
Zhou Mo's room.

He was lying in front of his computer, drawing blueprints for the Victory uniform.

Presented before him.

It is a complete set of team uniform exploded diagrams.

Every detail is painted with clarity.




A set of processes down.

The design drawings were perfectly preserved by Zhou Mo.

Time passes.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Digga Ultraman Episode 4 "Goodbye, Earth".

Start on time.

At the same time, in front of countless families.

Children, young people, all waited in front of the TV early.

The same live broadcast of Yangcheng TV also officially began.

At the moment of the broadcast, thousands of viewers poured into the live broadcast room.

The plot has officially begun!

The Gypta III, which was responsible for exploring the universe, suddenly lost contact.

Three of the astronauts also lost contact at the same time.

End of narration!

The monster Rigadelon is officially here!

The monster wreaked havoc on the ground.

Ultraman, however, did not appear.

The audience couldn't understand.

The barrage in the live broadcast room flew non-stop.

"Why doesn't Daigu change his body!"

"What is he waiting for!"

"This episode seems to be a little different!"

"Looking forward to the follow-up!"


As the plot progresses.

Astronauts reappeared on Earth.

The barrage flew directly.

"Didn't it say that the astronaut disappeared, why can he still appear!"

"It won't be a monster, will it!"

"And only relatives can see it, others can't, it's amazing!"


The screen turns!

Xincheng and Daigu lean against the railing of the base.

Xincheng's face was full of melancholy.

"Dagu, I feel like I'm losing something good!"

"Gentle, kind, considerate..."

"These are the qualities that belong only to us as human beings."

"It's slowly fading."

Xincheng's voice fell.

The barrage that originally jumped in the entire live broadcast room all disappeared.

Fell into an eerie silence.

Whether it's the people in the live broadcast room or the audience in front of the TV!

All silence at this time!

A simple paragraph!

Straight to the heart.

Countless parents look at their children!

The look is complicated!

Is such a deep meaning really something that children can understand?

No preaching, no stereotypical teaching!

Such a short paragraph!

But let everyone who watched, fall into reflection.


"Once again, as a human being, survive!"

Accompanied by the roar of the new city.

Sparks splashed in Ligadron's body!

Memories of the past emerge one by one.

The souls of the three astronauts, appearing in the firelight.

In the end, they defeated the monster with human will.

In the melodious singing of the ending song.

The fourth episode ends.

It's been a long time!

The barrage in the live broadcast room only reappeared.

"This is a plot that children can understand, can children understand the meaning of living as human beings!"

"If the first three episodes are all heroes fighting monsters, then this episode is a victory that belongs to mankind alone!"

"Although human beings are weak, their spirits cannot be shaken!"

"Although monsters are powerful, they can never understand the feelings of human beings!"

"This drama is indeed full of deep meaning!"

"A work that hits people's hearts is the most moving!"

The next day!

Zhou Mo looked at the comments on the Internet.

Lift the mood.

The plot of the latest episode directly broke the negative comments on the Internet.

Numerous positive reviews appear on the bib.

Last night's TV ratings directly broke 4%.

The plot with deep meaning is the most attractive.

Even the rating on Snowflake has changed!

Rose from Silver 5 to Silver 3.

Although it doesn't look much.

But the gap of one star is the gap of hundreds of episodes.

And the comments below have also become, mostly positive reviews.

"If the plot of the first three episodes is a battle between giants and monsters, then this episode is the self-salvation of mankind."

"This episode is profound, it shows us the infinite possibilities of humanity."

"Although we are weak, as human beings, our will is higher than the sky!"

"Life is inherently difficult, but as long as you don't give up hope, anything is possible."

"This kind of spirit may only be conveyed by Diga!"


Read these comments after that.

Zhou Mo was relaxed.

Although I didn't pay much attention to online comments in the early stage.

But I also know that online reviews are not ideal.


Fortunately, the plot of the new episode is powerful.

Got through it.


Don't say that.

The comments on the bib are even crazier.

"To be honest, I wasn't optimistic about the new show at first, but when his phrase "survive as a human being once" appeared, I fell.

"Overall, you'll find that the title of the entire four episodes is full of poignant beauty."

"It may not be possible at the time, but when you go back and watch it, the title fits the plot perfectly."

"Zhou Mo's brain is really a genius."

"Didn't someone say that Ultraman's plot was monotonous??"

"Now what! It's coming out!

"If this kind of line is not representative of the work, what else?"


#Digga Ultraman

##Episode 4

##作为人类, survive#

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