In the artist training class, Qiao Simei sent off three batches of graduates, and then went to the crew to play a minor role. Later, she stopped playing minor roles and learned makeup...

Qiao Erqiang didn't care about her. As long as she didn't fall in love, she could do whatever she wanted.

However, there were some things that needed to be asked, such as which actor she favored.

Qiao Simei's usual behavior of looking at faces made Qiao Erqiang know that the ambitions of her agency were still a long way to go.

Now Qiao Erqiang was too lazy to care about Qiao Simei. This time, he asked her to go back, and he also wanted Qiao Yicheng to talk about Qiao Simei. Maybe she would get it.

But Qiao Erqiang didn't expect that Qiao Simei's return this time would actually cause a big conflict...


Qiao Erqiang sent Qiao Simei away, straightened Qiao Qiqi's cap, pressed it down, and then took out a pair of sunglasses for Qiqi to wear.

"Don't take it off. If you don't wear sunglasses, the flashlight will blind you. Don't be nervous. You have to get used to it slowly.

If you are really nervous, just treat the people outside as nothing..."

Qiao Erqiang came over to support Qiao Qiqi. This time, there were a lot more people at the book signing because of Qiao Erqiang.

"Second brother, I'm not nervous! It's just, just a little..."

"Okay! It's good that you're not nervous. It's time to go out!" Qiao Erqiang stepped out first.

"Click, click..."

Countless flashlights lit up, and then Qiqi came out. As everyone exclaimed, they pressed the shutters in their hands quickly.

I didn't expect Qiye to be so handsome. With this face, Qiye can be an idol without any problem.

Qiao Qiqi was not afraid of interviews. After all, he had seen his eldest brother interview many times, and his second brother was sitting next to him. Although Qiao Qiqi didn't say much, his answers were very decent.

The next part was the book signing. However, halfway through the book signing, Qiao Erqiang had to protect Qiao Qiqi and fled.

The signing session probably changed after the first girl kissed Qiao Qiqi and Qiao Qiqi looked stunned...

"Too fierce!" Qiao Qiqi said while wiping the sweat off his head.

"When women act like hooligans, men have nothing to do. Qiqi, being too handsome is not a good thing. Boys, you must protect yourself when you go out!"

Qiao Qiqi...

I suspect you are implying something, but I have no evidence.

Although the signing session was only halfway through, Qiqi's comics sales have risen by more than one level.

After seeing Qiao Qiqi's appearance, everyone liked his comics even more.

Especially the surprised and innocent expression on Qiao Qiqi's face after being kissed, which made Qiqi, who had not yet arrived in Japan, completely popular.

Countless comic fans took Qiqi's poster and became Qiqi's cheering group...


"Ring, ring, ring..."

Qiao Erqiang completed the formalities for Qiqi to go to Neon, took a comfortable bath, and the phone on the table rang.

"Suqin! Suqin! Answer the phone..." Qiao Erqiang said while wiping the water off his hair.

"Second brother, how little do you care about your sister-in-law? My sister-in-law was in the company tonight and didn't come back at all.

Hey, now I doubt that if your sister-in-law is gone, you won't even know which leg to take the first step."

Qiao Qiqi said on the second floor.

"Hey? You stinky boy, you're talking about your second brother, you're rebelling!" Qiao Erqiang said with a smile and picked up the phone.

"Hello! This is Qiao Mansion, who are you looking for?"

"What do you mean who are you looking for? Erqiang, something happened! Something big happened!" Qiao Yicheng's voice came from inside.

"Tell me slowly, what's the matter?"

"This is what happened..."

As Qiao Yicheng spoke, Qiao Erqiang's face slowly changed color.

What happened?

Qiao Simei, Qiao Simei ran away from home, or it would be more appropriate to say that she eloped.

For such a long time, although Qiao Simei had contact with celebrities, her feelings towards herself had never changed.

It's just that she always felt that celebrities were not real and it was impossible for her to fall in love with them.

Idols can be admired, but Qiao Simei doesn't dare to marry them.

Moreover, after such a long period of observation, Qiao Simei found that idols did not live in reality, and even crying and laughing required the company's consent.

Love and the like were not allowed...

Living like a person in the mirror.

This made Qiao Simei suppress that thought. After being sent back by Qiao Erqiang this time, Qiao Yicheng nagged her for a few words.

As a result, Qiao Simei was annoyed by the nagging, and fate arranged that she still met the scumbag Qi Chenggang who was destined to be her.

A junior high school senior, in a military uniform, with a masculine face...

All of this perfectly interprets all the beauty of Qiao Simei, so the shameless Qiao Simei ran away.

It took less than a month from the time the two met to the time Qiao Simei chased Qi Chenggang.

Of course, Qiao Yicheng only knew that she ran away after a soldier, but he didn't know where exactly.

Now we only know that Qiao Simei ran away!

Qiao Erqiang thought for a while: "Brother, don't worry, I'll go find her right away. You go ask the aunts, uncles, and uncles at the station first, ask them if they have seen Qiao Simei.

To put it more seriously, say that Qiao Simei was deceived, and see if anyone knows which direction she went.

I have arranged it here, and I will set out to find her right away!"

Putting down the phone, Qiao Erqiang quickly called Ma Suqin: "Suqin, you'll be back soon. I have something to tell you."

Qiao Erqiang started to sort out his clothes. Did he know that in the play, Qiao Simei ran away from home this time, which led to her tragic life.

To be honest, Qiao Simei is like this because she soaked her feet. Not only does she not deserve sympathy, she should also be given a word: Damn!

But, no matter what, it was still a cabbage that he had raised. It was okay to be humiliated by a pig, but being humiliated by a plague pig made Qiao Erqiang feel a little unbalanced.

I originally thought that Qiao Simei could make some progress, but to my surprise, she is still the same love-minded and pretty girl.

I thought she could make some changes, but I didn't expect...

"Second brother, what's wrong?" Qiao Qiqi saw that Qiao Erqiang's face was not very good, so she asked.

"What's wrong? Your fourth sister has lost face and eloped with others! I have to go back to find her.

Next, go to Neon. I can't accompany you. Your sister-in-law will come over later and I will explain it to her.

In addition, that team will follow you and follow the agreed route. Don't be fooled by them into adding new routes. It's not safe.

Try not to go out at night, and come back as soon as possible..."

Chapter 678 Find Qiao Simei

Soon, Ma Suqin came back, put down the bag in her hand, and after understanding the situation~

"Second Qiang, don't worry. You don't have to worry here. I'll accompany Qiqi. Don't worry about Simei. If something goes wrong..."

"Haha, a good thing? Can Qiao Simei's attitude in choosing a mate bring good things? Okay, you should worry more about this. I will capture Qiao Simei as soon as possible."

"Don't..." Ma Suqin wanted to say something else, but Qiao Erqiang dragged the suitcase away.

"Fourth sister really went too far this time!" Qiao Qiqi said.

"Hey, I didn't know she was going too far? I'm just afraid that your second brother's temper might beat up your fourth sister, and your fourth sister won't be able to think about it anymore..."

After Qiao Erqiang arrived in Shencheng, he immediately booked a plane ticket to the plateau.

According to Qiao Yicheng's description, Qiao Erqiang had a 90% guess that this person was Qi Chenggang.

As for how to find Qiao Simei, let’s talk about it later.

Qiao Erqiang got off the plane and a gust of wind blew over him. Qiao Erqiang almost lost his breath. After so many years, he came to this place again. It was really kind of friendly.

Let’s make a phone call first: “Hey, brother, do you have Simei’s phone number at home? Is there any news about her at the train station?”

"A call came, but it didn't say where I was. Fortunately, I got some news at the station~

Simei went to the plateau border area, and the man she was chasing was named Qi Chenggang. I am looking for his army phone number, and I should be able to contact him.

I'm calling from unit to unit asking, where are you? Su Qin called yesterday, and you came over by boat the night before..."

"Oh, I'm in the border area. Brother, go to the post office and have a look. It's impossible for Qiao Simei's brain to remember the address.

There can't be many letters from the border areas to us, so go and have a look. Also, go to Qi Chenggang's hometown and have a look..."

Qiao Erqiang gave the plan. Qiao Yicheng nodded repeatedly and hung up the phone. Qiao Yicheng had a doubt~

How could the two strong men not know beforehand and go to the frontier first? How did he know?

Qiao Erqiang hung up the phone and looked at the sky. Hey, let's take a walk. As for Qiao Simei, there shouldn't be any danger for the time being. It's okay to let her suffer.

Don't just dream every day.

Qiao Simei was now calling the army with excitement. Just like before, she was fooled into getting off the bus early.

The army also has a headache. You name it, we are not opposed to free love, but you have to at least let your family know, right?

This is simply ignorant.

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