"Sister, now it depends on us, who is more willing to lose his job for him"

"Those who are willing to lose their jobs for him will get him." Cheng Xiao's words made Dilireba helpless, and she said,"How can this be considered a job loss? He will also be unemployed."

But Cheng Xiao shook his head and said,"Not necessarily, he can write songs! If you can't be an idol, you can be a music producer."

"If a music producer wants to date, then he can do so. He doesn't have to worry about fans disapproving of his relationship."

"Yes."After Cheng Xiao's reminder, Reba also remembered that it seemed so.

Only those who sell dreams, rely on packaging, and have no strength are afraid of losing fans when they fall in love.

People who are truly capable and have works don't worry about this at all.

In fact, many people don't understand why idols lose fans when they fall in love?

Shouldn't fans sincerely bless them?

But in fact, there is a reason for this.

Because they are idols.

What are idols?

Idols refer to stars who sell dreams and boyfriend or girlfriend personas.

Selling dreams? In fact, they often say that being on stage is their dream and becoming an idol is their dream.

This kind of idol belongs to... So the idols who sell dreams.

If some idols are getting old, or have transformed into actors or singers, then the fans are willing to send their sincere blessings. If not, then please don’t blame the fans for leaving.

There is a very good saying: When you get the love that ordinary people can’t get at the age of 25, then you can’t hand out roses like ordinary people at the age of 25.

He who wears the crown must bear its weight, that’s the truth.

After all, the glory of you as an idol is bought by the fans with real money. You fall in love, get married, and have children. Where do you put your fans?

It doesn’t mean that you are not allowed to fall in love, but during the rising period and the peak period, You are in a relationship which is against professional ethics, because you get everything with the fans' money, but you break the sincerity of your fans.

This is what many fans think.

In fact, it is true. As an idol, the sales of your albums are piled up by the fans' money. Your songs and works are only good in the fan circle, but others don't think they are good.

You use the fans' money to fall in love, and of course the fans are not happy.

Idols are the spiritual food of fans. After you harvest these from the fans, you use the money earned from the fans to support other women. No one is happy about this. Unless you You are not an idol, but a talented actor.

Or you are a singer, not an idol.

You don't need to make money from fans, but make money with your own ability, then you can date casually.

If you don't have your own ability to make money, and can only rely on fans to support you, then you can't break the rules to date. If you break the rules, then of course they are not qualified to continue to be your fans.

This is the freedom of other people's fans, and it is also your freedom to date.

As an idol, it is your freedom to date, but as an adult, you will naturally have to bear all the losses caused by your relationship.


"You are awesome, you bastard!!!" After returning to the dormitory, Fan Chengcheng, who was so conspicuous, yelled even louder.

"Stop making noise and go to sleep. You have to get up early to practice tomorrow!"

Cao Zei took off his clothes and prepared to take a shower and go to sleep.

"Goodbye, I just finished the first stage performance today, and I can take a rest tomorrow."

Some trainees were scared of Cao Gong, he was really too arrogant.

Seeing that this trainee was not from their dormitory, he should be visiting.

But Cao Gong smiled and shrugged:"Why is it over after the first stage performance? There is no second group showdown? God knows what the theme of the next showdown will be?"

In fact, this is also Cao Gong's own approach.

After all, if he can use original works in the next group showdown, he will still use original works.

Since he uses original works, he must choreograph them.

He doesn't know what the theme of the next group showdown will be.

He actually doesn't know whether he can stay after this elimination.

But if he stays, and the theme of the next group showdown comes out, if he wants to use original songs.

Then when he practices now, he will choreograph for the songs he thought of first.

When the main assessment of the second group showdown comes out, he can choose a suitable song from the songs he has choreographed during this period as the assessment song.

In this way, when preparing for the song practice for the second group showdown, the time will not be so tight.

This is also the problem that Cao Gong discovered during this group showdown.

This time, they started writing songs and choreographing after the theme of the group showdown was determined, which delayed the time by two days. This made the teammates very nervous and stressed.

While the tasks and subjects for the second group showdown have not been issued yet,

Cao Gong took advantage of these few days to write a few dance songs suitable for the boy group to perform, and then choreograph these dance songs. After completing these, when the tasks come down, he can choose songs based on the theme. This way, he won't waste time, and after the tasks are assigned, he can immediately determine the songs and dances.

"Oh my god, Cao Ze is so awesome, he went to the practice room so early in the morning, is this really what a winner should look like?"

In Cai Xukun's dormitory, his roommate was complaining to him about this.

Cai Xukun, who had just woken up, said in a daze:"Cao Ze went to the practice room again?"

"Yes, I just happened to see him go out, he came out of the dormitory at 6 o'clock"

"I am really self-disciplined. I leave the dormitory at 6 o'clock every day."

"Then I went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then went to the practice room to practice."

After Cai Xukun's roommate explained, he realized that he really couldn't relax anymore.

The competition is not over yet, and he has not yet confirmed that he will be one of them.

Cao Ze is so powerful and talented, and he practices hard at a fixed time and place every day.

But what about me? I am not as talented as him, and I am not as strong as him, but can I not be more diligent than him?

Thinking of this, Cai Xukun also got up, and then simply washed up and left the dormitory.

As soon as he came out of the dormitory, he saw Fan Chengcheng and Huang Minghao yawning out of their dormitory.

"Good morning." Huang Minghao also greeted Cai Xukun after they met.

"Good morning, are you guys going to practice too?" Cai Xukun also asked

"Yes, Cao is so competitive that we feel bad for being lazy." Speaking of this, Fan Chengcheng scratched his head helplessly, and then said,"He is so strong and works so hard, there is no reason for us to be lazy."

Huang Minghao on the side also nodded in agreement, because he also thought so.

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