See this scene.

The audience in front of the screen was even more impressive.

"War is never a child's play, there are only two choices: life and death."

"Real war is much more brutal than this, seeing your comrades being pierced by bullets, but you can't do anything about it, hundreds of troops, and finally one person left, this is war."

"Those militants in the country, that is, lip service, if they really want them to go up, they will definitely cry grandpa and tell grandma."

The screen turns again.

Inside a makeshift medical shelter.

Mayumi is helping Nori bandage his wound.

Hearing Yerui's complain to Rina, Mayumi suddenly said:

"I thought you were very smart, so it doesn't look good."

When Yerui heard Mayumi's words, he immediately asked, "What do you mean by this!" I'm serious.

"You have a very bad attitude when you talk to older people!

Friend, aren't you afraid of death?

Yerui: "I don't call me a friend, my name is Yerui."

Mayumi: "It's called the same, aren't you afraid of death?"

Ye Rui looked a little strange, organized the language and said: "As long as peace can be maintained, because this work is itself accompanied by danger."

Mayumi looked serious: "Do you have anyone you like?" Ye

Rui: "Where did you go!"

Mayumi said with a sad expression: "When you die, you will never see anyone you like again."

Mayumi's questioning made the young man fall silent.

In the end, the two still quarreled because of the discord of ideas, and Mayumi left.

Seeing this, the audience was particularly distressed.

Mayumi is still a child after all.

She suffered too much.

She should hate monsters even more, but she keeps a clear heart.

Her idea sounds ridiculous.

But now Mayumi has faded and grown completely.

I learned to be strong, I learned to bear it alone.

The plot continues.

Inside the temporary command post.

A conversation between Munakata and the captain.

It is in stark contrast to the previous dialogue between Mayumi and Norui.

Although it is all a topic of monsters, it is like a conversation between adults and children.

One steady, one emotional.

At this time, the audience spoke and discussed the problem of the monster on the barrage.

"Humans are too radical, and monsters will naturally fight back."

"Humans are developing too quickly and causing irreversible damage to monsters, and they will naturally attack humans."

"Man does not offend me, I do not offend."

There were so many barrages that they flew, and there was no discussion of one, two, three, four, five.

The audience in front of the TV also fell silent.

Thinking about why the monster appeared.

Countless speculations appeared in the minds of the audience.

The plot continues.

Late at night, the monster suddenly came alive and attacked.

Aid stations that cannot be evacuated in time.

Ground workers covered in battlefield smoke.

All show the cruelty of war.

This way.

Yerui stood outside the aid station.

Watch the approaching monsters.

Mayumi's words came to mind: "If you die, you'll never see anyone you like again!" "

Will I die!!"

"Will I die!!"

Ye Rui repeated this sentence in his mouth.

It's like asking yourself, it's more like asking about fear.

"How could I! Don't be afraid of death! "

With the sound of background music, the whole picture ignited instantly.

Yerui attacks the monsters while dodging in the wreckage of war.

He grew instantly.

He was also afraid of death, but in order to protect his companions, he still stood up.

In this instant, he has grown from a child to an adult.

Understand responsibility!

Fear of death and respect for life.

By now, viewers seem to understand why this episode is called "The Call".

In the call, Yerui found his answer.

Platform barrage unifies characters at this time.

"How could I, not be afraid of death!"

"How could I, not be afraid of death!"


"To live to death, for the safety of your companions, even if you are afraid of death, you must stand up and protect them, this is growth."

"Ye Rui's words directly ignited."

"Now Digga is more like a blood drama (dog head)."

This moment.

Countless viewers were infected by Ye Rui's words, and the

plot continued.

The picture comes to Daigu's side.

I saw Dagu take out the divine light rod and look hesitant.

The question came out of his mouth: "Digga Ultraman, why fight?" What exactly are you fighting for?

"Digga !!"

Under the call of Daigu.

Digga appears on the battlefield.

But after the transformation, Digga fought without order.

It seems to be looking for the meaning of his own fight.

Monsters don't give Digga a chance to think.

Although Digga cut off one of the monster's horns.

But the monster also clamped down on the body.

Right at this moment.

Countless figures flashed in Diga's mind.

Daigu's voice sounded: "Could it be... This is the answer?

"Fight to protect these people."

"Because they are my partners!"

"They are the people I love!"

At this moment, Dagu seemed to have found the meaning of the battle.

Diga's body pinched by the monster burst out into a huge hot heat --- high temperature explosion.

Directly blast the monster.

The battle is over.

The sky is bright, and the golden crow is slowly rising.

A golden light shines above the ruins.

The figure of Digga stands on the earth.

Under the sunlight, it looks like a god.

But Digga is for the Lightning Man, who is also a creature of the earth.

He chose to fight for the people he loved.


Digga is both light and human being.

This is the moment.

Countless spectators seemed to see the gods.

Diga, who experienced the battle, stood up in the smoke of the battle.

Behind him.

It was countless people who needed his protection.

This is not a reason for Digga to fight, it is a reason for Daigu as a human being.

Picture shift.

At this time, the Artedith and Feiyan II had reached the Lightning Man's lair.

The muzzles of the guns on the plane were already aimed at the lightning man's lair.


The Atlantis was fired by shelling, but due to the influence of electromagnetic waves, it did not cause any damage to the Lightning.

Just as they were ready to recharge again and attack.

TPC headquarters ordered an end to the attack.

Because, headquarters observed, the global lightning man's lair is rising, ready to fly out of the earth's atmosphere.

Xincheng looked resolute: "Don't catch up, they will come back!"

Lina retorted, "No, they won't come back, the Lightning Man was completely disappointed in Earth, no, we humans and decided to leave." "

The war is over.

But the impact and damage will not go away.

In the ruins after the war, Mayumi fell to the ground holding a medical kit.

As far as the eye can see, it is devastated.

Burning flames, shattered tanks, wounded crowds.

All show the cruelty of war.

The final picture.

Mayumi and Nori stood in the ruins, shaking hands and making peace.

The ideas of the two are understood by each other.

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