This day is an unforgettable day for many trainees.

At the same time, this day is also a day of loss for many trainees.

Because the ranking is public today.

After a month, that is, four weeks.

The first ranking order has come out.

But if the program is broadcast, it is only the third episode now.

The third episode of the program is the re-evaluation of the level.

From this episode, in addition to seeing the re-evaluation of the levels of other trainees, there is also the announcement of the second task, which is the selection of the first stage song.

The content of this episode is very interesting. Cao Gong is very entangled in choosing"I Hate My Foolishness" and"Fatal Fury".

Because he likes"Fatal Fury" more, but he doesn't like his father's"I Hate My Foolishness".

But in the end, he chose the original song.

The audience who went to the scene certainly knows what the original song stage is like.

But for many viewers who can only watch the program, they don't know.

After the third episode is over, there is also a small theater of the heating CP.

Many viewers came here to watch the sweet small theater of the heating CP.

This time is no exception. The interaction between the heating CP in the program is still very sweet.

However, compared to the audience, the trainees are now facing separation.

Some trainees watched their teammates and friends leave the training camp.

Because their ranking did not enter the top 60.

The last 40 trainees all left on this day, leaving only 60 people.

The first place is well-deserved by Cao Gong.

From the first episode of the show, Cao Gong has shown his full range of abilities.

Not sissy but masculine and handsome.

Talented musical talent. Intoxicating singing skills.

Only dance was not shown in the first episode, but it was shown in the second episode.

At the end of the second episode, it was revealed that he was also one of the choreographers of the theme song.

From then on, everyone knew that Cao Gong's dance must be good.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case, after all, he can choreograph. With all-round abilities spit out like this, Cao Gong is of course the well-deserved first place.

And his first place votes exceeded 20 million. In this ranking, the total votes of 100 people exceeded 110 million.

Cao Gong's votes alone can be said to be the leader, and he is also the only one with more than 20 million votes.

The second place is Cai Xukun, his votes are 11.25 million.

The third place is Chen Li-Nong, and his votes are unexpectedly not the second place, but the third place, 7.4 million votes.

In other words, the second place Cai Xukun and the third place Chen Li-Nong, added together, are not as many as Cao Gong.

As for the fourth place Fan Chengcheng, there are only more than 6 million votes.

Cao Gong received 20 million votes alone, but no one thinks this is an operation.

It is true that Cao Gong's father is Liu Dehua, and he has the aura of Liu Dehua's son.

This will make Cao Gong get the attention of many people.

However, after watching three episodes of the show, you will find that Cao Gong does have this strength.

There are representative works for composing and composing lyrics, and each one is a representative work.

The album released by Liu Dehua last year had sales of more than 100 million.

What does this mean? It means that the album sold 340 copies for 30 yuan each.

In this era, singers release albums in digital form.

And there are very few digital albums that can sell more than one million copies.

But the album written by Cao Gong for Liu Dehua has sold more than 3 million copies, which is enough to show its quality.

Cao Gong won these votes with his talent and ability.

Of course, it is undeniable that some people voted for him because of Liu Dehua's son, but Cao Gong also has the confidence to accept these votes.

The most important thing is that in these three episodes, Cao Gong's performance was seen by everyone.

In particular, Cao Gong's appearance in front of the camera was basically soaked in sweat.

Only when he was interviewed did Cao Gong look a little drier.

Otherwise, as long as Cao Gong was in the practice room, his hair would always drip sweat, or his clothes would be soaked and stick to his body, or his pants would drip sweat to the floor.

Even in the third episode, Cao Gong changed six sets of clothes in one day.

The audience was shocked to see Cao Gong soaked six sets of clothes in one day.

It was also from here that the audience saw it.

Cao Gong is not only gifted and talented, but also very hardworking.

Practicing until six sets of clothes are soaked in one day is enough to show how hard he works.

Even Zhang Yixing said in an interview on the show:"Seeing Cao Ze working so hard, it's as if I saw myself in the past; I used to be in Han Country, in a closed practice room, practicing and practicing. At that time, after a day of practice, one, two, three, four, five, six vests were all soaked, and sweat could be wrung out with a twist; so seeing Cao Ze working so hard, I am really relieved; it is inevitable that he will debut from here.

It can even be said that he is now fully capable of debuting, whether it is an idol group debut or a personal debut, Cao Ze has the strength and ability.

In particular, I am worried that Cao Ze's strength is too strong. The trainees selected for this program as his teammates may not be able to keep up with Cao Ze's rhythm.

Because Cao Ze is really too good and too strong, and there is no shortcoming in all aspects.

Singing skills? To be honest, in terms of singing skills, I am not even as good as Cao Ze, yes, this is not an exaggeration; have you heard him sing"Love Transfer"》、《loyalty》、《The kiss was too realistic》、《I love you without asking when you will return" and other songs, you will know that I am not exaggerating.

I am really as good at singing love songs as Cao Ze.

Dancing? Without being modest or confident, Cao Ze's dancing is comparable to mine, but what I am better than him is that he is too tall, so his dancing moves don't look as good as mine; and he is almost 10 cm taller than me, so he needs to consume more physical energy to dance, and it is more difficult to find the center of gravity and balance.

Creation? Needless to say, although I can also compose, it is actually the difference between a college student and an elementary school student. He is a college student and I am an elementary school student.

So, there are many talented trainees in this program, but to be honest, it is still a bit insufficient to select the most powerful ones to be teammates with Cao Ze. The strength difference is still a bit big."

This interview with Zhang Yixing also made the audience who watched the show understand.

It was also because of this that they clearly knew that Cao Gong was so powerful.

If Zhang Yixing hadn't compared himself with Cao Gong, the audience might not have quite understood it.

However, it was also because of this that Cao Gong became really popular with the help of this show, and many people noticed him.

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