Ouch! Qiao Erzhang, you..."

After Xu Fuyou saw clearly that it was Qiao Erqiang, Qiao Erqiang's electric baton had already hit Xu Fuyou.

After dragging Xu Fuyou out, Qiao Erqiang rounded his fists and beat him so hard that Xu Fuyou cried for his father and mother.

"I tell you, Qiao Erqiang, you are committing a crime, you... oh! Spare your life! Spare your life..."

Qiao Erqiang has experience in dealing with such things. If he gives him a good beating and lets him talk about it slowly, there will be unexpected gains.

Half an hour later, Qiao Erqiang was sitting on the stool, and Xu Fuyou was huddled in the corner.

"Second Qiang, I really don't mean to defraud your father of money. This seafood deal is a one-time deal, and your father has to get involved.

I have no choice but to make another mistake. Not to mention your dad, even I lost everything this time..."

Qiao Erqiang pressed the electric baton button: "Xu Fuyou, think about it before you think about it. I'm telling you, I have someone who can inquire about your seafood business.

Now gives you a chance to reorganize the language! "

Xu Fuyou...

You told me earlier, and don’t you care about your father? Why did you come to support him?

When Xu Fu realized that he couldn't be deceived, he had no choice but to tell the truth.

As for the money matter, Xu Fuyou couldn't do anything. It had been so long, and the little money Xu Fuyou deceived Qiao Zuwang had long been squandered.

Qiao Erqiang put away the tape recorder: "Xu Fuyou, let me tell you, if you want to lie to others in the future, you'd better think about the consequences.

Qiao Zuwang, you can lie to me as long as you can handle it. "

Qiao Erqiang left, taking the evidence with him!

At this time, Qiao Erqiang also understood why Qiao Zuwang was bitten to death at the police station without saying why he was fighting. He also understood why Xu Fuyou was so confident.

To put it bluntly, this matter between Qiao Zuwang and Xu Fu was illegal. If it was revealed, not only would they not get their money back, but they would also be fined.

It's not impossible that he might be sentenced. Besides, Qiao Zuwang had another idea, what if he could get it back?

I have to say that Qiao Zuwang is really naive sometimes. Even now, he still wants to get money from a scammer.

Qiao Erqiang returned home and put the tape recorder on the table: "Come over and listen."

When the play button was pressed, Xu Fuyou’s voice came from inside~

“The seafood business is a one-time deal, and I don’t even think about doing it a second time.

Your dad came to find me. I didn't want to do it at first, but I couldn't stand it and he said it several times, so I agreed.

But I didn't throw away the seafood because I knew that even if I got there, I wouldn't be able to transport the seafood back.

So I wandered there for a few days, and then I said that I couldn't find the carriage, the seafood was spoiled, and the prices had been reduced.

But don’t worry, Erqiang, give me some time and I will definitely return all the money to your father..."


Qiao Erqiang turned off the recorder.

Chapter 676 Qiao Zuwang is a bad old man

"This is Xu Fuyou, I'll go find him..." Qiao Zuwang couldn't keep his face, so he got up and went to find Xu Fuyou.

He, a person who is known as Qiao Jingshazi, actually let others treat him like a donkey. This...

"What are you looking for? If you look for it, Xu Fu will go directly to the police station. In the case of you two, people don't care whether you are really opportunistic or not, they will arrest you directly.

You, consider yourself unlucky!

Day by day, if you don’t have that diamond, you still want to get a porcelain job. Are you the businessman? Do you know how to do business?

There is a saying that goes well, a thousand taels of gold cannot be sold, and people can make good money by buying and selling, so why should I take you with me?

What's going on? Money pricks your hand?

Also, Qiao Zuwang, don’t think about getting rich. If you do, God will be struck by lightning.

You have a smoky moral character and selfish virtues, but you still want to get rich? Have you accumulated that virtue?

But one thing surprised me. Where did you get so much money? Didn’t you see it? You’ve saved a lot! "

"Where did I save up? For this transaction, I sold all my ancestral jade bracelets. I finally collected so much money, but I was deceived by Xu Fuyou..."

Qiao Zuwang might have been cheated out of money, and Qiao Erqiang hadn't lost his temper for a long time, so Qiao Zuwang began to show some of his true nature again.

"Okay, no one cares about your things. Since you have so much money, I won't say anything else. Qiao Yicheng, give him less money in the future.

Suqin, after buying him rice and noodles every month from now on, just give him fifty yuan a month for food. Don’t give him more.

He is a man who acts like a monster when he has money, but is more honest when he has no money. "

Soon, arrangements were made for Qiao Yicheng's job transfer. To put it bluntly, Qiao Yicheng was not an irreplaceable person at Kyoto TV.

Professional skills and so on can only be regarded as superior. In this place, there are elites from all walks of life, and Qiao Yicheng is not very conspicuous.

It's different here in Yuecheng. Qiao Yicheng is not conspicuous in Kyoto, but here in Yuecheng, those who graduated from Kyoto Renmin University are famous in Yuecheng.

Qiao Yicheng took the position of deputy director when he came to Taiwan. Of course, the chief director only showed him the way and guided him so that he could have time to adapt. Sooner or later, the position of director would be his.

I have to say that this step taken by Qiao Yicheng can be regarded as the right one.

Everything in the Qiao family is on track. Qiao Qiqi also successfully graduated from elementary school. As for middle school~

No matter how hard she worked, Qiao Qiqi would never give up on getting her high school diploma.

Qiao Yicheng has a headache just because of Qiao Qiqi's math. Now when it comes to tutoring Qiqi in math, Qiao Yicheng backs off, which shows Qiao Qiqi's learning ability.

However, Qiao Yicheng doesn't care much about Qiao Qiqi's academic performance, because the comics Qiao Qiqi draws now have some loyal readers in Hong Kong Island and Japan.

Qiao Yicheng still knows these.

As a journalist, Qiao Yicheng can collect some information about Hong Kong Island without being deliberate.

Although Qiao Erqiang is low-key, there are some things that he can't be low-key about.

"Qiqi, if you go to Hong Kong Island with me this time, we will go to Japan again if possible. The comic fans in Japan are different from those in Hong Kong Island. You have to be mentally prepared..."

Qiao Qiqi is worthy of being named by Aunt Wu since childhood: the most iconic child of the Qiao family.

Although he is not yet an adult, this head, this eyebrow, is definitely a young man.

Especially this deep look learned from Qiao Yicheng, a definitely melancholy boy.

For this reason, Qiao Erqiang was afraid that someone would take Qiqi away and keep her at home.

Qiqi has "drawn" many classics based on the stories provided by Qiao Erqiang.

From the first summer of the little monster to the current serialization of the three major comics of migrant workers, Qiao Qiqi Qiye's reputation is extraordinary.

This time is to cooperate with the publicity and to let Qiqi adapt to the feeling of being the center of attention, otherwise Erqiang would never agree to this.

Qiao Yicheng looked at this family and was very pleased. Qiao Erqiang was waiting to get married when he reached the age, and Sanli was about to graduate.

Sanli has never been a worry, except that Erqiang occasionally had a headache about Sanli's love problems, there was no headache.

Simei also dreams of becoming an actor, but it is said that being a supporting actor there is not very ideal. In the words of Qiao Erqiang~

It's just that she can't bear the hardship and loves to dream.

Qiqi has already earned a lot of royalties. It must be said that the things Qiqi draws are still quite interesting.

What Qiao Yicheng likes most is Zhiyong. Zhiyong is not only good at studying, but also has a good attitude.

He is so young, but he often helps his uncle Qiqi with his lessons, but he doesn't show any impatience or contempt.

With this character, even Qiao Erqiang said that he will become a great man!

Alas, if Qiao Zuwang doesn't do evil, this family will be beautiful.


Qiao Zuwang is such a rogue. He is so old and his pension is about to start. Qiao Erqiang is also thinking about stopping his money.

Ma Suqin is not often at home because she has to deal with things in Hong Kong Island and take care of Qiao Simei.

Qiao Erqiang is also a demon warder, so Qiao Zuwang dare not get involved. After thinking about it, he can only ask Qiao Yicheng.

If you ask Qiao Yicheng for money, Qiao Yicheng will not refuse to give it. Now Qiao Yicheng is receiving the salary and benefits of the director, and you don't need your 100 or 80 yuan.

But Qiao Zuwang took a different approach. He did not ask Qiao Yicheng for money, but went to Aunt Wu's house next door to steal salted chicken gizzards.

It would be fine if you stole once or twice, but once Aunt Wu showed it to him, he would steal it as soon as she turned around.

Then he scattered the gizzards all over the floor, and Aunt Wu chased the gizzards on the floor to Qiao Zuwang.

Naturally, a quarrel was inevitable, but Qiao Zuwang looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water, and Wu Guifen could do nothing about him.

Not only did he not get the gizzards back, but he was also very angry!

It was impossible to reason with him, so he could only talk to the children of the Qiao family. Qiao Zuwang could find a time to talk, but Qiao Erqiang was not at home.

When he found Qiao Yicheng, he was so angry that his face turned blue, but he really had no way to deal with Qiao Zuwang.

Qiao Yicheng was afraid of losing face, so in order to stop Qiao Zuwang from stealing things, he could only spend money to settle the matter.

Qiao Zuwang also asked for half of Qiao Yicheng's salary. Qiao Yicheng wanted to call Qiao Erqiang right away...

Finally, after negotiation, Qiao Zuwang left happily and promised not to steal again.

Qiao Yicheng didn't tell Qiao Erqiang about these things. Qiao Erqiang was busy enough every day, so he shouldn't bother him with these trivial matters.

Besides, Qiao Yicheng also had his dignity, and it was time for him, as the eldest brother, to handle some things.

Chapter 677 Qiao Simei, who deserves a beating

Qiao Simei is finally going back to Yuecheng.

Since arriving in Hong Kong Island that year, Qiao Simei has been traveling back and forth between Hong Kong Island and Shenzhen City, and can only stay for a few days when she goes home once a year.

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