Entertainment: Yang Mi Was Secretly Photographed In Love? That's My Brother

Chapter 105 Mr. Chen, You Are My God! Ma Xiaoyun's Five-Body Projection (2, Please Subscribe Au

Ma Xiaoyun successfully picked up the airport, led Chen Mo into the VIP channel, followed the airport to the Maybach motorcade that he was waiting for Chen Mo outside.

Chen Mo and Ma Xiaoyun ride together in Ma Xiaoyun's car, and some things are not convenient to say at the dinner table, but they can be chatted on the road.

After Chen Mo arrived, Ma Xiaoyun trotted forward and opened the car door sideways, covering the height of the car door for Chen Mo.

"Mr. Chen, please..."

After Chen Mo entered, Ma Xiaoyun ran to the other side of the car to enter again, while Qin Mingyang sat on the co-pilot.

When Ma Xiaoyun learned that Chen Mo was going to stay in Hangzhou, he had already booked a restaurant in advance. The location was the InterContinental Hotel in Hangzhou. It is the hotel with the highest star rating in Hangzhou. It is a seven-star hotel. The chefs inside are all foreign Michelin restaurants. When it was transferred back, in order to ensure the freshness of all the ingredients, the international shipping channels were specially opened, and Ma Xiaoyun also "worked tirelessly to express his sincerity.

In the car, Ma Xiaoyun sits sideways and only sits on a corner, just to make room for Chen Mo, who is also sitting in the back row. Even though the entire body of the Maybach is already spacious enough, Ma Xiaoyun still does it, to be honest comfort.

The team drove steadily forward for 520 degrees, and Chen Mo said: "I recently invested in the Haro bike-sharing project. The payment method of this project, Alipay, can be arranged to ensure the implementation of the Hello bike project..."

After hearing this, Ma Xiaoyun's face was wrinkled with a smile, and he even took a special notebook to write it down, and replied respectfully: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will handle the matter you have explained to you properly."

Chen Mo nodded, and then asked: "What is Ali's strategic arrangement for running the project?"

Ma Xiaoyun was startled, as if when he was distracted in class, he was suddenly clicked by the teacher, and suddenly attacked by the boss, so frightened that he was about to have a myocardial infarction.

Ma Xiaoyun replied with trepidation: "At present, the projects run by Ali have achieved good results. Taobao, Alipay, and Ali Pictures have all undergone industrial upgrading. At present, Ali's latest project is to upgrade its overseas business on the basis of Taobao. The name is Haitao. The business model of common connection of products, and optimized Tmall supermarket to become an online supermarket shopping integration, is an upgraded version of Taobao, to meet the needs of more and different users, and strive to achieve full coverage of the people's livelihood of the Ali industry."

The Ali business that Ma Xiaoyun talked about is the high-level confidential business of Ali.

Commercial Internet companies pay attention to speed. The better the idea is, the faster it is implemented, and the wider the economic benefits will be. For Internet companies, the safest place for planning in these industries is to stay obediently in the safe .

Faced with Chen Mo's cross-examination, Ma Xiaoyun, of course, told the whole story without reservation, and had no intention of hiding anything.

Chen Mo nodded frequently, not appreciating Ma Xiaoyun's many plans.

I heard that Ma Xiaoyun wants to upgrade users on the basis of Taobao, further strengthen the high-end market, and eliminate a large number of substandard merchants to cope with the current rise of JD.com, which is the Tmall Mall optimization project.

When he said this, Chen Mo curled his lips and smiled, interrupted Ma Xiaoyun's report midway, and asked in a provocative way.

"What is the initial goal of users' online shopping?"

Ma Xiaoyun thought for a while, and blurted out: "Cheap and cost-effective."

The answers were fluent, and then Chen Mo asked a fatal question: "If you want to upgrade Taobao to the high-end market, although the profit can be doubled, the user base and traffic will drop precipitously. Have you ever thought of it?"

A bolt from the blue, although Ma Xiaoyun's proposal was excellent, but not well thought out, Chen Mo hit the nail on the head with one sentence.

At the beginning, everyone wanted to use Taobao because they thought that online shopping would be cheaper and save a few dollars. Now the price of Taobao has been increasing year by year, and the original advantages are gone.

With the development of Taobao's high-end industry, the corresponding product quality has also increased, but for users, there is no difference between buying on Taobao (aiac) and buying offline, and they can see and feel it offline, but not necessarily online. This advantage, if Taobao goes down this road, it is bound to gradually lose market share.

Ma Xiaoyun was taken aback, his back was sweating, and his entire shirt was about to be soaked. Chen Mo smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, there is no 100% perfect plan. I just want to remind you to take advantage of Taobao and carry forward Only Taobao’s user style can make the industry bigger again..."

Ma Xiaoyun's mind is a mess right now, it would be good to be able to write down Chen Mo's words verbatim, let alone think deeply.

Chen Mo clicked it, but he didn't seem to understand it, so Chen Mo continued to explain to him: "You can do high-end, but don't give up the low-end market, and if you want to sink in the low-end market, you might as well set up a Taobao special edition .”

"A good product means a more expensive price. A TV set worth one or two hundred yuan may also be the demand of many people. There are a large number of domestic user demands for things that are cheap and of average quality."

These words were enlightening, and Ma Xiaoyun was thinking in a 180-degree Thomas spiral in his mind.

Only Chen Mo knows how much impact the development of Pinxixi will have on Ali's shopping platforms in the future.

The sinking market will be a very big growth point, and it can open up a space in the low-end market. Accumulating users is the kingly way for Internet companies, and users are the ancestors. This is an area for the development of the Internet industry.

After Ma Xiaoyun figured it out, she was so shocked that her eyes almost fell off.

Everyone wants to climb up, and it is very difficult for anyone to sink the market, especially Ma Xiaoyun has been thinking about improving product quality in the past two years. I did it in the high-end area of ​​Tmall.

Relatively speaking, the profits of high-end products are very considerable. Selling one high-end product is sometimes even worth the profit of selling hundreds of low-end products.

But after Ma Xiaoyun has been on the top for so many years, he seems to have forgotten the huge number of people. Not everyone buys cosmetics only with brand names, buys high-end TVs only, buys lamps that cost thousands of dollars, and buys trash cans with polyester. able to degrade.

There are still a lot of people who are constantly struggling in their lives. They are willing to buy cheap things, and they don’t care whether the thing is good or not. The low price is enough to attract them


Ma Xiaoyun seems to have found another development path now, and I am very grateful to Chen Mo for his enlightening guidance.

Putting your hands together and clasping your fists, you kept thanking: "Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books. You are really the lighthouse on the road of Ali's enterprise development..."

And Ma Xiaoyun solemnly guaranteed: "I will definitely do a good job with this proposal and make it perfect. I will never let you down......"

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