
The most authoritative film review website in China "Snowflake Network" uploaded the film review of "Diga Ultraman"!

"Snowflake Network" is a company of many professional film critics and working in!

On the website, numerous film critics will be based on the opinions provided by the audience!

Rate the plot!

There are five levels of evaluation!

Black iron, bronze, silver, gold, diamonds!

Each level is subdivided by 5 points!

However, from the founding of the country to the present!

The highest achievement is nothing more than reaching the level of silver five!

Even the gold is pitiful!

Not to mention diamonds!

"Digga Ultraman" as a new drama that premieres breaking 3!


On Snowflake Network, only Bronze 3 rating!

Under its repertoire, there are opinions from many audiences!

"The plot of the first episode is unremarkable, just a simple giant fighting monsters, there is no novelty at all, give a bronze 1 chat to pay tribute!"

"As a new drama, the special effects and shooting techniques are very good, give a bronze 2, occupy a place!"

"It looks quite innovative, give a bronze 3, encourage!"


days later!

Accompanied by the final shot of the card plate in Zhou Mo's hand!

The fourth episode of "Digga Ultraman" "Goodbye, Earth", officially finished filming!

The other day!

Zhou Mo officially signed an agreement with Chen Ting!

The sum of 30 million will arrive immediately!

As for what price Zhou Mo has to pay!

No one knows!

This weekend!


"Digga Ultraman" is broadcast continuously!

"The Myth of the Stone" officially aired at 8 o'clock on Saturday night!

Children who stay in front of the TV and switch directly to Yangcheng Satellite TV with other viewers!

"Why is there no "Gorzan" in this episode!

"This foreman is so unreasonable!"

"Hey, have you found that the acting skills of these group performances are good!"

Yangcheng TV under the neck!

The discussion is more intense!

"This Yerui's ears are also okay!"

"Dagu becomes light, and can listen to Dagu boiled into soup!"

"It's a talent!"

"Hey, this well digging is really a genius!"

"A new weapon was created in just a few days!"

"Worthy of being a scientist!"


Hit the monster with the new weapon of Feiyan II!

The monster smashed in response!

The audience couldn't help but shake their fists and cheer!

But along with the crow's mouth digging the well, the monster Gakumar appeared!

The scene is once again in chaos!

"Water!! , there were two monsters, it seems that the miners did not lie!

"And it's still two horns, it looks so strong!"



With the death of Gakumar!

The second episode is also coming to an end!


The comments from the audience were even more intense!

"What's wrong with Gakuma!"

"Humans have taken possession of its food and will destroy it!"

"Isn't that a little too ruthless!"

"This monster is also a creature of the earth, why can't it coexist!"



Sunday night!

The third episode of "Diga Ultraman" "Devil's Curse" is officially launched!

It's different from before!

The main drama starts broadcasting, and the picture that appears is in the backstage of the TV station!

Captain Megumi Intermediary who just finished the interview!

Ready to leave!

The host suddenly lost control!

Charged with electricity, suspended and flying!

It prophesied to mankind!

[The divine flame will burn this place to the ground

] [The Kirierodians will rule the earth, I will prove it to you right away

] [...]

Different from the panic of others!

Captain Megumi calmly dealt with him!

At the same time, turn on the communicator, calmly contact the team members, and give the task!

With the flames that soar into the sky!

The prophecy came true!


Digga sends out a ray attack!

The Kirierodians disappeared with it!

With the broadcast of the third episode!

Digga Ultraman is even more hot!

The viewership reached an unprecedented 3.4%.

This made Zhou Qing very happy!

Even the rating on Snowflake has changed!

From the original bronze 3, directly up to silver 5!

It can be described as realized, hot in the true sense!


Zhou Mo was not idle.

His cooperation with Chen Ting's company has been signed.

We are currently discussing the production of costumes!

It is planned to be officially produced in a few days!

It's not that no one else has called Zhou Mo these days!

Invite to work together!

But they were all rejected one by one!

"Hey, Ah Ting!"

"My side has already finished making the joint clothing template!"

"Send it to you right away!"

"If there are no problems, we can produce it right away!"

"Okay, I'll take a look!"

Chen Ting opened the file sent by Zhou Mo!

Be completely captivated at once!

The clothing template is divided into three parts!

Made according to the three forms of Digga!

Red, purple, red purple!

Even the men's, women's, and children's models have been separated!

And the color matching is a must!

And Zhou Mo still hasn't said anything!

That's the limited edition clothing release!

Such a model is not suitable now!

That's when Digga is hottest!

Take it out for sale!

"Zhou Mo, you are simply a genius!"

"The design is so good!"

"Ah Ting, if we produce, first produce 10,000 pieces!"

"Diga's true heat hasn't risen yet!"

"Now the audience is mostly children!"

"Wait until the later stage, and produce according to the situation!"

"Believe me, these three months will definitely not disappoint you!"

"I believe you!"

Hang up!

Ding dong!

Ding dong!

Zhou Mo's mobile phone came, and there was an uninterrupted sound!

Lin Ruoxi: "Brother Zhou, you..."

Bai Mu: "Brother Mo, don't you say no!"

Zhang Kai: "Brother Mo, you..." "


"Everyone, although you don't want it, I can't not give it!"

"Since you have already followed me!"

"Then I must not treat you badly!"

"I know it's hard for everyone!"

"No need to talk about it, let's work together!"




With the passage of time!

After the start of "Digga Ultraman", the novelty gradually faded!

Countless viewers are full of worries about the follow-up plot of "Diga Ultraman"!

Especially under Zhou Mo's own neck, the comments are innumerable!

"To be honest, "Diga" did create a new TV genre, but in the end, it is just a cliché plot of heroes fighting monsters, how can such a plot be considered a good series??"

"The plot is too monotonous, and the plot of heroes fighting monsters may only be watched by children!"

"When I saw the second episode, I was a little surprised, after all, it can deeply reflect the energy and environmental issues" "

But when I saw the third episode later, I was a little disappointed!"

"Zhou Mo won't be like this, I'm sorry for his genius name!"


Countless comments are telling the subsequent development of Diga! ,

more media reporters!

#迪迦剧情单调, is it just a flash in the pan #

Digga just started, the premiere ratings directly broke three!

I'm looking forward to this show.

But seeing now, the plot is really monotonous.

There was no plot development at all as I expected.

Is it a flash in the pan?

It depends on the plot development of the next episode.

If the plot of the next episode develops well.

Which drama can still look forward to.

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