Era of Breakdown

Chapter 16 Caltech (1/3) Subscription

Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

Kirishima Touka took out her mobile phone from her skirt pocket, and quickly glanced at the incoming call on the screen.

Looking up at the store manager, "Excuse me, I'll answer the phone first."

In the corridor on the second floor of the 'Antique' coffee shop, Touka Kirishima turned on a friend's call.

"Hello? What can I do for you?"

"Dong Xiangjiang! Dong Xiangjiang! Wow! Great news!"

He could hear Yizi's excitement on the other side of the phone, and Dong Xiang had to move the phone away from the pinna to ensure that her hearing would not be affected.

"What's the matter?" Dong Xiang asked suspiciously, "Did you draw the invitation for 'Sakura Rin'?"

"No, no, no! The prerequisite for enjoying delicious food is to earn enough money, and most of the prerequisite for making money is to have a diploma from a prestigious school."

Yizi's voice on the phone was still highly excited, but Dong Xiang was still puzzled.

The Qingsi high school they attended can only be said to be so-so, and the gap between graduation from a prestigious school is very far away, and there is no relationship between the two.


"Dong Xiangjiang? Are you listening?"

"Yeah." Dong Xiang suppressed her doubts, but her thoughts jumped into the distance. She once heard that someone was preparing to study abroad in the second year of high school. Her human friend Yizi, could it be the same...

Thinking of this, Dong Xiang felt a little lonely. She had only a handful of friends in the human world, and no one in the class would talk to her except Xiaoban Yizi.

Now... even the one and only friend is leaving?

"Have you heard of Caltech?"

"Hmm." Dong Xiang wasn't in a very high mood. After sorting out her mood, she thought about how to congratulate her friend.

"We're all accepted!"

"Congratulations, Yizi, you...wait!" Dong Xiang asked in surprise, "What did you say?"

"We have all been admitted by this world-renowned university!" Yizi's excited voice came from the handset.

Kirishima Touka was not dazzled by the news, and Liu Mei frowned. She had also heard about the preparations needed to study abroad before, and things were very complicated. They...didn't do anything, how could they be admission?

"Yizi." Dong Xiang's tone was serious: "Beware of liars."

"Our family thought so at the beginning." Yizi's words came: "But it was the school teacher who informed us that the admission letter had been mailed to the school. The teacher said that it was directly sent to the school by the official mailbox of Caltech. message."

Kirishima Touka's furrowed willow eyebrows did not relax at all, but became tighter, and her tone was even slightly distorted because of the sharpness: "How is this possible?! The world's famous schools will admit us two Yingzhou students who are not top grades for no reason. High school students? And we don't have any applications, let alone pass those tests!"

"Hmm~ have you forgotten the pure English answer sheet we filled out half a month ago?"


The corridor was filled with the sound of Dong Xiang walking back and forth. She was still very vigilant about this matter. They did write a pure English answer sheet distributed by the school half a month ago. Choose a painting and hand it in.

Just because of this? It's too weird, right? Have scammers gone this far?

"Dong Xiangjiang, don't get excited. The school teachers didn't believe it at first. They went to Caltech's official website to check, and then called to inquire about it. They confirmed the matter. The notice had already arrived in their hands yesterday, but It's just been confirmed."

"Really?" Dong Xiang still couldn't believe that such a bizarre thing would happen to her. And even more coincidentally, he and his best friend were selected together!

"Isn't there a pheasant university abroad called Caltech?" Dong Xiang still questioned.

"Oh~" There was a sigh from Yizi Xiaoban: "In the evening, you can call to inquire. Tomorrow we will go to school to see what the teacher said. As far as I know, all high schools in Tokyo have filled out There were very few applicants for that paper."

Dong Xiang racked her brains to think back, she just scribbled on the pure English paper, is that all right?


Kirishima Touka returned to the coffee shop in a trance, and looked at the clerk who was sharing the food of "Sakura Rin no Ma".

"What's wrong? Dong Xiang?" The only store manager who didn't eat human food turned around, and it was the first ghoul who felt that Dong Xiang's spirit was not right.

Dong Xiang looked at the store manager and said in a daze, "I seem to have been admitted to Caltech somehow."

"Oh?" The chubby man in a waiter's uniform turned around and said, "Caltech is from the United States. It seems to be quite famous in the human world, isn't it a prestigious school?"

Dong Xiang shifted her gaze to the man. This slightly fat man who looks friendly is actually an SS-level ghoul. He used to be the boss of the "Magic Ape" organization in District 20. His name is Gujian Yuaner. Barista in vintage coffee shop.

"I remember that Dong Xiang's grades are not bad, but they haven't reached the level of entering such a famous human school, right? Beware of fraud."

Touka Kirishima looked at the female shop assistant again.

He has black hair and looks aloof when no one is around, but he is actually an SS-level ghoul. He used to be the leader of the "Black Mandala" organization. His strength is almost the same as that of the "Magic Ape", and he also has a large number of subordinates. The name is Rujianxuan, now

Now is a clerk in an antique coffee shop.

"Have you asked?" asked the manager of the antique coffee shop, an old man who was always smiling and very kind on weekdays.

"Yes, there are inquiries from the school and Yizi, and there is a 70% chance that it is true."

"It's outrageous." Gu Jianyuan put down the melons and fruits in his hands, "Ghouls are not welcome in the United States. No matter what the reason is, it's best not to set foot in that country."


The next day, Kirishima Touka, who received the admission notice, was still in a trance. Last night, she also called to ask questions. She talked with the other party in her half-baked English for about half an hour before she figured out the cause and effect.

The excited expression on Yoshiko's face, and the horror of the United States rumored in the ghoul world, the only three countries in the world that eliminate ghouls...

She definitely can't go, go there, maybe the ghoul expelling department from the United States will kill her as soon as she gets off the plane.

For some reason, Kirishima Touka was always restless.

As if she would be in danger if she went to the United States, she would be in danger if she stayed in Yingzhou!

Back at the antique coffee shop, Kirishima Touka changed into a waiter uniform and started working in the coffee shop.

The TV hanging in the coffee shop started broadcasting the news again.

This time it is an interview program with "Ghoul Experts".

"Professor Mishima, what do you think of the current ghouls?"

The bald and greasy middle-aged man in the picture began to talk freely...

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