One bottle of medicine for one course of treatment.

Another week later.

The volunteers ate for a full course of treatment.

The main ingredients of this medicine are the same as Sophie.

It's all Sophie Tosylate.

It's just that the other ingredients are somewhat biased.

But the effect is almost the same.

Inside the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Shen Zhe is sitting in the office.

Looking at the patient examination report this week and last week.

A full course of treatment.

The patient's indicators have stabilized.

And the susceptibility index value has declined.

It seems that you can apply for the market in advance.

The control of drugs around the world is very strict.

There is no approval from relevant departments, and there are no legal procedures such as clinical trials and production approvals.

Even if the medicine is real, it can really cure the disease.

Then it will still be considered as a counterfeit medicine.

Counterfeit drugs on the legal level and counterfeit drugs in the true sense are two concepts.

Shen Zhe thought so.

Suddenly a knock on the door sounded.

"Boom boom boom——"


The dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came in.

"Little Shen, part of the medicine has already been produced."

Through this time of contact and understanding.

The relationship between the two is getting better and better.

The title was also changed from the original Mr. Shen to Xiao Shen.

Shen Zhe nodded.

Drugs cannot be produced too much at once.

Because even if it is produced during this period, it still cannot be put on the market and cannot be sold.

When applying for a patent, it is not only necessary to state relevant achievements, provide relevant information, but also provide samples.

So even if it is produced.

It still takes a lot of time to complete all these procedures.

Fortunately, I met the dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. During this time, the two people got along well and had a good relationship.

The identity of the dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is enough to be convinced by many people.

These procedures are also very convenient.

Thinking about it, Shen Zhe doesn't worry anymore.

He asked, "Lao Zhang, has the production approval been issued?"

The dean chuckled, "Immediately, I will hand in the patient index report for the past half month. They said they have never seen an anti-cancer drug developed by China that can achieve this effect in a short period of time."

Speaking of this, the dean thought for a while, and then said, “In the past, various research institutes have tried to develop anti-cancer drugs, but unfortunately, the volunteers’ indicators have not changed, and some indicators have even increased. It can be said that this time The development of this is quite successful."

Shen Zhe nodded in satisfaction.

His "medical technology" is at the top.

He checked the details of this skill.

"Medical technology" includes Chinese medicine and Western medicine technology, as well as pharmaceutical technology.

In other words, not only medical technology is top-notch, but pharmaceutical technology is also top-notch.

So Shen Zhe is not worried.

"Have the cancer research results been written yet?" Shen Zhe asked.

"I have finished writing. Liu Yiyi, Zhou Su and Zhong Ning have not finished writing. They should be able to submit the application in a few days. I will urge them again."

The dean worried that the three-person study might not have much effect on the drug's introduction to the market.

He decided to go to battle in person.

"Okay, no hurry. The point is to do a good job of the research results. There is no problem with clinical trials now. It is a matter of time before the market is launched."

"Now there is one more question, what is the name of this medicine?" the dean suddenly asked.

"The name of the medicine..." Shen Zhe thought for a moment, and then said, "The main ingredient is Sophie tosylate. Let's call it Sophie tosylate."

The name is set.

Now there are some research results and production approvals.

This busy schedule is another few days.

Suddenly the dean hurried into Shen Zhe's office one day.

"Xiao Shen, there is good news!"

The dean was blushing, because he was so excited that even his hairstyle was messed up when he ran over.

"The drug we developed has been known to the director, and the director attaches great importance to it. Now that we have agreed to special handling and the opening of a green channel, it will pass the preliminary review immediately, and it will be listed immediately after a while. The director is very excited after seeing our report and asked The sooner the market, the better."

After all, this is something that benefits the country and the people.

Everything about clinical trial results and cancer research results reports was perfect.

There are 280 million cancer patients nationwide.

There are 10,000 new cancers.

Hundreds of thousands of people die of cancer every year.

Of course, the sooner this new drug that can replace Sophie comes out, the better.

The sooner it comes out, the more lives will be saved.

The green channel is not opened when you want to open it.

The reports submitted have been reviewed by several professionals.

They couldn't help but sigh.

I can't believe that anti-cancer drugs can be developed in such a short period of time.

But one by one data is in front of you.

The reports are true and there is nothing to worry about.

So the green channel opened.

This can replace Sophie's anti-cancer drug once it is marketed successfully.

Not only Chinese people can afford medicine.

It will also deal a fatal blow to Indian Sophie enterprises.

Although there are many pharmaceutical companies in China.

But most of the medicines with invention patents are medicines for the treatment of colds and fevers.

In the face of major diseases, no matter how big a pharmaceutical company is.

They are also helpless.

It's simply not comparable to other countries.

Can only do a small business.

It stands to reason that the normal process can take as little as a few months.

It will take several years to officially put the drug on the market.

Now that the green channel is open, everything is ready except east wind! .

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