"Is everyone here?"

The day after the 100 to 60 competition, the two rap instructors gathered all the trainees.

All the trainees came here to interact and talk with the instructors.

"Teacher, there is still one person missing, Cao Zei hasn't arrived yet."Fan Chengcheng raised his hand at this time.

"Yes, I don’t think I saw Cao Ze practicing today!" said a trainee

"Yes, usually Cao Zei would have practiced until his clothes were soaked, but today I didn't see him."

After hearing what the trainee said, Wang Jiaer held the microphone and said,"Don't look for him anymore, Cao Zei has left the training camp."

"Today, Zhang PD is going to shoot the MV for the title song of his new album. Cao Zei is going to participate in Zhang PD's MV."

"And this song is a collaboration between PD Zhang and Cao Zei"

"oh~~~"All 59 trainees at the scene were envious.

"Are you envious?" Ouyang Jin asked them with a smile.

"Envy!!! These trainees were also very cooperative.

"I envy you too!" Wang Jiaer said excitedly

"Haha~" Wang Jiaer's reaction was something the trainees had not expected.

"Really, you envy Cao Zei for being able to collaborate with PD Zhang on a song, but I envy PD Zhang for being able to collaborate with Cao Zei on a song, because I also want Cao Zei to write a song for me."

As soon as Wang Jiaer finished speaking, Ouyang Jin also smiled and said,"In fact, I also hope to collaborate with Cao Zei"

"Because I really want to see what the English rap written by Cao Zei is like?"

"From what Cao Ze said, he also wrote English rap, but I don't know what the lyrics are like"

"If I have a chance, I really want to feel the lyrics he wrote."

But just when these two RAP instructors were interacting with the trainees.

Cao Gong did come out of the training camp and participated in the MV shooting of the song with Zhang Yixing.

According to Zhang Yixing, his album should be released as soon as possible.

Now all that's missing is the MV of this song. As long as the MV of this song is shot well and the MV is produced, it will be released when the time comes. It can't be delayed any longer.

He started preparing in May, but because he couldn't find a suitable title song, he kept it under wraps. Now he finally got a song from Cao Zei, so of course he has to release the album quickly.

"Wow~" Zhang Yixing was particularly excited when he saw the red sports car on the set.

""What a nice car, it's quite cool." Zhang Yixing stroked the red sports car.

Cao Gong, who was chewing gum, did not speak.

Sports car? He really has no interest in sports cars now.

How to say it? It's not that he has a lot of sports cars, but that he can buy them anytime he wants.

Although it has only been more than a year since Cao Ze was reborn and came to this parallel world.

But in this year or so, he has made a lot of money.

It is definitely not tens of billions, it is definitely not that exaggerated.

How did Cao Gong make money in this year or so? Time goes back to March last year.

Please watch the VCR…


March 2015, in a house in a residential area of Shenzhen.

Cao Gong had just been discharged from the hospital and was lying on the sofa in a daze.

It was true that this house was bought by his father Liu Dehua for Cao Gong and his mother to live in.

However, Cao Gong's mother died two years ago because of breast cancer.

Because she did not go for a physical examination on weekdays, when the examination was conducted, it was already in the late stage.

So even if she had an operation, it was not successful, and she passed away in the end.

Last month, Cao Gong was maliciously pushed down while playing basketball at school. He was going to jump and dunk, but he was maliciously pushed and fell heavily from the air; when he fell, he landed head first and hit his head and died.

Cao Gong traveled from another world and his soul was attached to it.

At the same time, he also has a golden finger with a very low sense of existence, which is to copy the abilities of anyone who has skin contact with him. He can only copy the abilities and skills of the other party, but not the other party's deposit balance.

"With only 2,000 yuan for living expenses given by my superstar father, how can I make money quickly with this 2,000 yuan? And in 2015, as a stock investor, I knew exactly what stocks to buy."

This year, the share price of Moutai is 150 yuan per share. By 2023, the share price of Moutai will exceed 1,600 yuan per share, a 10.6-fold increase in 8 years.

If you have the funds at this time, assuming you buy 1 million shares, that would be 150 million.

By 2023, these 1 million shares worth 150 million will be worth 1.6 billion.

"Do you want to ask my superstar dad for money? Forget it, my dad will definitely give me money."

"But there is no way he will give me 150 million. Let’s not talk about whether he has it or not. Even if he does, he won’t give it to me."

"What are you thinking? Asking your dad to invest 150 million in stocks. I can only think of that."

"But 2,000 yuan is obviously not enough. Although I can make a lot of money by investing in stocks, it is still too little, and the profit from investing in stocks is too slow."

"By the way, isn’t Liu Dehua a superstar? I also heard that this year marks the 30th anniversary of his debut as a singer. I think he mentioned that he wants to prepare a new album recently, right?"

"New album? Does that mean it will include songs?"

"As someone who comes from another parallel world, I must know a lot of future songs, right?"

"Write songs for him, and then use the songs to ask him for money, there is no problem with that, right?"

Thinking of this, Cao Gong went into his room and turned on the computer.

He needed to check the situation of the Chinese music scene in this parallel world.

Only by understanding it clearly, Cao Gong can better write and sell songs for Liu Dehua.

It took Cao Gong a week to determine that in the Chinese music scene of this parallel world, many classic songs from his previous world were not available here.

There were many covers and originals.

After confirming this, he chose several songs that were most suitable for Liu Dehua.

After writing the lyrics, he also arranged the music.

After all, he is Liu Dehua's illegitimate son, and he must have learned piano, guitar, etc. since he was a child. It's just that his talent for composing is very poor and he can't compose.

Although it's not I can compose music, but it would be better if I could play the piano.

Cao Gong himself could not compose music, but he could play the melody of the song according to his memory.

Then, he found a day to meet a composition teacher, saying that he wanted to learn about composition. After meeting and shaking hands with the other party, he copied the D-level composition ability from the other party.

With the D-level composition ability, he knew a little bit about composition.

Then, relying on his familiarity with the melody of these songs, he quickly composed the music.

After he finished these songs in a week, he immediately called his father.

Liu Dehua thought his son was unwell again, so he immediately put down all his work to go see his son.

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