son talking to him like this. There was no gap between father and son, but it was like friends.

This chat mode was the most real and relaxed.

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