Shen Yi spent every day in panic and fear.

I was afraid that one day I opened my eyes and saw the news that "Shen Zhe Pharmaceutical failed to poison cancer patients."

He even prepared compensation for pacifying the patient.

Every day I open my eyes and turn on my computer to read the news of the day.

However, Shen Zhe didn't realize it.

The daily task is to read the patient's examination report.

At this time, Shen Zhe is sitting in the office arranged by the dean.

Shen Zhe carried the inspection reports of eight people and looked at them one by one.

"This person's indicators have not increased, which is good."

"This person's alpha-fetoprotein index has decreased, and it seems that the drug is effective."

"The only liver cancer patient whose indicators have not changed, nor has spread and metastasis, needs to be observed again."


As Shen Zhe said one by one, Liu Yiyi and Zhou Su recorded them.

The indicators of these patients have long been remembered by two people.

After hearing that these people's indicators have maintained or even decreased.

The two smiled delightedly.

It's a success!

This is a success!

Shen Zhe stood up, "Go, go and see the patient's condition."

The three have not yet entered the first ward.

I heard the laughter of the patients in the ward.

"Say! Did you hide the card!"

"Fart! I didn't!"

"Then what is this!"

"Ah...I didn't pay attention."

"I said why the king is in your hands after playing for so long!"

"Ha ha ha ha......"

Although someone in the room shouted loudly.

But the sound sounds very happy.

Inside the house, a person who had been sitting watching them play cards saw Shen Zhe and they walked in.

Immediately patted a few people next to him.

"Doctor Shen!"

A group of people immediately put down their cards.

It must be something to know that Shen Zhe came in.

They dare not delay and neglect.

After all, their current life and death can be said to be completely controlled by the drug developed by Shen Zhe.

Shen Zhe nodded and said with a smile, "Seeing you guys having fun, keep playing, I just come in to see your state."

One of them smiled indifferently, "Hurt! What's the matter? The food in the cafeteria here is so delicious, and the beds are comfortable. The key is that we don't charge us any money. We want to open it. Even if we die of illness, we have no regrets. NS."

According to the information they filled out.

It records their family status.

The children have grown up and went out to make money.

Originally, their monthly wages simply couldn't afford them to take medicine.

However, it seems that life is slowly getting better during this time.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences provided eight volunteers with beds and three meals a day for free.

Ensure that every volunteer eats healthy food.

This also prevented the volunteers from getting sicker because of what food they ate.

Only one of the four men’s daughter is still in high school.

He sighed, "I was entangled and nervous, and wanted to die, but I didn't dare. I have a daughter who hasn't graduated from high school. Now she is the only thing I worry about in this world."

Speaking of this, the man's eyes were red.

"Doctor Shen, I can only pray now that the medicine you developed will successfully delay my lifespan..."

As he spoke, tears flowed down.

Flowing down the deep folds in the corners of the eyes.

This is a helplessness as a cancer patient.

It is a helplessness as a father.

Shen Zhe walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder.

Involuntarily, Shen Zhe's nose was a little sore.

"If this course of treatment persists, all indicators are maintained, and you can go home to see your daughter."

The man wiped his tears, "Doctor Shen, you said, I am here to be this volunteer, and I stopped Sophie and took the medicine you developed. Will the cancer suddenly worsen..."

This man's worries are also the worries of all volunteers.

They laughed and laughed these days.

That's just not to think about these things.

Escape from inner worries and cruel reality.

They are patients with terminal cancer.

China has not succeeded in developing anti-cancer drugs for so many years.

They became the first batch of volunteers.

To be honest, who can not worry.

Although agreed to this clinical trial.

But it's like a person being pushed to the edge of a cliff, trying it with the mentality of letting go.

As time goes by, their brains become more and more awake.

More and more fear of the present.

The atmosphere in the ward suddenly became depressed.

It's completely different from just now.

Shen Zhe handed them the test report.

"Look at it. Some of you have the same indicators in the past few days, and some even have reduced alpha-fetoprotein content. Although the value has not changed much, the reduction is a good start."

Four people took the report.

They are quite familiar with the above indicators.

Looking down more and more.

The expressions on the faces of the four people changed.

The tears in the corners of his eyes gradually dried.


Happy like never before!

This is different from taking Sophie medicine to maintain the target.

Sophie is too expensive, and she cuts her heart with each bottle.

After taking Shen Zhe's medicine and seeing the content of these indicators, I felt a kind of surviving pleasure.

" this true?!"

They looked at the test sheet in disbelief.

"Of course." Shen Zhe smiled.

This is a good start.

Today is the first week of clinical trials.

The patient's various indicators have been maintained, and there has been no increase.

It also means that the drug he developed is likely to replace Sophie! .

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