Seeing Lin Fei’s uncaring look, Boss Yang didn’t know what to say now.

Now I can only hope that this [motorcycle bicycle] really has potential.

Otherwise, at that time, it will be her Boss Yang who will be beaten in the face.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, 20 days passed.

Early in the morning, Boss Yang didn’t even eat breakfast, so he rushed to Lin Fei’s office.

“Lin Fei, what’s wrong?”

“Did the stock sell?”

“This time, are we making a lot of money?”

“How much did you earn? Fast… Tell me about it! ”

“Let me follow the surprise surprise!”

Today, it is the day when Lin Fei promised to sell the stock of [Hengshui Pharmaceutical] that he held in his hand

Boss Yang invested nearly 300 million in it, of which nearly 100 million was borrowed.

If something had gone wrong, she would have cried miserably.

But might Lin Fei disappoint her?


Last night, Lin Fei did not go home, he was resting in the office.

Wearing slippers, he brushed his teeth while turning on the computer

In the next second, Lin Fei’s mouth purred


“Sister Mi, I’m doing something, aren’t you still worried?”

“Look, it’s all cashed out!”

“How? Isn’t the profit this time very satisfactory? ”

Hengshui Pharmaceutical is a large-scale pharmaceutical research and development company with a market value of nearly 100 billion yuan

A dozen days ago, the company officially held a press conference to announce that they had developed a specific drug for the treatment of “coronary heart disease”.

Previously, when this specific drug was not developed, domestic drugs for this disease all relied on imports from abroad

Even if the price is expensive, the treatment effect is not particularly good.

After the advent of the special effect drug developed by Hengshui Pharmaceutical, it broke the monopoly deadlock of foreign pharmaceutical companies on the specific effect drug of the disease.

Therefore, as soon as the press conference was held, Hengshui Pharmaceutical’s stock price rose like chicken blood.

The stock price of [Hengshui Pharmaceutical], Lin Fei bought it was 60 yuan a share.

Now, the stock has risen to $132 at the opening today.

The soaring stock price unexpectedly [Hengshui Pharmaceutical] The company officially passed the hurdle of 100 billion enterprises.

In this regard, Lin Fei is quite happy, not only because he has made money, but also because he has seen the progress of the domestic pharmaceutical research and development industry.

According to the results of the system evaluation, 132 yuan should be the highest peak of the stock of [Hengshui Pharmaceutical] in recent times.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not hesitate to sell all the stocks he held at this moment.

They are already so hot, and those who want to take over are naturally in short supply.

In the blink of an eye, all the money from the sale of stocks returned to Lin Fei’s account.

Boss Yang invested: 295 million, plus the principal, she made a total profit of 649 million!

Lin Fei invested: 175 million, plus the principal, a total profit of 385 million

The profit point is 120%!

So now Lin Fei’s account suddenly has an extra 1 billion yuan.

Because the 0 after the number is too much

Boss Yang, who was watching, was rubbing his eyes repeatedly.

Can’t believe it’s true,

But I really wish I wasn’t dreaming.

That’s 100 million!

Exactly 10 billion ah!

Seeing this amazing number in Lin Fei’s account, Boss Yang finally couldn’t help it

She hugged at once…..”computer”!

“Lin Fei, quick, you pinch me!”

“Let me…. Let me know I’m not dreaming. ”

Seeing Boss Yang’s “unproductive” look, Lin Fei didn’t know what to complain about:

“Sister Honey, aren’t you inspired to become a strong woman?”

“Only 10 billion scared you like this?”

“Calm down, this is just the beginning, okay?”

“I told you a long time ago, follow me, sooner or later you have to take off.”

“What? Now you know how reliable I am!? ”

Hearing what Lin Fei said, Boss Yang almost wanted to point at Lin Fei and “spray” him fiercely

This is 1000 million, let me remain calm in the face of such an amazing number, you put this on hold, right?

However, when I think of the person standing in front of her, it is her veritable “gold lord father”

Boss Yang thought about it, but he quickly took back the hand he had just raised.

There are many companies that seem to have a market value of tens of billions, but if you let them take 1 billion in cash, few companies can do this kind of thing!

Boss Yang couldn’t figure out how Lin Fei could be so calm in the face of this huge amount of 1 billion yuan

Could it be that this is the “pattern” that he chants in his mouth all day long?

No, this guy has earned so much, and his heart must be even more excited than himself

He must have wanted to deliberately pretend in front of himself…. Calm down.

Oh, men are really good faces, for the sake of you taking me off, I won’t debunk you.

Thinking of this, Boss Yang couldn’t help it, and looked at the computer screen again.


I really want to dance in place!

“Lin Fei…. In the next month, I will cover all your food expenses and living expenses! ”


“I… I’m so happy!! ”


Boss Yang bought 295 million shares of [Hengshui] Pharmaceutical.

This time, she earned a net income of 354 million, plus the principal of 295 million, for a total of 649 million.

Subtract the 70 million that needs to be transferred to the road guide and the 80 million that needs to be repaid

There are also 499 million left!

After earning so much money, you only plan to treat yourself to a month’s meals?

Even if you count the food expenses, it’s a good pit daddy.

Compared with the last arrogant, “I will directly divide you in half”, Boss Yang’s gap is really too big.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei didn’t even continue to brush his teeth, and couldn’t help but complain:

“Net profit, earned a full 354 million!”

“Sister Mi, did you send me away from a month’s food expenses?”

“Compared to the last time… This time seems to be a little miserable! ”

Seeing Lin Fei’s complaining eyes, Boss Yang couldn’t help but roll his eyes cutely:

“What are you talking nonsense about?”

“How long have we known each other? Am I that kind of person? ”

“It’s still the same as last time, after deducting the principal, all the profits I earn will be divided among you in half!”

“Don’t think I’m such a petty family!”

“I told you before, messing with me, I can’t treat you badly.”

“How? Am I angry? ”


After saying these words, Boss Yang directly began to calculate.

“The principal is 295 million, minus this, the balance on my side should be 354 million.”

“Divide this number by 2, Lin Fei, when you transfer money to me, just leave 177 million directly!”


Ask for flowers!!!

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