The “momentum” exuded by Boss Yang was amazing

There is a posture that if you don’t agree, I will “bite you”

Twisted by her soft flesh around her waist, Lin Fei was also speechless in an instant:

“5 million is really too little.”

“Or Sister Honey, you look a little more?”

“8 million, how about I give you 24% of the shares of motorcycles?”

Hearing this, the smile on Boss Yang’s face instantly brightened

She doesn’t really care about the 2 million, after all, it’s a woman, and she likes to enjoy the fun of this haggling success

In the next second, she didn’t continue to stalk:

“Cheng, 8 million, I bought it.”

“Go back and keep an account yourself, and when the money earned by stock speculation arrives, you can directly deduct 8 million from it!”

8 million, bought 24% of the shares of motorcycles from Lin Fei

Boss Yang was still quite happy.

Just when she was about to ask Lin Fei if she had any other plans next

Suddenly, Boss Yang’s mobile phone rang.

The call was from Master Liu

Boss Yang took a look and directly chose to connect:

“Master, what’s wrong?”

“Is there something going on?”

On the phone, soon came the voice of Master Liu:

“Honey, what happened to you at the party just now?”

“Why did you offend President Zhou?”

Hearing this, Boss Yang was instantly stunned:

“Mr. Zhou?”

“Which Zhou Zong?”

“At the party just now, when did I offend someone?”

“Master, can you be clearer?”

Seeing that Boss Yang didn’t seem to know anything, Master Liu on the other end of the phone was also instantly stunned

In the next second, she could only helplessly describe what happened at the party after Boss Yang left.

It turned out that this so-called General Manager Zhou was the one who rejected Zheng Xiong at the party before.

His full name is Zhou Weiliang, and he is the chairman of a company called “Tianhai Investment”.

Originally, he and Yang Mi did not have any entanglements

But today, what Lin Fei did indirectly offended him.

At the charity gala, in front of so many celebrities from both political and business circles, he disparaged Zheng Xiong’s project as worthless

He also said that his project has no investment value at all.

As a result, within 3 seconds of saying the words, Lin Fei looked for him

In front of so many people, he said that he wanted to invest in this project

Mr. Zhou, who already had an excellent face, instantly felt that the face on his face was a little unbearable.

“Now it’s really easy for celebrities to get money!”

“You can earn money by bouncing, no wonder you don’t look at money as money!”

“What about an artist who is mixed in the entertainment industry, and his fame is a little bigger? Does she know what investment is? ”

Such words were all uttered by Mr. Zhou.

After describing what happened, Master Liu lowered his voice and said

“And I saw it, not just Mr. Zhou,”

he saw

“That Li Dahai also ran out and jumped up and down, fanning the flames.”

“Wasn’t he quite polite when he faced you before?”

“Looking at it like this now, how do you feel that it is also tied to you?”

“Honey, people like Li Dahai, although RP is not good, but don’t offend death.”

“In our circle, you don’t know!”

“Take precautions, the most difficult thing to prevent is the villain.”

“Don’t look back, he made some tricks.”

Hearing what Master Liu said, Boss Yang’s whole person was instantly stupid.

What’s going on?

Isn’t investing in motorcycle sharing bikes a decision made by Lin Fei?

It was also him who spoke out just now, what is this Mr. Zhou, what does she Boss Yang do?

When Lin Fei and Zheng Xiong talked about investment, did she say a word?

It’s always toxic this week!

After being in the entertainment industry for so long, Boss Yang can be regarded as sharp-minded

After just thinking about it for a few seconds, she guessed the reason behind this.

At this charity gala held just now, several people knew about Lin Fei’s relationship with him.

Lin Fei is his vice president, so it is very likely that everyone will think that all his actions are carried out at his own behest.

O conscience of heaven and earth,

To invest in [Mo’s Shared Bike], it is clear that Lin Fei’s own idea is good?

Can this also come to your own head?

This black pot is also too wronged, right?

At this moment, Boss Yang was almost vomiting blood.

“Master, I know about this.”

“What else is going on? You just said it together. ”

“Fortunately, I’m still young and should be able to carry it.”

Hearing what Boss Yang said, Master Liu continued to speak:

“Actually, Li Dahai’s guy is better.”

“But Mr. Zhou is different, he is really a big boss worth tens of billions.”

“It is also quite powerful in the entire Tianhai.”

“If you can, think of a way to clarify the misunderstanding as much as possible and resolve the contradiction.”

“Now with him saying this, it seems that many people present have begun to have a bad impression of you.”


Boss Yang was “black-faced” and listened to Master Liu’s call.

Seeing that she ended the call, Lin Fei asked with some curiosity:

“Sister Honey, what’s wrong?”

“Why is your face so ugly, what happened?”

Boss Yang couldn’t help but “glared” at Lin Fei and spoke

“What else could happen?”

“I carried a big black cauldron for you!”

“I feel that I have really been wronged, and I came to this charity gala, just to make a familiar face.”

“I didn’t expect that now, I still have become the focus of attention.”

“The entire banquet hall is actually talking about me, I Yang Mi is really lucky in three lives!”

With Boss Yang’s complaint, Lin Fei now also knew what happened in the banquet hall after they left

The next second, one didn’t hold back,

Lin Fei snorted and smiled

“Okay, Sister Honey, don’t complain.”

“Isn’t it just some gossip?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It’s not for others to carry the black pot, aren’t we our own people?”

“Think more of the happy things.”

“Isn’t this feeling better?”

Boss Yang couldn’t help but shake his head:

“I also want to think more about happy things, but I really can’t be happy.”

“I never thought I could hang up in front of so many business bigwigs.”

“It’s all thanks to you!”

This “you” word, Boss Yang gritted his silver teeth and said it.

In the next second, Lin Fei didn’t care:

“It’s okay, isn’t it just some jumping beam clowns?”

“If you are not optimistic, you are not optimistic?”

“When we make money on the shared bicycle project, look at the panic on the faces of this group!”


In the morning, ask for some flowers!!!

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