Entertainment: Yang Mi Was Secretly Photographed In Love? That's My Brother

Chapter 104 Ma Xiaoyun Personally Picks Up The Plane, Respectful And Respectful, Not Daring To Overd

international airport.

A brand new Gulfstream airliner has parked at the oversized VIP channel for cargo transportation.

The whole body is smooth and graceful.

It is a combination of technology and art.

The Gulfstream is the quintessential private airliner.

The Gulfstream airliner that Chen Mo entrusted Jones Day to order was the one in front of him.

James Jerome promised to get it to Chen Mo within a week, and he did. It only took five days to deliver the Gulfstream G650 to Yanhuang.

It is not an easy task to get a Gulfstream airliner within five days.

Private jets like the Gulfstream generally have to be booked two to three years in advance, and all the interiors, instruments, and styles in the middle must be customized

Moreover, the design of the shape must be audited by international certification.

The process is also relatively troublesome, and from his design to production, each workpiece process is subject to professional review.

Therefore, it is not easy to get it done in such a short time, and it must have used a lot of connections.

And this brand-new Gulfstream G650 private airliner, after going through strict security checks, is currently parked at Yanjing Airport, waiting for Chen Mo to use at any time.

The front and back of this aircraft, from the initial design finalization, including all private customization of the interior, material selection, shape selection, etc., add up to more than 50 million US dollars.

Although 50 million US dollars is a very large sum of money for many companies, especially if it is a one-time cash out, but 50 million US dollars is like water for Chen Mo, and it is not a big sum of money.

Recently, Chen Mo sold some shares of Amazon because of the moth made by Jeff Bezos. He has a lot of US dollars in his hand and it is not a problem to take out 50 million at one time.

Now that the plane has arrived, it is inevitable to take the plane and enjoy the experience.

The entourage, such as secretaries and bodyguards, boarded the plane with Chen Mo, and the crew members were also carefully selected and hired with high salaries, and even conducted rigorous investigations.

The interior of the entire Gulfstream airliner is Chen Mo’s favorite color, and the seats are also made of genuine leather, made of yak leather from the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, which is wear-resistant and dirt-resistant, and the leather feels very comfortable to sit on.

After everyone was seated, the flight attendant came to Chen Mo and asked softly, "Mr. Chen, shall we leave now~L?"

Chen Mo nodded, and said casually: "Let's go, go to Hangzhou."

The Gulfstream passenger plane slowly entered the take-off runway, and the passengers at the airport who were queuing up to take off watched the brand-new and luxurious private jet pass by their plane through the window

All eyes showed envy.

"Which young master is this, traveling around the world in his own private jet..."

"When in this life can I take a private jet once, I will be satisfied."

"People are already flying in private jets, but I'm still flying in economy class. How can there be such a big gap between people!"

"Dad, I want a private jet too!"

"Forget it, you don't want a private jet, you want Dad to die..."

"Selling me is not enough to buy an airplane wheel, envy!"

When the plane took off to Hangzhou to meet Ma Xiaoyun, the assistant Qin Mingyang had already sent Ma Xiaoyun a message in advance.

"President Chen will arrive in Hangzhou in two hours..."

When Ma Xiaoyun received the notice, he became nervous. At this time, Chen Mo's private jet had just taken off, and Ma Xiaoyun was ready to pick up the plane.

Apart from anything else, he put down all the work at hand and immediately rushed to Hangzhou International Airport, waiting for Chen Mo to land.

There are running tracks for private jets in large airports, exclusive landing and take-off tracks.

Ma Xiaoyun has been waiting here for more than an hour, watching a Gulfstream airliner slowly descending from the sky, and when it began to enter the taxiing track, he couldn't wait to meet the landing.

As soon as the plane landed, Chen Mo saw Ma Xiaoyun's respectful smile standing below from the window of the plane.

Ma Xiaoyun's attitude is very respectful to Chen Mo.

in the earliest moments.

Chen Mo invested in Ali, made suggestions for Ali, and made a lot of general direction adjustments, otherwise Ali would not be able to become the current size.

Later, Chen Mo held a lot of shares in Alipay. With the exposure of pieces of news now, the company industry behind Chen Mo is also gradually becoming clear.

Chen Mo's business empire has also revealed the tip of the iceberg, and Ma Xiaoyun has to feel shocked, terrified, and at the same time extremely respect Chen Mo.

Due to Chen Mo's strategic decision-making and foresight, Ali has steadily entered the top international companies, and has developed in the cargo transportation platform, financial economy and other aspects.

Based on this, Ma Xiaoyun is already extremely grateful to Chen Mo, and now that he sees the tip of the iceberg of Chen Mo's business empire, he is naturally more and more in awe of Chen Mo.

The degree of attention has been so high that it cannot be matched.

So when the assistant informed Ma Xiaoyun of the news, Ma Xiaoyun quickly gave up all the meetings, conversations, and contracts in his hands, and put them all down. He didn't dare to delay for a moment and went to the airport, waiting anxiously, and now he has been standing here for an hour. twelve minutes.

That's why Chen Mo saw him at a glance.

The moment Ma Xiaoyun saw Chen Mo, the smile on his face subconsciously rose. Chen Mo got off the gangway of the plane, and he immediately went up to meet him.

After making enough gestures, he personally (Qian De's) helped Chen Mo down the stairs.

And this waist bowed slightly, showing enough respect.

Chen Mo was very satisfied after seeing it.

After all, now is the time when the entire Ali industry is full of glory. In terms of investment channels throughout the country, including their shopping platform, express delivery, and other industries, they have already reached the top.

Moreover, Ma Xiaoyun was very high-profile when giving speeches outside, and he wanted to let the whole country know who Ma Xiaoyun was and what he did, so that his deeds would be known to everyone.

Now at this time, when the limelight is in full bloom and the season is just in time, it is indeed difficult for him to be so respectful to Chen Mo.

It is enough to show that Ma Xiaoyun can clearly position himself.

Know how much you weigh and what you can do.

Self-knowledge is the most important thing in a person, and Ma Xiaoyun does this very well. .

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