Broadcast of the twenty-eighth episode.

Bibs, forums, and sticker discussions about Digga continue.

#Digga Ultraman #War or Peace

##Diga Ultraman#Human Development, Where to Go #

Countless headlines, went viral on the Internet.

One of the hottest is this one.

#Digga Ultraman #Fight for? #

Netizens have commented below.

"I don't think Digga really found his own answer to this question."

"This question cannot be seen from our eyes, but the context of the play at that time.

Lightning and humans are both creatures of the earth, and the struggle between the two species belongs to the internal struggle, and in the final analysis, the source is the use of electromagnetic waves.

Under the influence of electromagnetic waves, the lightning man mutated and turned into a monster, and the victim was the lightning man.

But the monster turned into the lightning man began to eat people and destroy, which affected the interests of mankind.

However, the application of electromagnetic waves, for human beings at this stage, is impossible to stop using.

So TPC decided to eliminate the Lightning Man, once and for all.

War has never been defined, and there are only reasons for different interests and positions.

"I think people should think about being human before they think about other creatures."

When our race encounters problems, everything must be dominated by humans, and everything else is foreign.

"Daigu in this episode, just from the standpoint of human beings, so he chose humans, he is not light, he is human, and if he is human, he will be selfish."

"Mayumi's words in the play make me feel a little funny, if you don't fight, there will be no monsters.

The world will not be so beautiful, and if you lay down your arms, it does not mean that there will be peace, but if you have weapons, it does not mean that there will be no peace.

All this depends on the choice of the swordbearer. "

Everyone on the winning team has their own understanding, but that's what is right.

If there is only one idea for everyone, then it is the real end.

Aren't we human beings constantly improving under the collision of such different ideas and different views! "


on the Internet continue to output.

The next day.

A new day.

But discussions about Digga are everywhere.

Kindergarten that opens.

Crowded metro station.

Crowded breakfast place.

All discussing the plot of Digga.

"Brother, yesterday you didn't see Diga, yesterday's plot is simply amazing."

"Isn't it nonsense that you asked, who doesn't look at Digga now!"

"But you're right, yesterday's plot is fantastic!"

Especially the phrase "How could I!" that Ye Rui shouted! Don't be afraid of death! "Yes, yes, it's just exploding."

"Uh-huh! Brothers and fellow people. "

It's happening everywhere.

Above the roaring subway.

A young man just pulled out his mobile phone.

A hot search message pops up on the neck.

"Lean, Bull Batch, Diga Saigao!"

The young man's sudden speech attracted the attention of everyone on the subway.

The youth smiled awkwardly!

Then he put his gaze on the phone in front of him again.

#Diga Ultraman#The most profound plot#The brilliance of human nature#

The third on the hot search list.

The main thing is that this bib was published by Jinghua Daily.

This triggered countless media people to retweet.

One of the most interesting is the forwarding of the boss of the fruit station.

He not only forwarded it, but also praised it himself.

"As a professional media person, I have to admire Director Zhou Mo's skills.

The two latest episodes of Digga seem to tell not a story, but if you taste them carefully, you will find that they express the same meaning.

That is, under the development of the times, there are always some things that we will lose and hurt.

Under the wheel of the times, there are always some people and some things that will appear, but what has happened, how to change!

Episodes like Obic tell us about human nostalgia, but immersion in the past is irreversible, and human development does not stop.

This is a helplessness that comes from the depths of our souls.

And calling this episode pulls our angle to the height of war and non-fight.

This episode calls for respect for life and the injustice of war.

Fight for what? Why did Lightning Man leave?

This question seems to have been answered by the characters in the play.

I believe that the audience who watched Digga also found the answer.

But just like a thousand people reading a book, there will always be a thousand understandings.

So the answer is only known to you.

Director Zhou Mo used his profound skills to spend an hour in length.

Show us such a wonderful episode.

This is very difficult.

This is exactly what many of us media people strive for. Once

the neck was issued, it triggered many comments from netizens.

"Director Zhou Mo's skills, naturally do not need to be evaluated, from so many episodes before Dijia, you can see that Director Zhou Mo is created with heart in every episode."

"Director Zhou Mo is not powerful about these, but creating problems, but the answer is not given to us, the answer is for us to explore by ourselves."

"Depend, Zhou Mo's point, just like when you go to school, do the argument questions, everything depends on your own understanding!"

"So, this is the power of Zhou Mo, there are countless answers, it depends on how you measure it."


This time Digga's play.

It can be described as a sharp knife, completely cutting off Huang Cheng's desire to compete.

Now Huang Cheng can be said to be completely convinced by Zhou.

However, as a veteran media person in the industry, he will not be easily defeated.

After all, this is the guy he eats.



With the heat of Diga.

The supporting roles played in the play have also received widespread attention from everyone.

The actors of Obic and Mayumi in the play were exposed by the majority of netizens to reveal their true identities.

"Obik's actor is an actor who has been in the show business for many years.

Before that, he once fell into the situation of no filming, but he didn't expect his acting skills to be so good.

"You don't know, Mayumi is played by a young lady who is still in college.

This young lady is not simple, she is a tyrant in school, and she gets a national scholarship every year.

The identity is even more interesting, and she has a little to do with the now popular Zila Zila platform.

"Mayumi's last smile in the play may be her last smile since Takumo left."

"Mayumi's actor is from our school, but I didn't expect ah, Mayumi's actor is right next to me."


just when netizens were discussing.

An article suddenly appeared on the web.

Digga filming site, Bullhead Mountain fire.

Countless netizens have checked in and taken photos on Niutou Mountain since Dijia was broadcast.

For a time, Niutou Mountain became the hottest attraction in the current period.

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